
  • 网络competitive disadvantage;weakness
  1. 实际上,由于大公司融资渠道较多,他们更可能因深层次的竞争劣势而不是临时性资金短缺而需要政府支持。临时性资金短缺可轻易导致小企业倒闭。

    Indeed , since the large company has readier access to a range of alternative funding options , a need for government support is more likely the result of deep-seated competitive weakness than temporary shortage of funds which can so easily cripple a smaller business .

  2. 运用这些理论,对中国农业的基本状况,农业产业的基本结构,比较优势和竞争劣势,以及WTO对中国农业的影响进行了全面剖析。

    The paper analyzes the present status , the basic structure , comparative advantage and competitive disadvantage of Chinese agriculture industry through those theories .

  3. 它们需要牢记“逐步升级理论”(escalationtheory)的危险对于处于竞争劣势的企业,有时停止投资会更好。

    They will need to remember the dangers of escalation theory it is sometimes better to stop investing in a business that suffers competitive disadvantage .

  4. 我国加入WTO后,外资金融机构可以在我国兼管银行证券保险业务,而我国金融机构分业经营则明显处于竞争劣势。

    After the entry into WTO , China 's financial institutions are at a competitive disadvantage because of their separated operating mode , while the foreign rivals can actually operate in diverse fields like investment banking and insurance .

  5. 美国即将在世界贸易组织(wto)对中国提起申诉,矛头指向中国面向汽车和汽车部件的出口补贴,美国宣称,此类补贴导致美国制造商陷于竞争劣势,迫使它们把生产转移到海外。

    The US is to launch a case at the world trade organisation against China over its export subsidies on cars and car parts , alleging that they are putting American manufacturers at a competitive disadvantage and forcing them to shift production overseas .

  6. 虽然新的奖金规定与20个领先国家组成的G20集团支持的全球建议大致相符,但银行家与行业组织表示,欧盟确立如此坚决的立场,可能使自己处在竞争劣势地位。

    While the new bonus rules are broadly in line with global recommendations endorsed by the Group of 20 leading nations , bankers and industry groups say the EU may have put itself at a competitive disadvantage by staking out such a firm position .

  7. 发现产品市场竞争劣势成本降低了上市公司的信息披露水平。

    Proprietary costs decrease the disclosure level of listed companies .

  8. 在国际农产品主要出口国家中也处于竞争劣势。

    Our country was in competition inferiority among the leading exporters in the world .

  9. 此项立法不太可能使美国处于明显的竞争劣势。

    Such legislation would be unlikely to put the US at a significant competitive disadvantage .

  10. 野田佳彦的问题在于,日本已经丧失了竞争劣势:零利率。

    His problem is that Japan has lost its competitive disadvantage : a zero interest rate .

  11. 随着更多的公司采用全球的交付,不这样做就成为了竞争劣势。

    And , as more companies embrace global delivery , not doing so becomes a competitive disadvantage .

  12. 集群式发展使得这种中小企业集聚在一起,通过资源的共享,来改变竞争劣势的地位。

    However , clusters development which gathers SMEs through resource sharing help to change their inferior positions .

  13. 业务公开通常是一个好的原则,除非它可能造成相关公司的竞争劣势。

    Openness in business is usually a good principle , except where it would inflict competitive disadvantage on the company concerned .

  14. 其他航空公司在构成中国民航运输网络骨架的大中城市航线运营中处于明显的竞争劣势。

    Contrarily the other airline companies stand in apparent inferior competitive positions on the crucial airlines constituting Chinese civil aviation transport networks .

  15. 出口可能用于军事用途、或令美国处于竞争劣势的高科技产品,可能会受到美方的质疑。

    Questions would be asked about exporting high-tech know-how that could be adapted for military use or put the US at a competitive disadvantage .

  16. 市场调研部的人们从没有因为他们在公司外发现我们处于竞争劣势而受到责备。

    People in the Market Research Department are never held to blame for conditions they discover outside the company that place us at a competitive disadvantage .

  17. 分析了系统平衡点的稳定性和当系统的某一微生物物种处于竞争劣势而趋于灭绝时另一微生物物种和营养的二维流形上极限环的存在性。

    The properties of equilibrium points and the existence of limit cycles on the two dimensional stable manifold when one microorganism is going to vanish were obtained .

