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guǎn lǐ
  • manage;administrate;control;organize;governance;govern;officer;supervise;run;direction;administer;handling;admin;stewardship;take care of;have charge of
管理 [guǎn lǐ]
  • (1) [have charge of;supervise;manage;administer;ad ministrate]∶主持或负责某项工作

  • 祖母是家庭的组织者,一切生产事务由她管理分派。--《回忆我的母亲》

  • (2) [run]∶经管,料理

  • 把企业管理好

  • 管理仓库

  • (3) [control;take care of]∶约束;照管

  • 管理车队

  • 管理牲口

管理[guǎn lǐ]
  1. 兼职管理业务是搞不好的。

    It 's just not feasible to manage the business on a part-time basis .

  2. 法庭宣布他不具备管理自己财务的能力。

    The court declared him incompetent to manage his financial affairs

  3. 我在行政管理事务上花了大量时间。

    I spend a lot of my time on administrative duties .

  4. 新任管理层打算实行一些改革。

    The new management intends to institute a number of changes .

  5. 他的意见和管理部门的方针不大吻合。

    His views did not sit comfortably with the management line .

  6. 已任命一位新经理来管理这项工程。

    A new manager has been appointed to direct the project .

  7. 我们的税收管理体制是欧洲最受欢迎的税收体制之一。

    Our tax regime is one of the most favourable in Europe .

  8. 她位居管理层要职。

    She 's quite high up in the management hierarchy .

  9. 股东们想要在公司的经营管理上拥有更多的发言权。

    The shareholders want more say in how the company is run .

  10. 这类决定一般属于高层管理的职责范围。

    Such decisions are normally the province of higher management .

  11. 她一直在负责学校的日常管理工作。

    She has been looking after the day-to-day running of the school .

  12. 他丝毫不懂企业管理。

    He has no idea how to run a business .

  13. 教师跟随业界的管理人员实地学习,常常会很有收获。

    It is often helpful for teachers to shadow managers in industry .

  14. 高层管理部门已经正式批准这些计划。

    Senior management have given their seal of approval to the plans .

  15. 他卷入了与管理层的一系列冲突之中。

    He became entangled in a series of conflicts with the management .

  16. 职工对她洒脱的管理风格反应很好。

    Staff respond well to her unbuttoned style of management .

  17. 现在,我们必须设法说服管理层采纳这个意见。

    Now we have to try and sell the idea to management .

  18. 学校管理机构负有在预算范围内管理好学校的职责。

    The governing body is charged with managing the school within its budget .

  19. 他们钦佩这家公司协调高效的管理方式。

    They admired the smoothness and efficiency with which the business was run .

  20. 管理部门应当为他们的行动说出个道理来。

    It rests with management to justify their actions .

  21. 新的管理技术旨在提高效率。

    The new management techniques aim to improve performance .

  22. 这笔钱将投资于管理基金。

    The money will be invested in managed funds .

  23. 使从事有意义的劳动是管理少年犯的重要方法。

    Purposeful work is an important part of the regime for young offenders .

  24. 他获得了工商管理硕士学位。

    He has a Master 's in Business Administration .

  25. 他虽没有名义,却实际上在管理这家公司。

    He runs the company in all but name .

  26. 工作压力是一件让员工和管理人员都关切的事。

    Stress at work is a matter of concern to staff and management .

  27. 戏票的管理问题一团糟。

    There was a muddle over the theatre tickets .

  28. 管理部门有权拒绝接收。

    The management reserves the right to refuse admission .

  29. 她在攻读管理学文凭课程。

    She is taking a diploma in management studies .

  30. 我们额外增加了一层管理。

    We have introduced an extra tier of administration .