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guǎn jia
  • housekeep;housekeeper;butler;steward;chamberlain
管家 [guǎn jiā]
  • (1) [housekeeper;butler;steward]

  • (2) 为官僚或富室大户管理家务的地位较高的仆人

  • 向知县托家里亲戚出来陪,他也断不敢当,落后叫管家出来陪,他才欢喜了,坐在管家房里有说有笑。--《儒林外史》二十四

  • (3) 对一般仆人的敬称

  • (4) [chamberlain]∶国王或贵族的家务总管

  • [housekeep] 管理家务

管家[guǎn jia]
  1. 这位伯爵既没钱也没有良好的判断力去雇用一名管家替自己管理这所房子。

    The Earl didn 't have the money or good judgement to employ a steward to manage the place for him .

  2. 格雷西在管家学校读三年级时就开始养鸡了。

    Gracie started breeding chickens in her third grade at Steward School .

  3. 他们有一个男管家、一个厨师和一个女佣。

    They had a butler , a cook , and a maid .

  4. 管家迅速来到牧师的书桌前接电话。

    The housekeeper moved smartly to the Vicar 's desk to answer the call

  5. 每次都是男管家把餐具摆好。

    The butler always laid the table .

  6. 将订单连同一张18.50英镑的支票一同寄出,支票抬头为“《好管家》杂志”。

    Send the coupon with a cheque for £ 18.50 , made payable to ' Good Housekeeping '

  7. 您或许会有兴趣知道管家伍兹小姐目击了袭击过程。

    It may interest you to know that Miss Woods , the housekeeper , witnessed the attack .

  8. 在《好管家》杂志采访过的1,000人中,创立自己的公司在理想抱负中列在首位。

    Running a business heads the list of ambitions among the 1,000 people interviewed by Good Housekeeping magazine .

  9. 他活得相当潇洒,通常带着厨师、用人、管家和司机到处游玩。

    He lived in considerable style , travelling widely , usually with a cook , valet , butler and chauffeur in attendance .

  10. 昨天夜里管家被谋杀了。

    The housekeeper was murdered last night .

  11. 萨姆森是负责农场的管家。

    Samson was the bailiff .

  12. 为了计算母亲们从这项劳动中能挣多少钱,报告提出了一些母亲们可以担任的角色,包括管家、兼职律师、私人教练和艺人。

    To calculate just how much mothers would earn from that labour , it suggested some of the roles that mums could take on , including housekeeper , part-time lawyer , personal trainer and entertainer .

  13. 我和我的朋友正在忙着修篱笆,这时候,我的管家也来了。

    My friend and I were busy mending fences when my house-keeper arrived .

  14. 警察来了,毕加索和女管家都交出他们画的素描。

    running , drew a picture of him too . When the police came , they both handed their sketches in .

  15. 警察对照女管家画的画儿抓住了小偷,而依照画家所画的人物神态却抓错了许多人。

    The police caught the thief according to the housekeeper 's picture , while lots of persons were taken to the station by mistake in the spirit of the painter 's work .

  16. 梅花鹿两个管家基因部分cDNA序列的克隆

    Partial cDNA Sequence Cloning of Two Housekeeping Genes from Sika Deer

  17. 大部分密码管家都有Windows版、MacOSX版、安卓版和iOS版。

    Most password managers have versions for Windows , Mac OS X , Android and iOS .

  18. 管家理论与代理理论的比较分析&对上市公司董事会与CEO关系指导思想的一种新阐释

    A Comparative Analysis between Stewardship theory and Agency Theory & A New Demonstration on the Guideline of Board of Directors and CEOs

  19. 但非常糟糕的是,该酒店原来从白金汉宫(buckinghampalace)招来的一名贴身管家被一位客人挖走了。

    Too bad that one of its original butlers , recruited from Buckingham Palace , was poached by a guest .

  20. 私人银行业咨询公司ScorpioPartnership的数据显示,单在欧洲,就有约2500个管家式财富管理公司。

    According to research from Scorpio Partnership , a private banking consultancy , there are around 2,500 family offices in Europe alone .

  21. 在三亚瑞吉酒店,管家帮着客人安排外出打高尔夫的活动,并在运动过后为他们安排专门的SPA治疗以缓解肌肉的酸痛。

    At the St. Regis in Sanya , butlers help organize golf outings and specially designed spa treatments to ease sore muscles after a game .

  22. 我拼命地登广告征聘一个女管家或者女佣,可是她们存心不理睬这回事,是不是?Eg.Thehousekeeperisaverypickywoman.这个家庭主妇是位特别爱挑剔的人。

    Eg. I 'm advertising like mad for a housekeeper or a maid , but they don 't want to know , do they ?

  23. 方法提取人微血管内皮细胞总RNA,经RT-PCR获得靶基因(t-PA)及管家基因(β-actin)的PCR产物。

    Methods The PCR products of t-PA target gene and β - actin housekeeping gene were obtained by RT-PCR after the total RNA was extracted from human microvascular endothelial cells ( HMEC-1 ) .

  24. 酒店经理丹尼尔&12539;斯科特(DanielScott)说,在住客抵达时,酒店会向他们介绍唐顿庄园式的客房服务员、调酒师、泳池管理员和管家。

    When guests arrive , they are introduced to the housekeeper , bartender , pool person and butler in the style of ' Downton Abbey , ' hotel manager Daniel Scott says .

  25. 回到荒野旅馆后,女管家Weaver想起来,也许那些从保罗别墅里扔出的垃圾还没有抵达垃圾处理厂呢。

    Back at the Wilderness Lodge resort , executive housekeeper Drew Weaver realized that trash from the Campanales'villa hadn 't reached the industrial-size compactor yet .

  26. 这些结果表明,斑马鱼p8是作为一种管家基因在各组织中广泛表达,且可能在胚胎发育中发挥重要作用。

    It is possible that zebrafish p8 is expressed widely as a housekeeping gene and performs an important function in the early embryogenesis .

  27. 实验证实靶基因(PAX5和CD19)与管家基因(GAPDH)的扩增效率一致,因此可以用比较循环数(Ct)法对PAX5和CD19的表达进行相对定量。

    The amplification efficiencies were identical for both the target gene ( PAX5 and CD19 ) and house keeping gene ( GAPDH ) .

  28. 根据该片段碱基序列分别设计一对特异引物,以雌雄个体基因组DNA为模板进行PCR扩增,管家基因β-actin作为阳性对照。

    According to the two fragments we have respectively designed a pair of primers , and did the PCR amplification with the template of male and female individuals genome , at the same time with the housekeeping gene β - actin as positive control .

  29. 她曾给自己特别信任的皇室管家保罗·伯勒尔(PaulBurrell)写过一封信,信中她说总觉得自己会死于一起车祸。

    A letter written by the Princess to her trusted butler , Paul Burrell , explained strange feelings she had about getting into some sort of car accident .

  30. 尽管哈尔滨市可以见到许多的国外物业管理模式,如英国的“管家式”、美国的“FM”式物业服务,但都并不完全适于我们的国情、市情。

    Though there have already been several models implored from the foreign countries , such as the FM from America , they seem not to conform to the conditions in our country , let alone Harbin .