  18. 综合横向比较与纵向比较的评价结果,指出西安市城市空间结构缺乏竞争力的原因为:城市空间结构的社会和环境竞争力落后,从而导致城市处于竞争劣势。

    The result is : Because the social effects and environment effects of urban spatial structure were drop behind , xi'an situated competitiveness inferior position in the sample cities .

  19. 可能的情况是,破坏性的短期主义最终自有解决办法,因为正如史密瑟斯所提出的,奖金文化将导致长期的竞争劣势。

    It may be that destructive short-termism will ultimately produce its own solution because , as Mr Smithers suggests , the bonus culture can only bring long-term competitive disadvantage .

  20. 与中国相比,印度制造商处于严重的竞争劣势,包括基础设施薄弱和劳工法僵化,这些因素顽固地阻碍了企业的发展壮大,鼓励了效率低下的分散经营。

    Indian manufacturers face serious competitive disadvantages in comparison with China , including poor infrastructure and rigid labour laws , that perversely discourage companies from growing and instead promote inefficient fragmentation .

  21. 边缘化地区社会经济发展落后,自我发展能力弱,投资引诱力不强,在区域发展过程中处于竞争劣势地位。

    In marginal districts , the development of society and economy has been to fall behind , the ability of self-development is weak , and the attractiveness of investment is deficient while developing .

  22. 然而,银行家们成功实现了企业合作者的第三个目标,即确保其中任何一人都不会遭遇竞争劣势:他们都将继续获得不菲薪酬。

    The bankers have , however , triumphantly achieved the corporate collaborators ' third goal of ensuring that none of them suffers any competitive disadvantage : they will all continue to be handsomely remunerated .

  23. 但与跨国医药企业相比,仍然处于自身技术落后、实力较弱的竞争劣势,而且在体制、观念、管理能力上也存在着巨大的差距。

    But compared with transnational medical enterprise , still in oneself backward in technique , competition inferior position with weaker strength , and there is enormous disparity on the system , idea , managerial ability .

  24. (但)最终,我必须权衡此举可能带来的竞争劣势,与如果我们不妥善监管这些做法,将对纳税人和整体经济构成的风险。

    [ But ] in the end I have to compare a possible competitive disadvantage with the risks for the taxpayer and our economy as a whole if we do not regulate these practices properly .

  25. 而国内酒店业由于存在着市场及非市场方面的因素,集团化程度极低,同国际酒店集团相比处于竞争劣势,就其本身来说经营状况也不理想。

    However , the domestic hotel industry owning to the existence of market and non-market factors , at the low degree of collectivization , comparing with international hotel groups , is being at a competitive disadvantage .

  26. 电子商务创造了一个以信息交换为媒介的、全球的网上虚拟市场,形成了新的国际贸易运行机制,改变了某些公司在传统国际贸易运行机制下难以克服的区位劣势和竞争劣势。

    E-business creates a virtual global market through the exchange of information on line , which is transforming the mechanism of international trade . It gives opportunities to some enterprises that had no advantage in location or scale before .

  27. 莱昂斯表示,在以前的经济周期中,东亚的出口与商业信心似乎表现出了很强的相关性,这使得政策制定者不愿放任本国货币升值,从而令出口处于竞争劣势。

    Mr Lyons says that in previous economic cycles , there appeared to be a strong correlation between exports and business confidence in East Asia , leaving policymakers reluctant to put exports at a competitive disadvantage by allowing currency appreciation .

  28. 弗兰克称,他担心,如果其它国家不采取同样的行动,美国对银行及经纪商加强监管的全新努力可能会让美国处于竞争劣势。

    Barney Frank , chairman of the House Financial Services Committee , said he was concerned the new US push to regulate banks and brokers more rigorously could put it at a competitive disadvantage if other countries did not follow suit .

  29. 本文运用培训与发展的理论及美国银行业培训的经验,对大连市农业银行的现状进行系统的分析,找出处于竞争劣势的主要问题及原因。

    Using the theories of training and development and American banks ' experiences on training , this thesis systematically analyzes the current situation of DAB and comes up with a few primary problems and causes that result in DAB 's disadvantage in the competition .

  30. 在物流资源的重新配置下,一些优势家具企业将会在先进的物流运作模式支持下迅速发展成为家具业的佼佼者;而一些物流管理模式落后、处于竞争劣势的企业将破产或被兼并。

    Reallocation of resources in logistics , some furniture companies will be dominant in the advanced mode of operation of logistics support fast becoming a leader in the furniture industry ; and some logistics management behind the company at a competitive disadvantage to bankruptcy or mergers .