
  • 网络cake;sintered powder
  1. 用WO3+C纳米混合粉末制备堆焊用新型耐磨合金粉块

    Preparation of New Wearable Alloy Powder Block from Nano-structured WO_3 + C Composite Powder

  2. K118型合金粉块堆焊层的耐磨性

    Abrasive Wear Resistance of Hardfacing Weld Deposits of New Alloy Blocks

  3. 稀土及合金对粉块堆焊耐磨性的影响

    Effects of rare earth and alloy elements on wear resistance of powder block hardfacing layer

  4. 在室内进行膨胀土掺灰的最大有效粒径的模拟试验,即钙离子水试验,由此总结出粉块灰土搅拌工艺的有效性、合理性和可行性;

    The scale-down test to define the maximum effective grain size of expansive soil when it is improved by lime ;

  5. 采用碳弧堆焊的方法,在高铬合金铸铁粉块中加入稀土及合金元素,探讨其对堆焊层耐磨性的影响。

    Effect of rare earth and alloy clement additions on the wear resistance of layer is tested by carbon arc process with high chromium alloy cast powder block .

  6. 合金粉块碳弧堆焊是一种低成本,高效率的堆焊方法,但存在堆焊层成形不良的问题。

    Carbon arc hardfacing with alloy power is a low cost and high efficiency hardfacing method . However , it is difficult to obtain a good shape after hardfacing .

  7. 进一步研究表明,砂型材料的导热率及合金粉块内低熔点的熔合剂过多均会影响复合材料的质量。

    Further results indicate that the thermal conductivity of sand mold and the high fraction of binder alloying for the low melt point in the block will affect the quality of FGM .

  8. 本文讨论了新型Fe-Cr-Ti-B-C系合金粉块碳弧堆焊层显微组织与耐磨性之间的关系,以及堆焊参数对先析硬质相的影响。

    This paper discusses the relation between abrasive wear resistance and the microstructures of hardfacing weld deposits of new Fe-Cr-Ti-C-B alloy blocks , and deals with the effect of welding parameters on the primarily coarse hard phases .

  9. PLC控制的液压钼粉压块机

    PLC Controlled Hydraulic Briquetting Press for Molybdenum Oxide Powder

  10. 介绍了W型传压介质的化学成分、物理特性及其矿物组成,研究了W型叶蜡石粉压块成型工艺和烘干、焙烧工艺及生产应用。

    The paper introduces W type medium of transmit pressure , including chemical composition , physical property and mineral composition . On the other hand , researching composite block process and roast , Applying in many plants .

  11. 鉴于此类问题,我公司自行研制开发了QS-ZF7880型全自动纸粉压块机。

    As for these problems , our company has independently developed and produced QS-ZF7880 fully automatic paper shredding block-press machine .

  12. 介绍了用铁精矿粉压块代替废钢,以熔制缸套。

    The substitution technique of ore concentrate powder briquette for steel scrap in casting cylinder sleeve .

  13. 超细硬质合金复合粉及块体材料的制备与表征常用口腔修复材料表面细菌黏附的实验研究

    Synthesis of WC-Co composite powder and its bulk material Adhesion of different bacterium to the surface of restorative materials in vitro

  14. 通过自行设计热风冲天炉和采取铁精矿粉压块等手段,改善了铁精矿粉还原的热力学条件和动力学条件。

    The thermodynamic and dynamic conditions of the reduction of iron ore concentrates are changed by means of designing cupola and compressing iron ore concentrates into briquettes .

  15. 但这正是为什么解决方案在于提高税率:在去年12月提高针对铁矿粉和块矿的出口关税后,印度在本财政年度应当能够减少铁矿石出口大约10%。

    But that is why the solution lies in higher rates of taxation : having lifted duties on fines and lumps last December , India should trim exports this fiscal year by about 10 per cent .

  16. 铁精矿粉压块代替废钢熔炼灰铸铁熔融还原流态化预还原中铁精矿粉附碳处理的最佳化

    The Substitution of Ore Concentrate Powder Briquette for Steel Scrap in Cupola Melting The Best Option of the Parameters in the Process of Adhering to Carbon Black During Fluidization Pre-reduction of Iron Ore Concentrate in Smelting Reduction

  17. Ni/C-600、Ni/C-700的比剩磁化强度、矫顽力都要大于微米镍粉与块体镍,但其比饱和磁化强度要小于微米镍粉和块体镍。

    The remanence and the coercivity at room temperature of Ni / C-600 and Ni / C-700 are higher than those of the corresponding micrometer nickel powders and bulk nickle , while the saturation magnetization is lower than those of micrometer nickel powders and bulk nickel .

