
jián pǔ
  • numbered musical notation
简谱 [jiǎn pǔ]
  • [numbered musical notation;simple musical notation] 用阿拉伯数字 1-7 及其它音乐符号做音符的乐谱

  1. 简谱是大家非常熟悉和常用的乐谱之一,但是在目前光学乐谱识别领域中对它的研究几乎空白,研究的焦点都集中在五线谱识别上。

    Numbered Musical Notation ( NMN ) is one of the most familiar and common music scores , but it is seldom that anyone studies about its recognition in Optical Music Recognition ( OMR ) field at present , and everyone focus on the research of Staff Score Recognition .

  2. 本文给出一种用Windows造字程序创建一个经过精选的简谱音乐字符子集,从而可用常用办公字处理软件编辑简谱音乐文件的方法。

    The author described how to create an optimizing numbered musical notation character set with Windows word-formation program and gave the way to edit the numbered musical notation files by means of WPS .

  3. 五线谱、简谱记谱法的差异性

    The Differences of Noting Score of Staff and Numbered Musical Notation

  4. 多频复合波激电差分相位频率简谱异常区分法

    Anomaly discrimination of simple spectrum of differential phase with multifrequency IP

  5. 简谱视唱固定调问题杂谈

    On Problems in Sightsinging Fixed Tune with Numbered Musical Notation

  6. 常用字处理软件编辑简谱音乐文件的实现方法

    The way to edit the numbered musical notation files with common WPS software

  7. 音乐简谱的识别与演奏系统

    Recognition and play system of numbered musical notation

  8. 印刷体简谱的实时识别

    The real time recognition of printed music

  9. 令我们惊讶的是,她看着简谱就能吹好多歌曲了。

    To our surprise , she was good enough to play many songs just by seeing the numbered musical notation .

  10. 目前,大多数歌曲都是以简谱的形式发表,没有现成的钢琴伴奏谱。

    At present , because of lacking perfect music score , most of the songs are published by numbered musical notation .

  11. 本文在深入分析简谱特征的基础上,提出了一整套简谱识别系统的实现方法。

    In the base of deeply study of the features of NMN , this paper proposes an approach of fulfilling the recognition .

  12. 他们需要一种更自然、更方便使用的简谱编辑软件。

    There is a great demand for a kind of software that supports musical notation editing and that is easy to use .

  13. 若要转制成简谱版或翻译至其他语言,需先取得新心同意。

    For reproduction of the music to simplified music score or translation of the lyrics to other languages , please contact New Heart for prior approval .

  14. 您会在我的手稿上看到我所写的一个以简谱记下的曲调,那就是由我所感受的快乐而自然地流露出来的曲调。

    You can also find on my manuscript a tune written in simplified musical notes ; that was the tune that came out naturally from the happiness I felt .

  15. 钢琴即兴伴奏的要素包括钢琴技巧、声理论基础、声乐曲目积累与简谱编配。

    The factors of piano impromptu accompaniment include piano skills , the basic theory of harmony , the accumulation of music pieces or songs and rearrangement of numbered musical notation .

  16. 《纳西象形文字谱》的异体字及相关问题乐谱,印刷,或手写,用任何一种记谱法(例如首调唱名法,五线谱记谱法,简谱法,盲字记谱法)

    The Variants in Naxi Pictograph Character Chart ; music printed or written in any system of notation ( e.g. , tonic sol-fa , staff notation , numerical symbol , braille )