
zhù dī
  • fill;embank;dike;build a dike;bank
筑堤 [zhù dī]
  • [build a dike;bank] 修筑或加固河堤或海堤

筑堤[zhù dī]
  1. 筑堤用的材料:例如土或砂石,用来填充的物质。

    Fill : the material , such as earth or gravel , used for fill .

  2. 劳动人民尽最大努力筑堤防洪。

    The laboring people tried their best to dam the river .

  3. 考虑渗流作用的基坑稳定分析软土地基上筑堤渗流稳定分析

    Stability Analysis of Foundation Pit Considering the Effect of Seepage Flow

  4. 辽河三角洲沿海滩涂高含水量土壤冬季筑堤技术研究

    Winter Construction of Levee on the Seabeach of Liaohe River Delta

  5. 改良膨胀土筑堤压实度控制标准研究

    Compaction degree control standard for stabilized expansive soil in embankment construction

  6. 海狸因其会在水流中筑堤而闻名。

    Beavers are noted for their skill in building dams across streams .

  7. 深厚软基筑堤工艺和稳定性控制

    Banking technologies for deep soft foundation and its stability control

  8. 软基快速筑堤关键技术的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Key Technology About Rapid Embankment on Soft Foundation

  9. 湖泊疏浚泥固化筑堤现场试验研究

    Field Test of Dike Construction with Solidified Lake Dredged Material

  10. 软土地基上筑堤渗流稳定分析

    Seepage stability analysis of the dam constructed on soft ground

  11. 爆炸挤淤法筑堤中的土工问题

    Geotechnical Problems in Breakwater Construction by Blasting Mud Removal Method

  12. 我们已沿河筑堤以防河水泛滥。

    We have banked up the river to prevent flooding .

  13. 试论软弱筑堤土的固结效应

    Study on consolidation effect of embankment fill of soft soil

  14. 粉喷桩加固软土路基筑堤试验原位观测

    In-situ measurement of Embankment Consolidation experiment using cement-mixed piles in soft soil

  15. 村民们在河边筑堤以防河水泛滥。

    The villagers banked up the river to prevent flooding .

  16. 河口筑堤土料的工程现场试验

    Field experiment on soil material for banking at estuaries

  17. 筑堤保护田地以防止洪水。

    Dike the land to protect it from water .

  18. 萧甬二线工程软土路基筑堤试验原位观测

    In-Situ Observation of Embankment Experiments on Soft Soil Roadbed of Second Xiaoshan-Ningbo Railway

  19. 水下爆炸处理软基筑堤法在大型火电厂中的应用

    Applying diking method with underwater burst treated soft base to large thermal power plants

  20. 这些土筑堤埝根本起不到防洪作用。

    These earth dykes cannot hold against floods .

  21. 筑堤土防渗性状试验研究

    Test study on impervious properties of embankment fill

  22. 让我们来筑堤防河水。筑堤保护田地以防止洪水。

    Let 's dam the river . dike the land to protect it from water .

  23. 筑堤围栏,筑堤防护用小土丘或堤坝来分隔、保护混凝土方块堆石防波堤

    To border or protect with a ridge or embankment . concrete block and rock-mound breakwater

  24. 爆炸法处理水下沙&淤泥软基筑堤施工技术

    Construction Techniques of Blasting Treatment of Underwater Sand - Ooze Soft Bed for Breakwater Foundation

  25. 筑堤与修塘成为湖区最重要的两项水利活动。

    Building the embankment and repairing the pond were the most important two water conservation activities .

  26. 围海工程滩涂的软土特性与筑堤技术

    Character of seacoast soft soil and technique of building dike on reclaimed land from the sea

  27. 常规的筑堤方式不仅造价高,而且不能够真正解决海堤的工后沉降问题。

    However the conventional embankment method has the problems of high cost and large settlement after construction .

  28. 最好在河边筑堤,下个月雨水会很多。

    It would be better to bank the river ; it will rain a lot next month .

  29. 本文介绍了圩的概念,太湖地区圩区的现状,以及修圩筑堤对太湖流域洪涝形势的影响。

    Concept and the present situations of polders in the Taihu lake region are introduced in this paper .

  30. 让囚犯到监狱外面伐木、修桥筑堤、建造贮藏马铃薯的地窖。

    There were prisoners out cutting pulpwood , prisoners repairing bridges and causeways , prisoners constructing potato cellars .