
jiǎn yuē
  • Simplicity;concise;brief;economize;sketchy
简约 [jiǎn yuē]
  • (1) [sketchy;brief;concise]∶简略;不详细

  • 文字简约

  • (2) [economize]∶简省

简约[jiǎn yuē]
  1. 健康、简约、时尚、舒适、休闲”家居理念得到人们认同

    The idea of Healthy , Brief , Fashion , Comfort , Leisure " accepted pervasively . " “

  2. 以少胜多&浅析靳埭强招贴设计中简约空灵的设计语言

    Analysis KAN Tai Keung 's Brief Design Language in the Poster

  3. 他的设计显示出对简约风格的偏爱,这正是他一贯的特点。

    His designs show a love of simplicity which is very much his hallmark .

  4. 装饰风格素雅简约。

    The decor is tasteful and restrained .

  5. 她一改朴素简约的装饰风格,将自己家里布置得温暖舒适,色彩温馨。

    In her own home , she replaced austere minimalism with cosy warmth and colour .

  6. 她风格简约而质朴。

    Her style is pared-down and simple

  7. 这是一幢简朴的灰石房子,主要以其天然简约的风格显得与众不同。

    It was a plain , grey stone house , distinguished mainly by its largely unspoilt simplicity .

  8. 简约穿搭风(normcore)是一种低调的难以归类的穿衣风格。它传递的理念是融入,而非突出。

    Normcore is an understated , nondescript style .

  9. 你用着简单的工具,有一个简约的衣橱,随身携带的物品简单轻便,生活方式也很轻快。

    It 's using simple tools , having a simple wardrobe , carrying little and living lightly .

  10. 基于RoughSet的属性及属性值简约的一种算法

    A Rough-Set-based Algorithm to determine the reduction of attributes and their values

  11. 基于Rough集理论的属性简约研究

    Research of Attributes Reduction Based on Rough Set

  12. 真正重要的是,Oyster阅读体验简约低调。

    What really matters : The reading experience is clean and visually unobtrusive .

  13. 采用了粗糙集的方法对故障案例对应的故障征兆进行简约并计算征兆值对于它所表示的BIT信息的重要度。

    The Rough Sets theory is used to process the fault symptoms to reduce the number and dimension of the symptoms and to calculate the weightiness of every symptom .

  14. FirstLight是由伦敦灯具公司AnotherCountry推出,是包括了黑色、白色以及赤褐色的吊灯系列,相比某些巨型灯件,它的设计风格更为简约,但却完整展示了关键的制作过程。

    First Light , a ceramic pendant in black , white and terracotta by London-based Another Country , is more humble in design than some of the larger-scale pieces , but tells that all-important maker story .

  15. 用Petri网简约矩阵检查测试序列的不确定度,使测试序列不确定度最小,从而优化了测试序列,即从给定的指令中选出了最佳测试序列。

    Ambiguity of test sequence is checked via Petri net matrix . Test pattern is optimized and the best test sequence is got .

  16. 建立了一种基于GM(1,1)模型的入侵检测数据拟合补缺预处理模型,以及一种基于灰关联的监测指标简约算法。

    A data preprocessing model which based on GM ( 1,1 ), and a index reducing algorithm which based on grey relation are built .

  17. CaveHugoRoyal公司表示能为顾客设计奢华、简约、或是现代风格的酒窖。

    Cave Hugo Royal says it can create a luxury , simple , or modern style cellar for its clients .

  18. Cooper是一个简约设计的主张者:在简约设计中每一个选项都应该有目的并且是直接的。

    Cooper is an advocate of minimalist design where every options should be purposeful and direct .

  19. 大规模过程系统优化的简约空间SQP算法

    Reduced Space SQP Algorithm Based on Orthogonal Decomposition for Large Scale Process Optimization

  20. 大规模简约空间SQP算法及其在过程系统优化中的应用

    Research on Large-Scale Reduced Space SQP Algorithm and Its Application to Process Systems

  21. 综合简约HessianSQP算法及在多元精馏优化中的应用

    Integrated reduced Hessian SQP algorithm for distillation column optimization

  22. DEDS不可简约系统矩阵的周期性稳定分析

    Analysis of Periodicity Steady-State for Irreducible Matrix of DEDS

  23. 基于投影与KMP简约算法的一维快速模板匹配算法

    Fast Template Matching Algorithm Based on the Projection and the Contracted KMP Algorithm

  24. ipad简约线条的背后,是令这位苹果首席执很早就与众不同的特质:对技术的驾驭、审美眼光和营销才能。

    Behind the simple lines of the iPad lie a technological mastery , aesthetic flair and marketing savvy that have long set the apple chief executive apart .

  25. 算例表明:对于小规模问题,此法优于Fletcher算法和简约梯度法。

    These examples show that this method is better than Fletcher ′ s algorithm and reduced gradient method for small-scale problems .

  26. 传统的UI已足够满足桌面用途,而移动设备需要更简约且针对其容量、屏幕大小和典型用户进行了良好优化的方法。

    A traditional UI will suffice for the desktop , but a mobile device demands a more minimalist approach and one fine-tuned to its capabilities , screen size , and typical user .

  27. 由于属性的简约为NP完全问题,这就为时效性要求较高的实时在线诊断算法提出了较高的要求。

    Since the attributes reduction is an NP problem , the traditional method is difficult to be applied in the practical application of rough set , especially in diagnostic problem on line .

  28. 介绍了VLSI功能测试向量生成的Petri网模型和Petri网模拟测试序列中指令的关系,构造了压缩存储网络的拓扑信息的Petri网简约矩阵。

    This paper introduces Petri net model of functional test pattern generation for VLSI . Relationships between operators involved in test sequence are accomplished via Petri . Reduced matrix compacting storage of net topology is constructed .

  29. 肖和他的同事仍希望通过调整简约化基因序列的数量,或者往每一细胞内传送更多的简约化基因,来提高dystrophin的产量。

    Still , Xiao and his colleagues hope to increase dystrophin production by tinkering with the mini-gene 's sequence even more , or delivering more mini-genes to each cell .

  30. 采用Kimura双参数模型计算遗传距离:并用邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)和贝叶斯法(Bayesian)重建了黄颡鱼属鱼类的分子系统树。

    The Kimura 's 2-Parameter sequence divergences were calculated and molecular phylogenetic trees were reconstructed by using the neighbor-joining ( NJ ) and maximum parsimony ( MP ) methods as well as Bayesian inference .