
  • 网络third-generation mobile
  1. 举例来说,远在3G电话可以使用前,中国国内就已经制造了世界上最多的第三代移动电话。

    China , for example , made most of the world 's third-generation mobile phones long before3G telephony was available at home .

  2. 目前,全球对第三代移动电话(3G)经营权的争夺已硝烟四起,各国已拍卖或即将拍卖的每张3G的经营执照都达到几十亿美元之巨。

    At present , the rivalry for the right to operate the business of the 3G mobile telephone is going on everywhere in the globe . Every license of the 3G mobile telephone has been sold or will be sold by auction for billions of dollars .

  3. 日本是另一个开拓者,它在第三代移动电话服务的提供方面居于领先地位。

    Japan , which is leading the way in the provision of third generation mobile phone services , is the other .

  4. 中国互联网络信息中心说,随着第三代(3G)移动电话网络在中国的推出,预计用手机上网的人数在未来几年还会增长。

    The number of mobile Internet users is likely to see further growth in the coming years with the launch of the third-generation ( 3G ) mobile phone networks in China , CNNIC said .