
  • 网络The second industrial revolution
  1. 第二次工业革命以后,人类迈入了电气时代。

    After the second industrial revolution , the age of electricity had come .

  2. 推进东莞市第二次工业革命建设高新技术产业区

    Advance the second industrial revolution and establish High-new Technical Enterprise Zone in Dongguan City

  3. 第二次工业革命的完成对美国政治传统的影响

    The Influence of Accomplishment of Second Industrial Revolution on American 's Political Tradition

  4. 试述第二次工业革命,并探讨其对劳动力之意涵。

    Describe the Second Industrial Revolution and discuss its implications for the labor force .

  5. 自第二次工业革命开始,廉租房就已经得到欧美发达国家的重视。

    Since the Second Industrial Revolution began , the rent-housing is paid great attention by Euramerican developed countries .

  6. 美国的第二次工业革命由钢铁、煤炭和石油推动,而设计者则都是男性。

    America 's second industrial revolution was fueled by steel , coal , and oil and designed by men .

  7. 19世纪末20世纪初,由于第二次工业革命,德意志帝国已成为一个现代意义上的工业化国家。

    The German Empire had become an industrial country through the Second Industrial Revolution by the end of19th C.and the beginning of20th C.

  8. 集成电路开创了一个引起许多根本性变化的时代,从而使这个时代具有第二次工业革命的特征。

    The IC has brought in an era of fundamental changes that it already has the characteristics of a second industrial revolution .

  9. 威纳被视为第二次工业革命的先知,他从极度热情转向严重悲观。

    Wiener was seen as the prophet of the second industrial revolution , veering from the wildly enthusiastic to the deeply pessimistic .

  10. 电能的利用是第二次工业革命的主要标志,人类社会从此进入了电气时代。

    The utilization of electric power is the outstanding feature of the second industrial revolution , since then the age of electricity had dawned .

  11. 恩格斯的晚年资本主义国家发生了第二次工业革命,开始了由自由竞争阶段向垄断阶段的过度。

    The second industrial revolution happened during Engels'later year , and the capitalism begun to transfer from the stage of free-competition to the stage of manipulation .

  12. 20世纪初爆发第二次工业革命,当时的亨利福特已经可以熟练掌控流水线,标志着大生产时代的到来。

    The second industrial revolution came in the early 20th century , when Henry Ford mastered the moving assembly line and ushered in the age of mass production .

  13. 计算机是一种先进的文明和它的发明产品,根据一些人,标志着第二次工业革命的到来。

    A : The computer is a product of advanced civilization and its invention , according to some people , signals the advent of a Second Industrial Revolution .

  14. 从19世纪中叶开始,在欧美国家爆发了第二次工业革命,资本主义的发展从自由竞争阶段发展到垄断阶段。

    From the mid-19th century , the second Industrial Revolution in the European and American countries came into its bloom , and capitalism developed from its free competition stage into its monopolized stage .

  15. 20世纪,随着第二次工业革命带来的进步,科学技术迅猛发展,渗透到各个领域,也推动了建筑理念的巨大变革。

    In the 20th century , the Second Industrial Revolution has brought about great advances in human civilization . Science and technology are developing rapidly and have come to pervade every aspect of our lives .

  16. 伴随着全球工业化的脚步,在第二次工业革命以后全世界经济发展取得的成就是过去几个世纪都不曾取得的,经济成就的取得是以巨大的环境污染为代价的。

    With the global industrialization , the achievements of economic development around the world the after the Second Industrial Revolution are far more than those in the last few centuries . However those achievements are all achieved with sever environmental pollution .

  17. 经历了第二次工业革命后,各国海军都发生了翻天覆地的变化,对于英国尤其剧烈,一系列原因导致英国财政出现危机,同时英国还面临各国海军的威胁。

    After the second Industrial Revolution , the navy of countries has been changed greatly , especially in Britain . A series of reasons made the crisis of the British finance . At the same time , the threat of other countries was serious .

  18. 十九世纪末二十世纪初,英美等资本主义国家借助第二次工业革命的时机大力发展本国经济,由资本主义经济社会过渡到了垄断经济形式。

    The economy of some western Capitalism countries , especially America and Britain , got a flourishing development in virtue of the second Industrial Revolution in the latter half of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century in which period the western countries transformed from Capitalism to Monopolization .

  19. 内燃机包括汽油机和柴油机,内燃机的发明带来了二十世纪从德国开始的第二次世界工业革命。

    Internal combustion engine including gasoline and diesel engines , the invention of internal combustion engine has brought the Second World industrial revolution from Germany began in the twentieth century .

  20. 美国曾经是一个农民的国家,后来由于成功地采用了工业革命创造的机器和生产工艺,才经历了巨大的变化,以后又在“第二次”工业革命的作用下一变而再变。

    Once a nation of farmers , the United States was changed dramatically by successful adaptation of the machinery and production processes of the industrial revolution & and then transformed again by what amounts to a " second " industrial revolution .

  21. 报告称,欧洲未能以相同的程度参与这第二个镀金时代。镀金时代是指20世纪初第二次工业革命后财富创造的年代。

    Europe had not participated in this second gilded age an era of wealth creation following industrial innovation in the early 1900s to such a degree , the report said .