  18. 利用自制的光催化装置对所得到的CdS气凝胶进行了光催化性质的研究,实验证明它比纳米粉体和块体材料具有更高的光催化效率。

    The photocatalytic experiment was performed on self-made equipment , and the result showed that CdS aerogel has better photocatalytic property than those of nanoparticle and bulk material .

  19. 研究了机械合金化和烧结过程中粉体和块体的结构以及Fe3Al和TiB2/Fe3Al块体材料性能的变化。

    The structure , morphology and crystalline size of the powder during the process of MA and sintered bulk materials , as well as the mechanical property change of the bulk Fe_3Al and TiB_2 / Fe_3 Al composites were studied .

  20. 应用水化硅酸盐纳米粉体制备块体材料

    Study on the Block Material Made by Hydrated Silicate Powder with nm-order Size

  21. 球磨材质对纳米SiC/Al复合体系混合粉形貌及块体材料微观组织的影响

    Effect of ball-milling material on the morphology of nano-sized SiC / Al mixture and the microstructure of bulk composite

  22. 目的探讨在列车车厢不同位置布粉对粉块阳性率的影响。

    Objective To find out the effects of the lime piece positions on piece positive rate in rat trace survey in the train compartments .

  23. 在去那个院子的路上,我偷偷往篮子里瞄了一眼,看见两只手镯、一条廉价的项链、一对耳环、一盒眼影粉和一块手帕。

    On my way out to the yard , I peeked inside the basket and saw two bangles , a cheap necklace , earrings , a tin of kohl and a handkerchief .

  24. 试验数据表明,与普通混凝土相比,分别用橡胶粉或者橡胶块代替粗骨料的橡胶混凝土的脆性指数有不同幅度的降低,材料的延性有所改善。

    Experimental results show that brittleness index values of rubberized concrete whose coarse aggregate replaced by rubber powder or rubber block were lower than that of normal concrete , which meant that rubberized concrete had better ductility performance .

  25. 溶胶-凝胶法是一种材料合成新工艺,现已广泛用作生物植入体、组织工程支架及药物载体的生物活性玻璃粉体、块体玻璃、多孔生物微晶玻璃与涂层的制备。

    Sol-gel method is a new process of synthesizing materials , which has been widely used to prepare bioactive glass powers , monolithic glasses , porous glass-ceramics and coatings as implants , tissue engineering Scaffolds and medicine carriers .

  26. 使用纯Ti粉和纯Ag块压制紧密接触的Ag-Ti二元扩散偶,在980℃、1100℃和1200℃温度下分别进行退火处理。

    Small pure silver plate was closely packed in pure titanium powder to make the Ag-Ti diffusion couples . The Ag-Ti diffusion couples were annealed at 980 ℃, 1100 ℃ and 1200 ℃ respectively .

  27. 研究了泡打粉对油炸鸡块面拖表皮的微观结构,脂肪含量和脆性的影响。

    The effect of baking powder on the microstructure , content of fat and brittleness of fried batter-coated chicken nuggets was studied .

  28. 分析了成型过程参数对模型质量的影响。在此基础上分析出现质量缺陷的原因,提出改进措施,为粉体压制复杂块体提供理论基础。

    Analysis of forming parameters ' effect on the quality of the model is made , on the basis of which the factors that make quality deficiency are identified , improvement measures are offered , thus providing theoretical base for complicated block compressed by powder .

  29. 全国爱卫办灭鼠复查组于1998年4月21~24日对我市灭鼠工作进行了复查,粉迹法检查未发现阳性粉块;

    The countercheck group of deratization of national patriotic health office had examined from 21 to 24 of April in 1998 and the result indicate that positive powder piece did not discovered used the method of powder mark .

  30. 为了研究混凝土材料抗稀硫酸侵蚀能力,分别对掺粉煤灰水泥胶砂试件和掺粉煤混凝土试块在不同的试验条件下进行了长期浸泡试验。

    Some long time immersion tests are conducted for fly ash cement mortar and fly ash cement concrete under different conditions . respectively . The third chapter discusses the long term immersion test of mortar .