
  1. 22.用桉树精油按摩肌肉。

    22 . Use eucalyptus for a muscle rub .

  2. 洗完热水澡后,我帮你好好来个精油按摩。

    And after your hot bath , I 'll give you a nice oil massage .

  3. 还有,我认为所有的精油按摩对我来说,也可能有点太臭了。

    Nick : Also , I think all that aromatherapy would be a little too smelly for me .

  4. 选择薄荷、金花与甘菊之类可消除肿胀的植物精油来按摩,兼具轻盈与提神之功效,非常合适。

    Flower of choice mint , gold and pleasant chrysanthemum and so on can eliminate oil of tumid plant essence of life to massage , hold concurrently lightsome with life-giving effect , very appropriate .

  5. 缓解头痛,可以用一滴迷迭香或熏衣草精油在后颈上按摩。

    Ease headache pain by rubbing a drop of Rosemary or Lavender oil onto the back of your neck .

  6. 适合与之调和的精油:黑胡椒精油适合加入多种精油按摩配方,能加强温暖、辛辣和提神的的效果,但值得注意的是,其用量非常之少。

    Blends well with : Black Pepper is a valuable addition to many Aromatherapy blends , adding warmth , spice and inspiration , when used in very small amounts .