
  • 网络box girder;box beam;boxgirder
  1. 东明黄河公路大桥B段箱梁混凝土配合比设计及强度数理统计

    Mixture ratio design of box girder concrete at B section on Dongming Yellow River road bridge

  2. 本文利用BP网络来建立拟合参数与箱梁模型几何尺寸、载荷特性等之间的非线性映射关系,通过网络的自学习功能得到稳定的网络。

    In the paper , a BP networks is founded to show the relationship of the box girder dimensions and load 's peculiarity with the parameters of fitting .

  3. 秦沈客运专线PC箱形简支梁现浇施工技术大截面混凝土箱梁结构的计算方法及其应用

    An analytical method and its application for large-section PC box girder bridges

  4. 现浇连续箱梁施工H型钢连轧张力的研究

    Study on H-beam continuous rolling tension

  5. 该文介绍了我国第1座波形钢腹板PC箱梁桥的设计和施工。

    The design and construction of the first PC box-girder footbridge with the corrugated steel webs is introduced in this paper .

  6. FRP型材拼装箱梁的受力性能研究

    Flexural behavior of FRP profile assembled box beam

  7. 介绍了波形钢腹板PC箱梁桥在国外的应用发展概况,给出了国外波形钢腹板PC箱梁桥的一览表。

    The application and development of prestressed concrete box-girder bridges with corrugated steel webs are introduced . The table of such bridges is provided .

  8. 提出采用随机减量技术和改进ERA方法相结合的方法来识别求大跨径变截面预应力混凝土连续箱梁桥的自振特性。

    It also combines random decrement technology and modified ERA method to identify he natural vibration characteristics of long-span variable cross-section prestressed continuous box girder bridges .

  9. 近年来,在PC箱梁桥和PC斜拉桥之间出现了一种新的桥梁结构形式,并在若干个国家得以应用。

    In recent years , a new type bridge appears between PC box-girder bridge and PC cable-stayed bridge and is accepted and applied in some countries .

  10. 40m双线预应力混凝土箱梁设计与施工

    Design and construction of 40m double track prestressed concrete box girder

  11. 30m预应力箱梁的预制与吊装

    Prefabrication and hoisting of 30m prestressed box girder

  12. 跨度40m的预应力弧形箱梁设计与施工

    Design and Construction of a Bonded Prestressed Arc Box Beam with 40m Long

  13. 采用ANSYS有限元块体单元来模拟某连续曲线箱梁桥的端横梁,对其在施工期间产生裂缝的原因进行分析计算。

    This paper simulates end cross beam in continuous curved box girder by means of solid finite element in a program named ANSYS and analyses the reason of its crack during construction .

  14. 杭州湾跨海大桥70m箱梁预制、运输及架设的关键技术

    Key Technology of Precast , Transport and Erecting for 70m Box Girder in Hangzhou Bay Sea-Crossing Bridge

  15. 东海大桥60m混凝土箱梁整体式液压模板研究与应用

    The Research and Application of the Whole Hydraulic Pressure Template in Sixty-meter Concrete Box Beam of Donghai Bridge

  16. 客运专线900t预制箱梁架设技术

    Arching technic of 900t prefab box girder in passenger special railway line

  17. 浅谈高速铁路32m预制箱梁施工技术

    On Construction Technique of the Box Beam ( 32m in length ) for the Express Railway

  18. 客运专线有碴轨道32m双线预制箱梁静载试验研究

    Static Experiment on 32m Double-track Pre-cast Box Girders for Passenger Dedicated Railway Bridge with Ballasted Tracks

  19. 本论文以京沪高速铁路32m混凝土箱梁蒸汽养护项目为研究对象。

    The research focuses on the 32m concrete box girder for express railway from Beijing to Shanghai .

  20. 客运专线32m双线箱梁预制施工工艺研究

    Study on the Precast Construction Technology of 32m Double Track Box Girder of the Special Passenger Line

  21. 秦沈客运专线24m箱梁制造工艺试验

    Tests of Precasting Procedures for 24-m Box Girders to be Used on Qinhuangdao & Shenyang Special Lines of Passenger Trains

  22. 秦沈客运专线辽河特大桥32m双线箱梁制架施工

    Fabrication and erection of 32m double line box girder of Liaohe Super Major Bridge on Qinhuangdao-Shenyang Passenger Special Line

  23. 系统分析了边界条件、荷载类型、悬臂翼板长度和曲率半径R等因素对直线和曲线矩形截面箱梁剪力滞后效应的影响,明确了上、下翼板的应力变化规律。

    The variation in the shear lag effects on straight and curved rectangle box girders , caused by the changes of factors such as natural boundary conditions , types of loading , lengths of cantilever flanges and curvature radius R , is discussed systematically .

  24. 阐述70m箱梁预制过程中的预应力张拉和真空辅助压浆技术。

    The prestressing technology and vacuum aid grouting technology for precasting 70 m span box girders of East sea Bridge is discussed in this paper .

  25. 在运输及施工阶段,箱梁4个支点的最大不平整量应控制在5mm之内;

    In the process of transportation and construction , the maximum unevenness of the four supports of the box girder should be controlled within 5 mm .

  26. 分析计算中,由于等截面布置的RPC箱梁截面包括端部截面应力均已满足结构强度要求,所以普通钢筋布置和端部截面形式只需符合构造要求即可。

    During the analytical calculation , since the end cross-section of the RPC box-girder with constant section has well met the structural strength requirement , the common reinforced bar and the section only have to satisfy the structural requirements .

  27. 秦沈客运专线570t箱梁制架设备的转场方案

    Transfer of the 570 t box girder fabricating and erecting equipment for Qinhuangdao-Shenyang Passenger Special Line

  28. 斜拉桥预制钢箱梁节段桥位拼装工艺及焊接变形SIK防水浆料在城市立交钢结构箱梁防水施工中的应用

    BUILDING-UP PROCESS OF PREFABRICATED STEEL BOX BEAM SEGMENT AND WELDING DEFORMATION FOR STAYED-CABLE BRIDGE Application of SIK waterproofing slurry in waterproofing of steel box beam structure

  29. 南京长江第三大桥北引桥D1标为3联(2联8跨,1联9跨)连续箱梁。

    The Contract D1 of the north approach spans of the 3rd Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge is a continuous box girder structure composed of 3 continuous units , respectively 2 units of 8 spans each and 1 unit of 9 spans .

  30. 为了探求预应力的布置对箱梁开裂的影响,以惠州市东江四桥为例,利用大型有限元程序ANSYS,采用三维体单元建立箱梁节段空间局部模型。

    The paper takes Dongjiang Fourth Bridge in Huizhou city as an example for searching for the influence of Pre-stressed strand arrangement on the craze of box girder . By using great Finite-Element analysis ANSYS special part model of box girder have been built up through adopting three-dimensional body element .