
  • 网络Third-Party Software;third party software
  1. 本文介绍了几种开发Windows环境下虚拟仿真界面第三方软件平台,并将其性能进行了评价与比较。

    Introduction to several third-party software platforms for developing virtual simulation interface in Windows , and the comparison with them .

  2. 重用IBM员工已经购买的第三方软件许可证,这存在具有说服力的理由。

    There 's a compelling case to be made for reusing third-party software licenses that IBM employees have purchased .

  3. 第三方软件可用来协助LDAP服务器的管理。

    Third-party software can be used to facilitate the management of your LDAP server .

  4. 如果没有更新第三方软件以使用outlook中新的接受会议体系结构,则可能会发生此问题。

    This problem may occur if the third-party software was not updated to work with the new meeting acceptance architecture in outlook .

  5. 协作型企业软件ERP和CRM应用程序独立软件供应商集成支持客户-业务流程的第三方软件。

    Collaborative Enterprise Software Independent software vendor of ERP and CRM applications Integrate third-party software in support of customers_business processes .

  6. 用户IDs、第三方软件、技术级别和服务包都必须一致。

    The user IDs , third-party software , technology levels , and service packs need to be consistent .

  7. 客户对IBM软件的可配置性需求不断提升,以便能与其现有的IT和安全性基础设施中的其他第三方软件实现无缝连接。

    Customers are increasingly demanding that IBM software be configurable to work seamlessly with other third-party software in their existing IT and security infrastructures .

  8. 使用DOM的优点是可以用第三方软件生成树。

    The advantage of using the DOM is that the tree can then be produced by third-party software .

  9. 区别于同类研究中利用第三方软件的方法,本文采用基于CT数据表面重构的方法获取一般人脸模型,使得模型数据更加精细且易于操作。

    Differed from the conventional method that uses the other 3D modeling software , the thesis adopts the surface restoring method based on CT data to get the generic face model .

  10. 宏碁使用一款第三方软件程序“TriDef3D”把2D内容转化为3D,人们必须用这款软件才能以3D方式观看照片和视频。

    Acer converts 2D content to 3D by using a third-party software program called TriDef 3D , which people must use to see their photos and videos in 3D .

  11. 我们还提供了一个RESTAPI,这样用户和第三方软件供应商就可以将RPM应用性能数据集成到自己的解决方案中。

    We also offer a REST API that allows our customers and third party software vendors to integrate RPM application performance data into their solutions .

  12. 现今,IBM和第三方软件供应商提供超过一百个ITM监控代理。

    Today , there are over one hundred ITM monitoring agents available from IBM and third-party software vendors .

  13. 除此以外,微软还愿意在安全问题方面,向从事开发第三方软件的中国程序员提供帮助,以保障Windows系统和IE浏览器用户的安全风险。

    Microsoft also wants to educate more Chinese software developers on security issues to shield Windows and Internet Explorer users from vulnerabilities in third-party programs , said Lambert .

  14. 随着越来越多的第三方软件和SAP系统集成,在整个企业内就形成一个信息平台对企业发展提供支持。

    Along with the integration of more third square software and SAP system , an information platform will provide support to the development of business .

  15. 这已经是用于测试PHP应用(或其他第三方软件包)时间消耗的最流行的方法了。

    This has become one of the most popular methods for measuring the time consumed by PHP ( and other third-party software packages ) when performing specific tasks .

  16. 大量Android应用程序由第三方软件开发者开发,使得Android系统的应用几乎覆盖了我们生活的方方面面。

    As a result , a large number of Android applications , developed by third-party software developers , have been covering almost every aspect in our lives .

  17. 对于通过苹果AppStore出售应用程序的第三方软件开发商而言,集中力量为使用同一软件系统的单一用户群开发应用会更有效率。

    As for third-party software developers selling apps through Apple 's App Store , it is more efficient to focus on building apps for a single audience running the same software system .

