
  1. 神在教会所设立的,第一是使徒。第二是先知,第三是教师。其次是行异能的。再次是得恩赐医病的。帮助人的。治理事的。说方言的。

    And God hath set some in the church , first apostles , secondarily prophets , thirdly teachers , after that miracles , then gifts of healings , helps , governments , diversities of tongues .

  2. “约翰逊明天吃早饭之前不要带书,向我背诵希腊文的圣约书,从第一章圣保罗使徒书背到以弗所书。菲德先生,我们在半小时后将继续进行学习。”

    Johnson will repeat to me tomorrow morning before breakfast , without book , and from the Greek Testament , the first chapter of the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Ephesians . We will resume our studies , Mr Feeder , in half-an-hour . '