
suàn zhàng
  • Settle accounts;do accounts;balance the books;get even with sb.;or work out accounts;make out bills;work out accounts
算账 [suàn zhàng]
  • (1) [or work out accounts; balance the books; make out bills]∶统计计算账目

  • (2) [get even with sb.]∶吃亏或失败后,再次和人争执较量

  • 决心尽早同他算账

  • 这事如果再办不成我可要找你算账

算账[suàn zhàng]
  1. 因为酒店的老板一算账,酒水的收入比平时少了一半,很明显另一半营业额被厂家赠送掉了。

    Because one boss of hotel do accounts , to have less and half the incomes than usual drinks , very obvious another half turnover has been given by the producer .

  2. 这事我会找你算账的,等着瞧吧!

    I 'll get even with you for this , just you wait .

  3. 这个服务员不会算账。

    The waiter can 't add up .

  4. 跟自来水公司的主管们算账的日子就要到来了。

    The day of reckoning is coming for the water company directors .

  5. 公平算账友谊长。

    Even reckoning makes long friends .

  6. 算账得专心,一不留意就爱出错。

    You must pay careful attention when doing accounts . You 're likely to make errors if you 're not careful .

  7. 他们威胁要与反对者算账。

    They threatened to settle accounts with those who opposed them .

  8. 意面、披萨和佩罗尼啤酒终于来算账了,经过两个月的封锁期,意大利人平均增重2公斤。

    The pasta , pizza and Peroni have finally taken their toll , with Italians emerging from two months of lockdown an average 2 kg heavier .

  9. 说要找他科算账,为哥哥报仇。

    He said he would avenge his brother on them .

  10. 她没事,肯定找你算账。

    If she 's fine , she must let you have it .

  11. 总有一天,我会跟他算账的。

    One of these days , I 'll clean house for him .

  12. 我要去找那该死的港务长算账。

    I 'm going to bust in on that damned harbor master .

  13. 他们急着要跟着剥削他们的人算账。

    They are eager to settle scores against those who exploited them .

  14. 他们现在来找你们算账了。

    And now they 're coming to get you .

  15. 我早晚要找你算账。(较随便)

    I 'll sort you out sooner or later .

  16. 你就等着吧我会跟你算账的!

    Just you wait-i 'll get even with you !

  17. 我们将来一定会同这些挪用公款的人算账。

    We 'll reckon with these defaulters later on .

  18. 朱诺和密涅瓦恼羞成怒,威胁要和他算账。

    Juno and Minerva were furious and threatened to settle matters with him .

  19. 他说他要去同他们算账。

    He said he would settle scores with them .

  20. 这两天了,他始终没顾到算一算账。

    These last few days he had not got around to counting it .

  21. 万一他去找他们算账

    in case he decided to go after them .

  22. 我们没时间纠结这事儿以后再跟你算账约翰肯定知道些内�

    We don 't have time for this , guys.Later.Jonh must know something .

  23. 他故意侮辱我,但总有一天我会跟他算账的。

    He deliberately insulted me but I 'll square accounts with him one day .

  24. 他曾说过,他自己要再到美洲来找这个污辱他的人算账。

    He said that he would come back to America to find this man .

  25. 讨厌算账,最终却要亲自完成所有的财务审核。

    I hated dealing with finances but then took on all accounting tasks myself .

  26. 我们去找你算账了,沈!

    We 're coming for you , Shen !

  27. 你说我是贼,我要跟你算账。

    I have an account to settle with you for calling me a thief .

  28. 等我们冻死这只虫子就去找她算账。

    As soon as we kill this worm , we 're gonna get her back .

  29. 安利创始人之一温安洛:亲兄弟,明算账

    One of the founders of Amway Jay Van Ande : Even brothers Keep careful accounts

  30. 所以说“亲兄弟也要明算账”。

    So even brothers keep careful accounts .