  18. 考虑到Apache和PHP的开源性,我们的另一个重要决策是决定捆绑第三方软件二进制文件,还是动态构建必备软件。

    Because of the open source nature of Apache and PHP , another important decision for us is whether to bundle third-party software binaries or to build the prerequisite software on the fly .

  19. NetegritySiteMinder就是这样一种客户经常部署的第三方软件。

    One such piece of third-party software that customers often deploy is Netegrity SiteMinder .

  20. 诚然,安装第三方软件可能略嫌麻烦,而在网上可以找到的一些忠告,似乎将会诱惑用户深入到缠结在一起的Linux灌木丛,很少有人会在那里冒险。

    Admittedly , installing third-party software can be a bit of a fiddle , and some of the advice available online threatens to lure users into the tangled depths of the Linux undergrowth , where few people will want to venture .

  21. 第三方软件开发者使用软件平台配套的SDK即可为手机平台开发应用,APPStore模式的成功证明了智能手机已经成为软件的移动销售终端。

    And the third party software developers can develop applications with the SDK of software platform . The success of the model of App store proved that smart phones have become the mobile sale terminals of software .

  22. Android的开源使得越来越多的设备制造商和网络运营商加入这支席卷全球的革命中,同时也吸引了数以百万计的第三方软件开发者来开发Android应用程序。

    Open-source of Android enables more and more OEMs and Network Operators joining in this revolution which is sweeping across the whole world , and it also pull the attentions of millions of third-party software developers to develop Android application .

  23. 前一种方案是使用第三方软件DataWare,后一种方案是采用在Windows2000advancedServer操作系统上自带的群集组件,并对两种方案作了比较。

    The first scheme to realize cluster ( adopted ) a third-party software : DataWare , while the second adopted the cluster component of Windows 2000 Advanced Server , and the difference between them is discussed .

  24. 算法实现是通过Visualc++编程工具和OPengl库函数的结合,开发出了一个虚拟装配系统,该系统通过第三方软件(PRO/E)建立零件装配模型,通过编写。

    The implement of algorithm is a virtual assembly system which developed by the combination of Visual c + + compile program tool and OpenGL library function , the system part assembly models are created by the third software ( PRO / E ) and compile the .

  25. 注意:如果安装第三方软件或通过除IOS之外的其他任何方法更改操作系统,通常会导致IBM的支持失效,所以最好不要以任何非标准、非VIO方式更改服务器。

    Note : Installing third-party software or altering the operating system through any means outside of the IOS typically invalidates support from IBM , so it 's best to avoid modifying the server in any nonstandard , non-VIO way .

  26. Spindler表示,意外的删除操作令许多公司饱受困扰,他们不得不购买“昂贵”的第三方软件,以防止误删事件再次发生。

    Companies burned by deleted objects have had to purchase " costly " third-party software products to prevent it from happening again , Spindler said .

  27. 针对第三方软件的敏感信息,如QQ、Skype、邮箱等常用工具,论文对其对应的数据库进行了解析,并提取出相关信息存储在本地数据库中。

    The thesis conducts analysis on some databases , which contains sensitive information from third-party software , such as QQ , skype , email and so on , and extracts the relevant information , storing these data in a local database .

  28. 阐述了RTDB的体系结构,RTDB的设计和实现,组态软件与第三方软件数据交换的方式等核心问题,提出了一些相应的实现方法和技术措施。

    The core problem in configuration software such as structure , the design and implementation of RTDB , and the technique of data exchange are described , some implementation methods and technical measures are presented .

  29. 其他第三方软件,如Signature2Contacts等,在邮件包含新联系信息时不会自动弹出提醒窗口,你必须自己启动信息提取功能。

    Other third-party programs like Signature2Contacts don 't pop up automatically when an email contains information that you don 't have ; instead , you must initiate extracting information .

  30. 类似的方法也可用于某些第三方软件组件。

    A similar approach was taken for certain third-party software components .