
  • 网络third-party intervention;third party intervention;Third-party involvement
  1. 在立法层面上,要建立强制性推定条款制度、完善资本退出制度和授权第三方介入制度。

    First , establishing a system of mandatory presumption on the legislative level ; improving exit strategy in capital market ; authorizing third-party intervention system .

  2. 因此,全国各地分别引入相应的解决医疗纠纷的第三方介入机制,探索并建立处理医疗纠纷的新模式。

    Therefore , throughout the country were introduced to resolve medical disputes the corresponding third-party intervention mechanisms , explore and establish a new model for handling medical disputes .

  3. 第三方介入制度是WTO争端解决程序中的一项具有特色且非常重要的制度。

    The third party intervention system plays a significant role in the WTO dispute settlement mechanism .

  4. 毫不夸张地说,今天几乎所有进入WTO争端解决程序的案件都会有一个或多个第三方介入其中。

    As a matter of fact , almost all the cases under WTO dispute settlement proceedings are involved by one or more third parties ' interventions .

  5. 实践和理论的发展要求改革WTO争端解决机制中的第三方介入机制,增强第三方的介入权。

    The development of the WTO practice and theory need to reform third party system in the WTO dispute settlement mechanism and enhance the rights of third party .

  6. 第三方介入GATT/WTO争端解决程序的问题一度伴随着其争端解决机制的发展历史并越来越受到WTO成员国的重视。

    The history of GATT / WTO dispute settlement system has always been accompanied by the intervention of third parties , to which the WTO members are paying more attention nowadays than they ever did .

  7. 本文沿着GATT/WTO争端解决机制中第三方介入的历史轨迹,分析了WTO体制下关于第三方介入的规则和实践,同时对这些规则的进步性加以肯定。

    By tracing to the history of third party intervention in the GATT / WTO dispute settlement system , this article introduces and furthermore confirmed the rules relating to third party intervention s under WTO , as well as the relative practices .

  8. WTO的DSU规则对争端解决程序中第三方介入问题的理性提升和规范,已经使得第三方介入问题以前所未有的高度正式浮出水面。

    By the rules of DSU , the problem of third party intervention in the WTO dispute settlement proceedings has been theorized and standardized , which makes the problem of third party intervention " emerge from under the water " .

  9. 必须有令人信服的第三方介入调查,为公众挖出真相。

    A trust-worthy third party must step in and dig out the truth for the public .

  10. 但此方法也不是尽善尽美,因此大胆提出让第三方介入的思路。

    However , this method is not perfect . Therefore points out that get " third parties " involved .

  11. 新协议在离线可信第三方介入的情况下能够达到可接受的公平结果;

    A new practical protocol for certified email is presented , which can guarantee acceptable fair with interception of conditional TTP .

  12. 一条网上评论写道,常识让公众很难接受一个健康的年轻人会死于玩游戏,必须有令人信服的第三方介入调查,为公众挖出真相。

    " Common sense makes it hard for the public to accept that a healthy young man died from playing a game * a trust-worthy third party must step in and dig out the truth for the public , " reads one online commentary .

  13. 因此,第三方的介入是必要的。

    So it is necessary for the third party to intervene .

  14. 昨晚的事故是因为有第三方的介入

    Last night 's incident was the result of third party interference .

  15. 软件是快速成形技术的灵魂,第三方软件介入是当前快速成形技术软件开发的一个明显趋势。

    Software is the core of rapid prototyping technology . The field of rapid prototyping technology where commercial software involved is an obvious trend of software technique development at present .

  16. 因此,需要一个专业的第三方的介入,即医务社会工作,来缓解或解决医患关系可能遇到或已经遇到的问题。

    Thus , we need the intervention of a third party which is the medical social work to alleviate or solve the problems that the doctor-patient relationship may encounter or have encountered .

  17. 所谓调解,是指在中立第三方的介入和斡旋下,双方当事人通过协商达成协议,解决纠纷的一种方式。

    Intermediation refers to a way that under the intervention and mediation of the third party as the neutrality side , both parties concerned reach an agreement and solve a dispute through consultation .

  18. 比特币是一种数字货币,不需第三方金融监管机构介入,便可在电脑或智能手机上进行商业交易。

    Bitcoin ( BTC ) is a digital currency . Bitcoins can be transferred through a computer or smartphone without an intermediate financial institution .

  19. 结果规划环境影响评价工作应注意的主要问题是处理好自我评价与第三方评价、早期介入、公众参与、多方案比较等;

    Results The main problems of planning environment impact assessment are to deal with relation between self-assessment and third party assessment well , participate early and public participation as well as comparision among mutiple schemes etc ;

  20. 目前较实用的不可否认协议都离不开一个可信第三方或半可信第三方的介入。

    The main contributions are as follows : ( 1 ) Currently used non-repudiation protocols always involve a trusted third party or semi-trusted Third party .

  21. 国际法院程序中第三国介入的规则和实践,不失为WTO争端解决程序中第三方介入问题的很好指南,实践中专家组在第三方介入权利范围上已经在向国际法院靠拢。

    By looking into the rules and practices of third party intervention in the procedure of International Court of Justice , this article makes it possible both a deeper comprehension and a bettering of the problem of third party intervention in the WTO dispute settlement proceedings .