- 名numbered musical notation

[numbered musical notation;simple musical notation] 用阿拉伯数字 1-7 及其它音乐符号做音符的乐谱
Numbered Musical Notation ( NMN ) is one of the most familiar and common music scores , but it is seldom that anyone studies about its recognition in Optical Music Recognition ( OMR ) field at present , and everyone focus on the research of Staff Score Recognition .
The author described how to create an optimizing numbered musical notation character set with Windows word-formation program and gave the way to edit the numbered musical notation files by means of WPS .
The Differences of Noting Score of Staff and Numbered Musical Notation
Anomaly discrimination of simple spectrum of differential phase with multifrequency IP
On Problems in Sightsinging Fixed Tune with Numbered Musical Notation
The way to edit the numbered musical notation files with common WPS software
Recognition and play system of numbered musical notation
The real time recognition of printed music
To our surprise , she was good enough to play many songs just by seeing the numbered musical notation .
At present , because of lacking perfect music score , most of the songs are published by numbered musical notation .
In the base of deeply study of the features of NMN , this paper proposes an approach of fulfilling the recognition .
There is a great demand for a kind of software that supports musical notation editing and that is easy to use .
For reproduction of the music to simplified music score or translation of the lyrics to other languages , please contact New Heart for prior approval .
You can also find on my manuscript a tune written in simplified musical notes ; that was the tune that came out naturally from the happiness I felt .
The factors of piano impromptu accompaniment include piano skills , the basic theory of harmony , the accumulation of music pieces or songs and rearrangement of numbered musical notation .
The Variants in Naxi Pictograph Character Chart ; music printed or written in any system of notation ( e.g. , tonic sol-fa , staff notation , numerical symbol , braille )