
  1. 有关宇宙起源的大爆炸理论的出现,迫使天文学家认识到,第一代恒星肯定不包含金属元素;它们被称为第三星族(PopulationIII)。

    The advent of the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe forced astronomers to realize that the first stars must have had no metals at all ; those are known as Population III.

  2. 银河系中探测第一代恒星的研究

    The Research on Detecting the First Generation of Stars in the Galaxy

  3. 有关宇宙起源的大爆炸理论的出现,迫使天文学家认识到,第一代恒星肯定不包含金属元素;

    The advent of the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe forced astronomers to realize that the first stars must have had no metals at all ;

  4. 太阳等现代恒星拥有大量重元素,也就是金属元素,但在宇宙大爆炸之后,构成第一代恒星的元素只有氢、氦和少量锂。

    Modern-day stars like our sun have a healthy mix of heavy elements , known as metals , but in the aftermath of the Big Bang only hydrogen , helium and small traces of lithium were available to make the first stars .