
  • 网络The First Cause;causa prima;prima causa
  1. 古希腊时期的信仰观对理性非常重视,在这一时期最卓越的代表亚里士多德的信仰中,神被看作是世界第一因并从根本上服从于理性。

    It highly regarded rationality in social belief in ancient Greek and Roman times , and the most remarkable representative this time Aristotle insisted that the God was only the first cause of the world and it followed rationality .

  2. 这已经不是他第一次因自己的冒险行为而惹上麻烦了。

    This is not the first time his exploits have landed him in trouble .

  3. 这是第一次因政治原因而抵制奥运会的运动。

    This marked the first of several politically-motivated boycotts of the Olympics .

  4. 麦克不是新泽西第一个因贪污被控诉的市长。

    Mack isn 't the first New Jersey mayor charged with corruption .

  5. 这不是邓州第一次因不同寻常的政治新闻而上媒体头条。

    This isn 't the first time Dengzhou has made headlines for unusual political news .

  6. 这是人们第一次因保护环境而获得收益。

    This is the first time that people are being rewarded for protecting the environment .

  7. 这很可能也是人类第一次因臭氧空洞问题而进入紧急状态。

    This is perhaps the very first emergency that mankind have declared for an ozone hole .

  8. 陈成为第一个因内幕交易罪而在国外获刑的中国央企高管。

    He was the first top state executive to be sent to prison abroad for insider trading .

  9. 三星并不是第一个因保修问题而受到中央电视台监督的企业。

    Samsung is not the first tech coming to come under CCTV scrutiny for its warranty practices .

  10. 根据我们所知,这是第一个因泌尿生殖器结核诱发的肾脏自发性破裂之病例。

    To our knowledge , this is the first case of kidney rupture as the consequence of genitourinary tuberculosis .

  11. 结果第一组因过敏性皮疹5例而退出观察,38例进行统计学分析。

    Results 5 patents in the first group were excluded because of anaphylactic dermatitis , 38 patients ' results were analysed statistically .

  12. 第一:因保湿盒会因直接擦拭而吸水过多,以杉木无法再吸收过剩的水份,致盒内太潮湿而发霉。

    The cedar lining will absorb too much moisture , and it cannot absorb any more moisture while storing cigars . The humidor may grow mold because of excess moisture .

  13. 而对于这位48岁、在伦敦经济学院管理专业担任讲师的金泽博士,这也不是第一次因传播种族主义而受到谴责。

    It is not the first time that Dr Kanazawa , 48 , a lecturer within the department of management at the LSE , has been accused of peddling racist theories .

  14. 他是美国历史上第一位因在任总统逝世而以副总统继任总统的人,因此他被反对派戏称为“继任总统”。

    He was dubbed " His Accidency " by his opponents because he was the first Vice-President to be elevated to the office of President by the death of his predecessor .

  15. 因此,激发学生学习政治兴趣成为第一要因。

    All these cause students to study the political interest which sharply decline the primary cause . Therefore , stimulation of students ' study the political interest becomes the first of wanting .

  16. 布莱尔并非第一个因卸任之后既投入盈利私人项目、又从事公共慈善事业而受到关注的“退休”政治家。

    Mr Blair is hardly the first " retired " statesman to attract attention over his pursuit of an eclectic mix of profitable private projects and public good works after leaving office .

  17. 尽管陈校长和周校长因为有趣的表演而被广泛关注,但他们两都不是第一个因一首歌而火起来的大学校长。

    Though they may have caught more attention for their antics , neither Chen nor Zhou can claim to be the first university president to go from zero to hero with a song .

  18. 苏博伊是同类歌手中第一位因独特的说唱风格而取得重大商业成就的人,她的风格也使她获得了阿迪达斯和百威等主流品牌的关注。

    Suboi is the first of her kind to achieve major commercial success for her unique brand of rap , a style that 's gotten her noticed by major brands such as Adidas and Budweiser .

  19. 费瑟也是迪洛斯顾问委员会的成员,他说,该组织在第一年因生产力的提高和能源成本的节约而增加了近70万美元的净利润。

    Mr. Fiser , who is also a member of the Delos advisory board , said the organization added nearly $ 700000 to its bottom line in its first year from the productivity increase as well as savings from energy costs .

  20. 2009年《中华新闻报》成为第一家因经营不善而倒闭的报纸,标志着中国报业已直面生死竞争。

    In 2009 , the collapse of China National News became the first case which is caused by poor management . It marks the fact that Chinese newspapers are currently facing the vigorous competition related to their ' life and death ' .

  21. 文章在系统分析了第一代人因可靠性分析方法存在的不足的基础上,详细地介绍了第二代人因可靠性分析方法CREAM。包括CREAM独特的认知模型、前因/后果分类方案和分析技术。

    This paper systematically analyses the shortcomings of the first generation human reliability analysis method , then discusses the second generation human reliability analysis method CREAM ( Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method ), including its cognitive model , classification scheme and analysis method .

  22. 选举前进行的调查表明,在第一轮中因微小差距未直接获胜的政府候选人,前国防部长JuanManuelSantos将获胜。

    Surveys conducted ahead of the elections suggested a win for the government candidate and former Defence Minister Juan Manuel Santos , who narrowly missed winning outright in the first round .

  23. 前第一夫人芭芭拉·布什因呼吸道感染在休斯敦住院治疗。

    Former First Lady Barbara Pierce Bush has been hospitalized in Huston for a respiratory infection .

  24. 许多分析师预计,瑞银第一季度将因美国住宅按揭相关证券出现更多减记。

    Many analysts expect UBS to post more writedowns in the first quarter on securities linked to us residential mortgages .

  25. 第一个王子因自己的玩笑弄出人命伤心极了,他把装置重新打开并伸手抓住边缘。

    The first prince , in such grief that his joke had been deadly , turned the rig back on and grabbed the rim himself .

  26. 苏珊娜·麦基和安迪·哈里斯是《王冠》的制片人,今年早些时候在耶路撒冷国际互联网会议上第一次涉及因性别而差别片酬。

    Suzanne Mackie and Andy Harries , both producers on the show , first touched on the pay gap during the INTV Conference in Jerusalem earlier this year .

  27. 第一天他就因胃痛得直不起腰而离开了法庭。

    He left the courtroom on the first day bent double with stomach pain .

  28. 斯帕斯基赢了第一局,又因菲舍尔第二局未能上场而再胜一局。

    Spassky won the first game , and was awarded by the second by default , when Fischer failed to put in an appearance

  29. Spaceweathersatellitesinorbit太空天气预测卫星进入轨道联盟号火箭终于发射成功两枚将探测太空天气情况的欧洲卫星终于进入绕地球运行轨道,4年前第一次发射时因运载火箭爆炸而失败。

    The Soyuz rocket is successfully launched - at last Two European satellites that will study the weather in space are finally orbiting the Earth four years after a first launch attempt ended in disaster when a carrier rocket blew up .

  30. 论文的第一章描述了因爱恋自己在水中的影子而憔悴致死的美少年那喀索斯的故事,并深入阐述了自恋领域权威OttoKernberg的理论。

    Chapter One of the thesis presents Ovid 's story of Narcissus and illustrates Otto Kernberg 's theory of narcissism in detail .