
jīn gǔ
  • bones and muscles;muscles and bones;physique
筋骨 [jīn gǔ]
  • [physique;bones and muscles] 筋肉和骨头,泛指体格

  • 锻炼筋骨

筋骨[jīn gǔ]
  1. 高科技社区活动筋骨应用舌骨下肌皮瓣的新经验

    Move the muscles and bones further experience with the infrahyoid myocutaneous flap

  2. 中国武术,强壮筋骨。

    Chinese Wushu helps to strengthen the muscles and Bones .

  3. 不付出艰苦的努力似乎就不会取得成功,而且这一努力通常要劳其筋骨。

    Success never seems to come but through hard work , often physically demanding work at that

  4. 管他呢,我心想,至少这能让懒鬼老头活动一下筋骨。

    What the hell , I thought , at least it will give the lazy old man some exercise .

  5. 武术可以锻炼筋骨。

    Practising Wushu strengthens the body .

  6. 他们不用担心,他们必须睡觉,于是他们疲惫不堪的筋骨不知不觉地松弛了。

    They mustn 't worry ; they must sleep ; and rest stole into their jaded bones .

  7. 他的筋骨和关节都痛。

    He is troubled with painful muscles and joints .

  8. HPLC法测定筋骨草胶囊中木犀草素含量

    The Luteolin Content Determination in Herba Ajugae Gelatin Capsules by HPLC

  9. 方法:通过TLC对筋骨跌打丸中橙皮苷、大黄进行鉴别;

    Methods The rhubarb and aurantiamarin were identified by thin-layer chromatography ( TLC ) .

  10. 目的:观察筋骨片对骨性关节炎(OA)变发生发展及其修复作用的影响。

    Objective : To observe the influence of Jin Gu Tablet ( JGT ) on the development and rehabilitation of osteoarthritis ( OA ) .

  11. 此结论表明治疗组中补肝肾、强筋骨、健脾益气、活血化瘀的中药成分有增加BMD,防止骨量流失的作用。

    The conclusion shows that the treatment group for strong bones and muscles in the kidney , and enriching qi , promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis of traditional Chinese medicine composition have increased BMD , prevent bone loss function . 4 .

  12. 在跑步之前他做了一些伸展运动来活动筋骨。

    Before he ran , he did some stretches to loosen up .

  13. 将板栗捣烂敷患处可治筋骨肿痛;

    Chestnut Daolan Kurashiki the affected area will be governance skeletal pain ;

  14. 的干燥根皮,其传统功能为祛风湿,强筋骨。

    Its traditional function include eliminating wind and strengthening bones and muscles .

  15. 筋骨草提取液对几种鳞翅目幼虫的杀虫效果

    Effect of Phytoecdysones from Ajuga Plants on the Larvae of Lepidoptera Species

  16. 山上的石头,就好像山的筋骨;

    The stones in the mountains are like his bones and sinews ;

  17. 在他下午比赛之前,他经常放松筋骨。

    He always limbered himself up before his afternoon match .

  18. 目的:建立筋骨跌打丸质量标准。

    Objective To establish the quality standard of An Gu Die Da Wan .

  19. 我的筋骨和关节都痛。

    I am troubled with painful muscles and joints .

  20. 打禅后有一位师姊说她感觉在活动筋骨后,打坐的效果更好。

    One sister even commented that she meditated better after the physical exercise .

  21. 服装名城的筋骨用什么构筑?

    What makes up of China famous garments city ?

  22. 目的建立筋骨草胶囊中木犀草素含量测定方法。

    Objective Luteolin contents determine method in building the Herba Ajugae gelatin capsules .

  23. 筋骨草总黄酮治疗系膜增生性肾小球肾炎大鼠的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Ajuga Flavonoids in the Treatment of Mesangial Proliferative Glomerulonephritis of Rats

  24. 这河苏醒啦,黑龙正在舒展筋骨。

    The Heilongjiang is stretching its muscles .

  25. 我们当然可以说,这一动物是由骨骼、筋骨、神经等构成。

    An animal may be said to consist of bones , muscles , nerves , etc.

  26. 筋骨草对改良慢性血清病系膜增生性肾小球肾炎大鼠的影响

    Effects of Herba Ajugae on the Improved Chronic Serum Sickness Rats of Mesangial Proliferative Glomerulonephritis

  27. 塑造品牌个性、再造企业筋骨

    Establish brand personality to rebuild corporate physique

  28. 棍棒和石头可能伤人筋骨,可是话语却能让人心碎。

    Sticks and stones may break our bones , but words will break our hearts .

  29. 筋骨草对小鼠S(180)肉瘤的抑瘤试验

    Experiment of Tumor Inhibition of Ciliate Bugle Herb in S_ ( 180 ) Sarcom Mice

  30. 最好每隔一小时舒展一下筋骨,这也可以帮你清理思绪。

    Aim to stretch every hour , too , in an effort to clear your head .