
bǐ zhā
  • writing materials;written composition;paper and pen;articles;letter
笔札 [bǐ zhá]
  • (1) [paper and pen]∶纸和笔

  • (2) [articles;letter;written composition]∶指文章、书信等

笔札[bǐ zhā]
  1. 后段则以词和笔札为主,词作为重要的交际应酬工具,发挥着前此诗所具有的功能,从内容到形式等方面都进行了转换。

    After being demoted , Ci became the important communication tool , giving full play to the function of poems , exchanging from content and form .

  2. 尽管一年导一部电影,但他仍不忘给点评其他影片和导演,此外,他还一部接一部电影地采访希区柯克,写下的笔札足有经典名著那样的篇幅。

    Even while directing a film a year , he found time to write about other films and directors , and did a classic book-length , film-by-film interview with Hitchcock .