- 网络isochrones

Secondly , with reference to the traditional flow routing method & isochrones , spatial variability of rainfall and watershed topography are both considered to derive the variable isochrones .
The variable isochrones based on digital stream networks , can overcome the defect in traditional isochrones method , which assumes that flow velocity is even on the whole watershed . The influence of rainfall and watershed topography on flow routing can be both considered in the variable isochrones .
Meantime , two models of flow routing and confluence are established , including the Grid-Based Muskingum Flow Routing Method and the Sub-basin-Based Isochrone Method .
Computer aid drawing of equivalent flow duration contour
Watershed variable isochrones method based on DEM
Lastly , a digital flow routing model has been established based on variable isochrones and the proposed variable isochrones method has applied for a small watershed .
By using variable isochrones to compute the discharge hydrograph , the influence of watershed topography can bepresented , and the influence of rainfall can also be better reflected .
The runoff sub-model describes the rainfall event with instantaneous rainfall intensity , the runoff-generated event with runoff coefficient of integrative area and the runoff converged event with the principle of equal time of flowage .
Confluence model of isochronic instantaneous unit hydrograph