- 名particle acceleration

Particle acceleration during explosive phase of proton flares
The Influences of the Shock Thickness and Alfven Waves on the Particle Acceleration by the Diffusive Shocks
Physicists use super-powerful magnets to speed particles and control radiation like X-rays .
This oscillating field would accelerate the particles toward the collision point .
The extreme gravity of these systems is accelerating particles of gas to great speeds ,
Jupiter 's powerful magnetic fields then accelerate the particles into the planet 's atmosphere .
Physics of high energy particle accelerators
Finally , the influence of resonant Self-focusing on particle acceleration in beat wave accelerator also be discussed .
A new method has been presented for calculating the length of the accelerating region in a flash drier .
An electromagnetic field is generated when charges move . Each field produces a force that can accelerate the particle .
Both the heating of plasma and the acceleration of particles are important topics in plasma physics and plasma astrophysics .
With the continuing development of high-intensity , short-pulse laser technology , people play great interested in particles acceleration in laser-plasma interaction .
The eruption of a solar flare involves energy release , plasma heating , particle acceleration , mass flows , waves , etc. .
Not even a supernova explosion is up to the task and , anyhow , particles of such potency should lose their energy in transit .
Motivated by the particle acceleration problem in pulsars , it is numerically investigated for electrostatic instability of electron-positron pairs injected in an external electric field .
The basis analysis on the change in momentum , velocity and other related factors of solid particles in settling slurry over the acceleration time is carried out .
Hence , the fast magnetosonic waves dissipate very little in the tail lobe and decay rapidly in the plasma sheet , where the wave energies are converted into heat and kinetic energy of the particles .
Observed identification on thermal and non-thermal natures of solar flares is concerned in the knowledge of the important questions on flare theory , such as acceleration of particles in flares , energy transmission , and energetics of flare region .
In this paper , scientific objects and a technical scheme of a radiospectrograph with bandwidths from 0.5 GHz to 1.5 GHz are introduced . The main scientific objects are : ( 1 ) research on the positions of the acceleration regions ;
In view of the frequency installation of radiospectrographs at Yunnan Observatory , the following radio subjects of observations and studies are suggested for the maximum phase of solar cycle 23 : ( 1 ) The study on releasing course of initial energy of proton flares and particle acceleration .
The ability of Helium to accelerate particles is better than N2 ;
Because of the SKAW having the parallel electric field , the solitary wave is important for the acceleration and energy transmission of charged particles in magnetic plasma .
The Alfv é n solitary waves , accompanied by the parallel electric field , take an important part to accelerate the charge particles . This provides a possible physical mechanism for the acceleration of polar aurora in the auroral region .
Simulation of the Stable Acceleration of the Electrons in Microtron
Numerical Simulation on Calefaction and Acceleration Process of Ceramic Powders in Plasma Spray
Particle jet accelerated simultaneous numerical solution of radiation
The Acceleration Mechanism and Movement Pattern of the Particle in the Abrasive Water Jet
When Ron Artests farts , scientists fear the particles become so accelerated that it may cause the end of the earth .
And looking at the universe with gamma-ray eyes , this reveals places in the universe where particles are accelerated to very high energies .
The magnetic field distribution should fulfill the requirements of isochronisms and transverse focusing of the beam , as well as avoiding dangerous resonance crossing .