- 网络mikhail;Michael

Alex and Mikhail were in partnership then : Mikhail handled the creative side ; Alex was the financier .
Russian billionaire and Brooklyn Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov apparently enjoys the sport as does the original extreme billionaire , Virgin Group founder Richard Branson .
He then joined menatep , the bank founded and formerly owned by Mikhail Khodorkovsky , the oil tycoon arrested in 2003 .
The intoxicating sense that taboos are being broken is reminiscent of the outbreak of glasnost under Mikhail Gorbachev , which signalled the beginning of the end of the Soviet era .
The real money comes from Russian oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov , who paid $ 200m for the Nets and has a 45 per cent stake in the new arena .
Its main assets were grabbed from Yukos , an oil firm the Kremlin dismantled eight years ago after its boss , Mikhail Khodorkovsky , grew too big for his boots .
The Moscow School was planned as Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev 's policy of openness allowed the exhumation of the suppressed people , histories and literature of pre-Soviet times and the USSR 's early years .
The choice of Iceland evokes memories of the 1986 talks in Reykjavik , the capital , between US president Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that laid the foundations for a nuclear arms control treaty a year later .
In the last days of the Soviet Union , one of Mikhail Gorbachev 's lieutenants came to him with a plea : ditch the Soviet planned economy and open up to market reforms as China had .
The British prime minister saw herself as the perfect intermediary between the two countries , having struck up constructive relationships with both Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev , the Soviet president , and a man with whom she told Reagan " we can do business . "
Mikhail : Wow , yeah , that 's really confusing .
Mikhail : You 're on your own on this one .
Michael IV 's reign was competent , but he suffered from epilepsy .
Today we have a fuller appreciation of the tremendous pressure Mikhail faced in that pivotal time .
Mikhail : I 'm so glad I don 't have to worry about things like that .
In1987 , President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail S.Gorbachev signed a treaty calling for destruction of intermediate-range nuclear missiles .
Mikhail : I decided to run because I wanted to be a voice of reason in the partisan bickering .
But it 's possible that alien abduction is more likely than what Mikheil Kulekhov is working for : Siberian independence .
After Montinari 's death the theologists in charge of the edition , particularly Marie Louis Hase and Mikhail Colembach attempt to solve this problem .
Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili declared on Wednesday a state of emergency in the capital Tbilisi and signed the relevant decree , Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli said .
Mikhail : When I signed on as a candidate , I had no idea I 'd have to pander to every group out there to gain their support .
Dr Mikhail said when women first turned up with heart disease they tended to be10 years older than men , and20 years older when they had their first heart attack .
In the development course of the theory of the western novel in the 20th century , scholar of the former Soviet Union Bakhtin and French novelist Kundera are occupying very important status .
It would be naive to think that the problems plaguing mankind today can be solved with means and methods which were applied or seemed to work in the past & Mikhail Sergeyivich Gorbachev .
Michael Harr é and Mikhail Prokopenko , both with the University of Sydney in Australia , said while we may only have five close friends , our social network from them can extend to 132 people .
However , very few scholars at home and abroad ever attempted to apply the dialogue theory proposed by M.M. Bakhtin , a famous philosopher and linguist of the Soviet Union , to carry out the dialogic study on the classic piece .