
  • 网络Milton Friedman;Miton Friedman
  1. 米尔顿·弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)认为沃尔克的货币主义没做到位,而许多里根政府人士则对他的民主党身份抱有质疑。

    Milton Friedman saw him as insufficiently monetarist , and many in the Reagan White House regarded him with suspicion as a Democrat .

  2. 以米尔顿·弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)为代表的芝加哥经济学派,是新古典思想中的翘楚,他们强调市场的效率和政府干预的风险。

    The Chicago School , under the intellectual imprint of Milton Friedman , was a leader in neoclassical thought that emphasizes the efficiency of markets and the risks of government intervention .

  3. TEDx活动的另一位演讲嘉宾是著名的自由市场经济学家米尔顿·弗里德曼的孙子、现年35岁的帕特里·弗里德曼。

    Another speaker , at the TEDx event in the series , was Patri Freeman , the 35-year old grandson of famous free-market economist , Milton Friedman .

  4. 今天,我的同屋发给我一条新闻:米尔顿·弗里德曼去世了。

    Today my roommate forwarded me a news , Milton Friedman dies .

  5. 作为货币学派的领军人物,米尔顿·弗里德曼坚信在浮动汇率制里可以更容易地进行经济调整。

    Milton Friedman , a monetarist economist , argued that adjustments were easier in a floating-rate system .

  6. 米尔顿·弗里德曼是错的

    That Milton Friedman was wrong

  7. 对提高教育信息化投资效率的思考&基于米尔顿·弗里德曼教育券思想

    A Reflection on Improving the Efficiency of Investment in Informational Education & Based on Friedman 's Education Voucher System

  8. 负所得税制度首先由美国芝加哥大学的米尔顿·弗里德曼提出,后来又在西方经济学界得到了发展。

    The system of negative income tax was firstly proposed by Milton Friedman of Chicago University , and developed by economists in the west later .

  9. 自1955年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者米尔顿·弗里德曼系统提出之后,教育券制度在国内外许多国家和地区均有实践。

    Since " Educational Voucher " was proposed by Milton Friedman , the winner of the Nobel Economics Prize in 1955 , they have been put into practice in many countries and areas both at home and abroad .