
  • 网络Third party assessment
  1. 从评估的组织者来看,包括有机构的自我评估、第三方评估、同行、媒体、公众以及政府对组织的评估等。

    Viewing from the assessment leaders , there are organizational self-assessment , a third party assessment , and assessment from the peer-competitors , the media , the public and the government .

  2. 开展第三方评估促进医院科学发展的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Third-party Evaluation in Promoting Scientific Development of Hospital

  3. 总结式研究通常由专业的第三方评估机构来进行,并且全部记录在案。

    Summative studies are generally conducted and thoroughly documented by professional , third-party evaluators .

  4. 实施第三方评估客观评价患者满意度

    Applying the Evaluation from the Third Party and Estimating Objectively the Satisfaction Degrees of Patients

  5. 评估工作应由合资格的第三方评估机构或合资格的内部评估人员负责进行。

    The assessment shall be performed by a qualified Third-Party Assessment Entity or a qualified In-House Assessor .

  6. 引入独立第三方评估和以用户为中心的后评估是完善高校数字图书馆建设评估机制的有效途径。

    Evaluation conducted by the third body and post-project evaluation are effective methods to perfect the evaluation mechanism of academic digital library development .

  7. 不过我的体验并不具有代表性。福特现在正在遭受汽车买主、经销商、第三方评估者和媒体的口诛笔伐。

    My experience has not been typical , however , and Ford is getting roasted by owners , dealers , third-party evaluators , and the media .

  8. 建立非营利性的第三方评估机构,是保证院长绩效公正公平进行的必要手段。

    The significant assurance to ensure the fairness and equity of the superintendent performance evaluation is to set up a professional nonprofit assessing mechanism based on the third-party .

  9. 我们狠抓重大政策措施的落实,认真开展督查,引入第三方评估和社会评价,建立长效机制,有力促进了各项工作。

    We have taken strong steps to ensure the implementation of major policies and measures , carrying out inspections , introducing third-party evaluations and public appraisals , and establishing permanent mechanisms . These efforts have gone a long way in advancing all of our work .

  10. 第三方评估机构作为政府监督执行部门的委托代理者,主要负责对公立医院资产运营情况和服务能力的评估,其评估行为应被赋予一定的行政权威性和强制性,但不具有惩处权。

    As an entrusted agency of government supervision , the third party evaluation agency should be responsible for evaluation of capital operating and service capability of public hospitals . The evaluation behavior should be authorized and mandatory , however , they should not have the right of punishment .

  11. 目前最有代表性的批评来自《消费者报告》杂志(ConsumersReports),这家杂志是目前最有影响力的第三方汽车评估者。

    The most prominent critic has been Consumers Reports , by far the most influential third-party automotive evaluator .

  12. 刍议第三方政策评估对我国的启示

    On the Enlightenment of the Third Party Policy Evaluation

  13. 另外,还必须将该基础结构设计成CWCBank将来可能会选择实现的第三方产品的评估中心。

    In addition , this infrastructure must also be designed as an evaluation center for third-party products that CWC Bank may choose to implement in the future .

  14. 并分析了采用第三方物流的评估方法。

    And the use of third-party logistics of the assessment methods .

  15. 信息技术安全已越来越成为在制造商与产品或系统的购买者之外由中立的第三方来进行评估的主题,而这些评估的基础便是信息技术安全评估标准。

    More and more the security of information technology becomes subject to evaluations by neutral third parties beside manufacturers and procurers . The bases of these evaluations are information technology security evaluation criteria .

  16. 利用ANP方法建立了第三方逆向物流的评估模型,并通过超级决策软件(SD)与AHP模型进行了对比计算。

    Analytical network process ( ANP ) method is employed to establish the third party reverse logistics evaluation model . Computation is carried out by Super Decision software using AHP and ANP methods .

  17. 北京地铁十号线第三方监测与安全评估

    Third Party Monitoring in Beijing No.10 Subway Project and Safety Valuation

  18. 审计[财务]:为向第三方提供评价或评估的依据,对会计或其它记录进行检查。

    Audit [ finance ] : Inspection of accounting or other records in order to provide a Basis for third-party evaluation or appraisal .