
  • 网络minas gerais;Minas Gerais state
  1. 武钢同意购买MMX在2007年和2008年在巴西东南部米纳斯吉拉斯州所收购矿山至少50%的铁矿石产量。

    Wisco agreed to purchase at least 50 per cent of iron ore to be produced at mines which MMX bought in 2007 and 2008 in Minas Gerais state , south-eastern Brazil .

  2. 该学院位于巴西东南部的米纳斯吉拉斯州(MinasGerais),2004年首次参加定制课程排名时,在大约50所参评学校中排名第39位。

    The school , located in the state of Minas Gerais in the south-east of Brazil , first entered the customised programme ranking in 2004 , at number 39 . About 50 schools were ranked that year .

  3. 在非正规采矿行业,从亚马逊中部的鲁莽的金矿工,到米纳斯吉拉斯州挖生铁矿的工人,情况还要更糟。

    In the informal part of the mining sector , from wildcat gold-miners in the middle of the Amazon to the guseiros who dig for pig iron in Minas Gerais state , things are even worse .