
  1. 应当重视管理公正研究

    Ought to Pay Great Attention to A Study of Management Justice

  2. 这是管理公正基本问题之中最为核心的问题。

    This is the core problem of the management justice .

  3. 管理公正关涉到最广大人们的根本利益。

    The management justice concerns the most fundamental interests of the people .

  4. 合理均衡地划分利益是是管理公正的深层本质。

    Reasonable distribution of benefits is the deep-seated nature of the management justice .

  5. 脱离具体的历史条件、社会环境的管理公正是不存在的。

    The management just does not exist without the specific historical conditions and social environment .

  6. 公正的实现依赖于制度,制度是管理公正的保证。

    Justice depends on the system implementation , for the systems are a guarantee of justice .

  7. 论考试管理公正

    On the Justice in Testing Management

  8. 要实现考试公正,关键是实现考试管理公正。

    The key to realize the justice of testing is to realize the justice in testing management .

  9. 论管理公正的基本原则

    Basic Principles for Management Justice

  10. 作为实践理性和实践规范的管理公正是组织秩序与个人自由之间的调节剂和平衡器。

    Management justice as practical reason and practice norm is a balancer or regulator of organization order and personal freedoms .

  11. 说到底,主要是制度公正而不是管理公正:公正,最终讲来,主要是衡量制度善恶的道德原则,主要是制度的美德而不是人的美德。

    Justice is moral principles for judging the system , which reflects the morality of the system instead of human morality .

  12. 开拓创新、诚实守信与管理公正、沟通协调、宽容大度是企业家道德人格体系必备的核心内容。

    Ceaseless innovation 、 sincere desire 、 equitable managements nicer communication and magnanimous character are absolutely necessary for entrepreneur moral quality system .

  13. 管理公正可以分为四个层面,管理理念公正、管理制度公正、管理组织公正和管理行为公正。

    Management justice can be divided into four dimensions , fair management concepts , fair management systems , fair management organizations and impartial administrations .

  14. 管理公正是理想与现实的统一、相对性与绝对性的统一、历史性与阶段性的统一。

    Management justice is the unity of the ideal and the reality , of the relativity and absoluteness and of the history and the reality .

  15. 在探讨考试管理公正的重要性、考试管理公正的基本原则、如何实现管理公正等问题的基础上提出了初步看法,旨在引起各界对考试管理公正问题的重视和研究。

    The article probes into the importance , basic rules and ways of justice in testing management so as to encourage more attention and research to the problem of justice in testing .

  16. 据此,管理公正应该包含人性化原则、机会平等原则、按贡献分配原则、调剂原则和整体利益原则。

    Accordingly , the author proposes that the management justice should include such five basic principles as humanization , equal opportunity , distribution according to contribution , redistribution , and whole interest .

  17. 科学管理和公正检测为道路运输事业的健康发展竭诚服务

    Scientific management and detection severing for the healthy development of roadway transportation project

  18. 现代管理的公正原则及其实现

    The Justice Principle of Modern Management and Its Realization

  19. 行政伦理对于公共行政管理的公正,廉洁、效起着至关重要的作用。

    Administrative ethics has important effect to justice honesty and efficient of public administration .

  20. 其中最为核心的是管理制度公正。

    The core is justice of management systems .

  21. 但是食品药品管理局公正地依据证据使克隆产品进入了市场。

    But the FDA is right to follow the evidence and let products from clones enter the marketplace .

  22. 在项目的招标、评标以及评估中,将相关信息公布网上,体现管理的公正与透明。

    During the project tender , evaluation and assessments , related information will be published online to make the management justice and transparent . 4 .

  23. 在对这些因素进行分析后,作者从提高重点项目管理的公正性、科学性和规范性出发,提出改进重点项目管理与实施的建议。

    After analyzing these factors , the authors , aiming at fair , science and norms of the program management , puts forward some countermeasures to improve the key program managment .

  24. 政府作用的发挥主要体现在创造有效率的市场环境上,这就要求法律法规必须透明,市场操作必须公开,监督管理必须公正,市场准入也必须平等。

    The government performs its function by creating effective market environment . In order to do so , the laws must be transparent and the market operation must be open and supervision must be equitable .

  25. 在国内,新时期中国社会发展战略和建设社会主义法治国家的治国战略要求中国的行政管理必须公正且富有效率。

    At home , the new time China society developmental strategy and the construction socialism country under the rule of law rules a nation the strategy to request the Chinese administration to have to be fair and the rich efficiency .

  26. 公正的实现依托于管理,公正可分为个体公正和社会公正,个体公正的实现有赖于个体对自身行为的道德管理,社会公正的实现依赖于人们对社会的管理。

    Justice can be divided into individual justice and social justice , the realization of the former is based on the moral management of individuals , while the realization of the latter is based on the people 's management of society .

  27. 现代管理伦理的公正理念

    On the Idea of Justice of Modern Management Ethics

  28. 国王管理人民应公正。

    Kings ought to rule with justice .

  29. 他们的问题远远超出钱的范畴。他们表示,负责监管的交通管理官员不公正。

    Their problem goes well beyond cash : transport management officials , who regulate their business , are not impartial , they say .

  30. 而这些问题对政府管理社会的公正性构成了严重威胁,造成了政府公信力的下降与群众支持力的丧失。

    Those problem poses a grave threat to the justice of government management , and have descend the credibility of government and loss the support from masses .