
bǒ yáng
  • winnow
簸扬 [bǒ yáng]
  • [winnow] 将谷物等扬起,利用风或气流分离或吹掉其中的谷壳、灰尘等

簸扬[bǒ yáng]
  1. 我要打发外邦人来到巴比伦,簸扬她,使她的地空虚。在她遭祸的日子,他们要周围攻击她。

    And I will send men to Babylon to make her clean and get her land cleared : for in the day of trouble they will put up their tents against her on every side .

  2. 你必簸扬它们,风要把它们吹去,旋风也要把它们吹散;但你要靠耶和华喜乐,以以色列的圣者夸耀。

    Thou shalt fan them , and the wind shall carry them away , and the whirlwind shall scatter them : and thou shalt rejoice in the lord , and shalt glory in the holy one of israel .
