
  • 网络mgm;Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer;Metro Goldwyn Mayer
  1. 《猫和老鼠》动画片由美国米高梅电影公司发行,其中有7集在1943年到1953年间获得奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖。

    Seven of the shorts , released by MGM , won Oscars from 1943-53 .

  2. 在扮演马弗尔教授时,米高梅电影公司的服装部门希望打造一个倒霉绅士的形象。

    For Professor Marvel , MGM 's wardrobe department wanted the look of a down-on-his-luck gentleman .

  3. 塞缪尔·戈尔德温(SamuelGoldwyn)是米高梅电影公司(M.G.M.)的创始人,公司名称中的G指的就是他。他在1956年买下了毕加索的这幅画作。

    Samuel Goldwyn , best known as the G in M.G.M. , bought the Picasso in 1956 .

  4. 王健林向彭博新闻社(BloombergNewsagency)表示,他还在与米高梅电影公司(Metro-Goldwyn-MayerInc)就可能的投资进行谈判。

    Mr Wang has also been in talks with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc about a possible investment , he told Bloomberg News Agency .

  5. 但到11月时,克鲁斯和瓦格纳准备好了另一项协议,要去经营米高梅电影公司旗下的制片厂联美公司。

    But by November Cruise and Wagner had another deal lined up to run United Artists , the studio owned by MGM .

  6. 早期在米高梅电影公司试镜时,得到的反馈是“暂不适合从事电影表演。”

    She did an early screen test for MGM , and the word came back : " She 's not photogenic enough for film . "

  7. 7月24日晚,两家拥有007电影版权的公司——永世电影制片公司和米高梅电影公司——宣布下一部007系列电影将于2019年11月8日上映。

    Eon Productions and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - the companies behind the James Bond franchise - announced on Monday ( July 24 ) night their next 007 thriller would reach cinemas November 8 , 2019 .

  8. 尽管满口的瑞典味英语,嘉宝还是从无声电影走进有声电影,成为米高梅电影制片公司的一姐。

    Despite her Swedish accent , she successfully transitioned from silent film to " talkies " and became known as The Queen of MGM .

  9. 1939年,(美国)米高梅电影制片公司。的以“怪杰奥兹”而成名的朱迪。嘉兰,在好莱坞首次上演中国京剧。

    In1939 , the MGM musical " The Wizard of Oz ," starring Judy Garland , premiered at the Grauman 's Chinese Theater in Hollywood .

  10. 度假村于1953年开放,由于和米高梅电影制片公司拍摄的《萨蒂·汤普森小姐》有着贸易往来,业务上很快步入了正轨。

    The resort opened in 1953 , and thanks to some marketing for the film Miss Sadie Thompson by MGM , business did not take long to pick up .