
  • 网络second language teaching;second language education;TCSL;slt
  1. 语言变化与第二语言教学

    Linguistic Change and Second Language Education

  2. 在第二语言教学活动中,提高学习者听力技能也一直是一项重要教学内容。

    In second language education , to raise learners ' listening skill is always an important content .

  3. focusonform(重形式教学)被认为是在第二语言教学中平衡形式和意义,促进中介语发展的有效手段。

    Focus on form has been considered as an effective means to balance the forms and meaning and facilitate the development of interlanguage in second language teaching .

  4. 本文从实践和理论两个方面,对英语作为第二语言教学中的过程写作(ProcessWriting)教学法进行了介绍,并结合其在对外汉语教学领域的应用进行了深入的探讨。

    In the light of the theory of Process Writing in teaching English as a second language , this paper attempts to make use of it in teaching Chinese to foreign learners .

  5. 在ESP教学法之外,布朗提出的十二条教学原理集中反映了20几年来第二语言教学研究方法的最新成果。

    Also , in the field of SLT ( Second Language Teaching ), H. Douglas Brown puts forward twelve teaching principles which reflect the latest fruits in the field of SLT .

  6. 本文对如何做好美国中小学IVC教学中汉语作为第二语言教学以及教学中的方法和技巧进行了探索。

    This paper gives an analysis of the methods and skills of teaching Chinese as a second language to American elementary , middle and high school students and how to make it well .

  7. 在经过20多年的实践,CBI模式在西方已经越来越得到广大专家和学者的肯定,并逐渐成为第二语言教学中颇受欢迎的模式之一。

    With the experience of more than twenty years , CBI has won more and more supports from scholars and experts and is gradually becoming one of the popular language teaching methods .

  8. 本文通过对词汇测试理论的述评,探讨词汇量测试理论在汉语作为第二语言教学中的应用,对汉语L2的词汇测试目的、方法以及测试题的设计等方面提出值得研究的问题。

    By reviewing the theories on measurement of vocabulary size , the paper probes into the theories ' application to teaching Chinese as a second language and puts forward some issues such as the purpose , methods and test design for the measurement of vocabulary size .

  9. 错误分析法在第二语言教学中的价值及作用

    Value and Effect of Error Analysis in the Second Language Teaching

  10. 错误分析是第二语言教学中广泛采用的重要研究手段。

    Error Analysis is an important research approach in second language teaching .

  11. 发展认知神经科学视野中的学前第二语言教学

    Preschool Second Language Teaching From Perspective of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

  12. 中介语理论与第二语言教学中的偏误分析

    The Theory on Inter-language and Error-analysis in Second Language Teaching

  13. 汉语作为第二语言教学中的量词研究

    Studying Measure Word in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

  14. 第二语言教学中成语教学探析

    An Analysis of Chinese Proverb Teaching in Second Language Teaching

  15. 对外汉语教学属第二语言教学。

    Teaching Chinese as a foreign language belongs to foreign language teaching .

  16. 中介语的动态研究对成人第二语言教学的启示

    Dynamic Research of Interlanguage and Its Instructive Meaning for Adult L2 Teaching

  17. 谈第二语言教学中教与学的关系

    The Relationship between Teaching and Learning in Second Language Teaching

  18. 这是第二语言教学界普遍认同的观点。

    This is the generally accepted view in the second language teaching field .

  19. 汉字教学一直是第二语言教学发展的一个拦路虎。

    Chinese character teaching have been restricted the development of second language teaching .

  20. 其理论成果对第二语言教学产生了重大影响。

    Its theories result produced the great influence to the second language teaching .

  21. 埃德蒙顿一个非常强大计划是第二语言教学。

    One of the very strong programs in Edmonton is Second Language instruction .

  22. 第二语言教学的新模式(实验设计)

    A New Model of Second Language Teaching ( a Plan of an Experiment );

  23. 理论语法与教学语法的衔接问题&以汉语作为第二语言教学为例对外汉语教学疑问句语法项目选取与排序研究

    A Study on Selection and Arrangement of L2 Chinese Interrogative Sentence Pedagogical Grammar Points

  24. 试论第二语言教学的语言学原则

    On the Linguistic Principles of Second Language Teaching

  25. 多媒体信息技术在第二语言教学中的应用

    Information and Communications Technology in English Language Teaching

  26. 在汉语作为第二语言教学实践当中,频度副词是语法教学中的一个难点。

    Frequency adjectives always create difficulty in the teaching of Chinese as second language .

  27. 布朗情感因素理论在第二语言教学中的运用

    The Application of Brown 's Theories of Affective Factors in the Second Language Teaching

  28. 第二语言教学活动中词汇习得模式的研究仁者见仁,智者见智,本文援引了其中之二。

    Two models of vocabulary acquisition in a second language in instructional settings are outlined .

  29. 第二语言教学过程中词汇的附带习得

    Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in Second Language Teaching

  30. 汉语双音词的属性测查与汉语第二语言教学

    A Study of Semantics on Chinese Dissyllabic Compounds for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language