
  1. 别站在风口上,小心着凉。

    Don 't stand in the draught . You may catch cold .

  2. 小船在风暴中沉没了。别站在风口上,小心着凉。

    The tiny vessel went under during the storm . Don 't stand in the draught . You may catch cold .

  3. 别站在风口上,小心着凉。港口起重机械对制动装置和防风装置的要求

    Don 't stand in the draught . You may catch cold . Specifications of the Port Hoisting Machinery for the Braking System and the Wind Proof Appliance

  4. 虽然哈里还想让自己的一头的卷发保持它应有的造型,但是风太大,当他站在风口上的时候,他的头巾几乎没有什么作用。

    He also tried in vain to keep his famous curly hair under control , however his bandana seemed to offer very little as he stood on the seafront .