
  • 网络clay mineral
  1. 铝土矿伴生粘土矿综合利用探讨

    Discussion on the Comprehensive Utilization of Associated Clay Minerals in Bauxite Deposit

  2. 吸附稀土的粘土矿离子交换平衡研究

    Studies of ion exchange equilibrium in clay minerals of adsorbed rare earth

  3. 粘土矿中物相的X射线衍射定量分析

    X-ray quantitative analysis of clay mineral phase

  4. 本溪组成矿系列主要有G层铝土矿,其次是山西式铁矿、硬质耐火粘土矿、软质耐火粘土矿和伴生镓元素。

    The minerogenetic series of the Benxi Formation mainly includes G-bed bauxite , followed by Shanxi - type iron ores , stiff fireclay , soft fireclay , and associated gallium elements .

  5. 矿层平均厚度为2m左右,累托石粘土矿平均含量为54.83%,黄铁矿平均含量为26.73%。

    The deposit is sedimentary deposit . The average thickness of the ore bads is about 2m and the mean content of rectorite is 54.83 % , pyrite : 26.73 % .

  6. 四川地区海泡石粘土矿的地质特征及分布规律

    Geological Features and the Distribution of Sepiolite Deposits in Sichuan Province

  7. 凹凸棒土是一种以凹凸棒石为主要成分的粘土矿。

    Attapulgite clay is a kind of mine that taking attapulgite as basis .

  8. 浅谈山东省硬质粘土矿的开采

    Talking About Mining on Hard Clay Mine in Shandong

  9. 安徽淮北烈山粘土矿的粘土矿物

    Clay minerals in clay ores at lie shan , huaibei , anhui Province

  10. 风化粘土矿作为路基填料的探讨

    Approach to Weathered Clay Mineral as Filler for Subgrade

  11. 西宁煤田尔麻粘土矿特征

    Features of Clay Ore in Erma of Xining Coal-field

  12. 南方混合粘土矿中稀土配分研究

    Study on rare earth distribution patterns of complex clay ore in southern China

  13. 红外漫反射法在粘土矿表面氯酚光降解研究中的应用

    A Study on Photodegradation of Chlorophenols on Clay Surface by Diffuse Reflectance FTIR

  14. 西宁盆地坡缕石粘土矿的地质特征

    Geological Characteristics of Palygorskite Clay Minerals in Xining Basin

  15. 膨润土粘土矿吸附重金属的研究

    Adsorption of heavy metals on bentonite clay mineral

  16. 膨润土粘土矿吸附焦化废水中氨氮的研究

    Study of adsorption NH3-N in solution by Bentonite

  17. 分析粘土矿物理化性能的方法很多。

    There are many methods to analyze the clay mineral physics and chemistry function .

  18. 克东红粘土矿地质概况及其应用

    Geological Survey on Red Clay in Kedong County

  19. 甘肃临泽凹凸棒石粘土矿开发应用研究

    The Exploitation and Application of the Attapulgite Clay Deposit in Linze , Gansu Province

  20. 海泡石粘土矿的性能及用途

    The Function and Application of Sepiolite Clay

  21. 试论贵州耐火级高铝粘土矿资源的合理开发利用

    A Preliminary Discussion on Rational Exploitation and Utilization of Refractory High-Al Clay Ores in Guizhou

  22. 珠江三角洲冲积粘土矿分质分采及其质量控制

    The Selective Mining to Quality of Pearl River Delta Alluvial Clay Mine and Its Quality Control

  23. 粘土矿复合絮凝剂处理活性染料废水的研究

    The study of reactive dyeing wastewater treatment using the composite of coagulants and clay mineral material

  24. 本文研究了膨润土粘土矿吸附溶液中重金属离子的能力。

    The ability of the bentonite clay mineral to adsorb heavy metals has been investigated in this paper .

  25. 中子活化法研究粘土矿中稀土元素分布模式及铀的分布

    The study for distributed pattern of REE and distribution of uranium in clay mineral by neutron activation analysis

  26. 山西组成矿系列主要有煤,其次是膨胀粘土矿、菱铁矿。

    The minerogenetic series of the Shanxi Formation mainly includes coal beds , followed by expanded clay and siderite .

  27. 这与粘土矿丰富,但很远离银行是有益的。

    This mine is abundant with clay , but is too far away from a bank to be useful .

  28. 研究成果表明:本区海泡石粘土矿矿点多,储量丰富,矿层厚度大,埋藏浅,易开采。

    Investigations show abundant sepiolite deposits of occurrences in the region , and the sepiolite lager is thick and shallow .

  29. 本文对凹凸棒石粘土矿中波缕石及其共生的蒙脱石、白云石、蛋白石进行了稳定同位素研究。

    This paper deals with the stable isotopic compostions of palygorskite , montmorillonite , dolomite and opal in attapulgite clay deposits .

  30. 其中产于Ⅲ号矿层的坡缕粘土矿质量较好,具较高的应用价值。

    Among these , palygorskite clay of the third ore bed is of best quality , and of higher value of application .