
  1. 夫尹公之他,端人也,其取友必端矣。

    Now , Yin Gong Tuo is an upright man , and the friends of his selection must be upright also .

  2. 机器人服务员端汤让人不放心。

    The robot waiter can 't be trusted with the soup .

  3. 将原气管导管头端插人右支气管,气管套囊充气至不漏气,并经双肺听诊确认后,用呼吸力学测定仪测定右肺呼吸动力学指标。

    Then the endotracheal tube was inserted to right bronchi and the cuff was inflated for preventing air leakage .

  4. 通过在接收端引人等效对跖点,将短波对跖通信转化成了若干个等效对跖通信链路。

    The authors introduce equivalent antipodes at the receiver to transform the antipodal propagation to several equivalent point-to-point communication systems .

  5. 该报告挑战了一种想法,即处于社会经济阶梯底端的人感觉最痛苦和焦虑。

    The report challenged the idea that it is those who are at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder that feel the most miserable and anxious .

  6. 孟子认为人的生命内在本身具有善的根基,从人的本心出发,认为本心之中具有四个善端,人的生命内在的善就是通过这四个善端得以开显的。

    Mencius people think of life itself is intrinsically good foundation soul starting from the people , think of soul has four good side of human life is intrinsically good client through these four to open obvious .

  7. N端延伸的人肠生长激素类似物基因的合成、克隆及融合表达

    Synthesis , Cloning and Fusion Expression of N-Extended Human Gut Growth Hormone Analogue Gene in Escherichia coli

  8. 除了端盘子的人以外,所有的人都是白人。

    All the faces were white , unless the owner of the face carries a tray .

  9. 方法采用鼻翼软骨重塑改善鼻端形态、人中推进皮瓣加长鼻小柱、硅胶假体充填隆鼻,以及鼻翼沟埋线缝合塑形加强鼻端部轮廓等综合技术,对10例复杂性鞍鼻进行整复。

    Methods ten cases of complicated saddle nose with a short nasal columella were repaired by the combined procedures of reshaping alar cartilage , advancement of skin flap in philtrum to elongate nasal columella , silicone implantation to correct saddle deformity , and deepening alar sulcus with buried suture .

  10. 利用谷氨酸的γ羧基与4甲基二苯甲基胺(MBHA)树脂的氨基偶联固相,合成经HF切割去保护基后形成C端是谷氨酰胺的人胰岛素原C肽。

    Human proinsulin C-peptide with C-terminal glutamine amide could be prepared through solid phase method by combining the γ - carboxyl group of glutamic acid with the amino group of MBHA resin . The protecting groups were cleaved by HF .

  11. 甲状旁腺素基因多态性与骨矿盐密度的相关性以及人甲状旁腺素氨基端1-34片段对人成骨肉瘤细胞系SaoS-2细胞功能影响的研究

    Association of Parathyroid Hormone Gene Polymorphism with Bone Mineral Density and the Effects of Human Parathyroid Hormone Fragment ( 1-34 ) on Human Osteoblast-like SaoS-2 Cells

  12. 我先前提过,ASP.NET1.x中使用服务器端控件最另人沮丧的一面是关于ViewState的非全有即全无的状态。

    I mentioned earlier that one of the most frustrating aspects of working with server-side controls in ASP . NET1 . x is the all-or-nothing mentality with respect to view state .

  13. 他的观念太极端,令大多数人无法接受。

    His ideas are too radical to be acceptable to most people .