
  • 网络collider
  1. 这个巨大的粒子对撞机,或者简称LHC,基本构成是一个周长17英里的过冷的磁环,附着在一个巨大的桶形的探测器上。

    The Large Hadron Collider , or LHC , basically consists of a ring of supercooled magnets 17 miles in circumference attached to huge barrel-shaped detectors .

  2. 粒子对撞机建在宽12英尺,,周长17英里的圆形混凝土隧道内。

    It 's a 12-foot wide , concrete-lined circular tunnel , 17 miles around .

  3. 许多超出标准模型的新物理理论预言了非普适规范玻色子Z′的存在,这种新粒子可在高能对撞机实验中产生可观测的物理迹象。

    Many new physics theories beyond the standard model predict the existence of the non-universal gauge boson Z ′, which can produce characteristic signatures at the present or future collider experiments .