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  • lithopone
  1. 通过对B301立德粉生产的合成过程、影响因素及实际生产数据的分析,论证了合成pH值对产品质量的影响。

    The compound process , affected factors and actual production data in B_ 301 lithopone were analyzed . It was pointed out that the quality of the product was related to pH value in the compound process .

  2. 采用纯Zns代替Zncl2的合成工艺,获得耐光性立德粉。

    In conclusion , the prue ZnS should be substituted for ZnCl_2 in order to obtain a light & fastness lithopone .

  3. 研究了陈化对立德粉细度的影响。

    The effect of aging on the fineness of lithopone is studied .

  4. 硫酸钴对立德粉耐光性的作用

    The influence of cobalt sulfate on the lightfastness of lithopone

  5. 硫酸钡、硫化锌和立德粉有机化改性的表面性质

    The Surface Character of Organic Barium Sulfate , Zinc Sulfide and Lithopone

  6. 立德粉转炉自适应控制规律的研究

    The study of the Lithopone Turning Furnace Adaptive Control Law

  7. 改性立德粉在外用乳胶涂料中的应用

    Application of modified Lithophone in exterior emulsion coating

  8. 通过无污染低温碱性熔炼法对低品位立德粉浸出渣进行回收。

    The leaching residue of low-grade lithopone is treated with pollution-free normal temperature alkaline smelting .

  9. 立德粉浸出渣的碱法处理

    Alkaline Treatment for leaching Residue of Lithopone

  10. 立德粉水悬浮液中甲基丙烯酸甲酯的聚合反应

    Polymerization of PMMA in aqueous lithopone suspension

  11. 纳米立德粉的乳状液法合成及其性能研究

    Emulsion Synthesis and Properties of Nano-lithopone

  12. 年产五千吨立德粉厂设计中若干技术问题的探讨

    Discussion on Several Things in the Design of a Plant Producing 5000 Tons of Lithopone Per Year

  13. 产品介绍:产品性质:立德粉又叫锌钡白,是一种非常稳定的网状分子结构。

    Product nature : also known as lithopone lithopone is a very stable molecular structure of the mesh .

  14. 用钢铁厂烟道灰含锌废料湿法生产立德粉工业实践

    Industrial practice for production of lithopone by wet method with zinc bearing waste from flue dust of steel plant

  15. 立德粉有大多被二氧化钛取代,但它廉价得多。

    Lithopone has mostly been replaced by titanium dioxide which is more durable , but it is much cheaper .

  16. 用途:用于治立德粉,并用作媒染剂、收敛剂、木材防腐剂等。

    Useage : It is used to make lithopone , used as mordant agent , astringent , wood preservatives , etc.

  17. 文献中提出等质量等能量的控制模型以实现对立德粉煅烧过程的控制。

    The model of " Equal Energy for Equal Mass " has been proposed to solve this problem in the literature .

  18. 研究了钛白互补剂在浅色制品中的应用,表明了可用它代替立德粉或部分代替钛白粉,降低了生产成本。

    The results of it 's application have shown that it can partially replace titanium dioxide or lithopone and reduce production cost as well .

  19. 叙述了我国立德粉生产、消费、出口及市场现状,指出了立德粉行业的发展趋势。

    This paper introduces manufacture , consumption , export and market situation of Chinese lithopone powder and points out the development trend of this industry .

  20. 立德粉是白色颜料硫酸钡(68-70%)和硫化锌(28-30%)同氧化锌的微量的混合物。

    Lithopone is a white pigment composed of a mixture of barium sulfate ( 68-70 % ) and zinc sulfide ( 28-30 % ) with trace amounts of zinc oxide .

  21. 介绍了立德粉生产中的副产物废铅泥、含锌镉渣、钡渣及生产废水的若干种综合利用方法及其原理、特点和效果。

    The principles , features and effects of the methods for the utilization of by-products , such as waste lead mud , zinc-contained cadmium dregs , barium dregs and waste water are introduced .

  22. 利用不同浓度的油酸钠对硫化锌、硫酸钡和立德粉进行有机化改性,测定了改性样品的比表面、比孔容、平均孔半径的变化。

    In this article , sodium oleate with different concentration is used to modify Barium Sulfate , Zinc Sulfide and lithopone . The specific surface area , specific pore volume and the average pore radius of the same samples were determined .

  23. 本文针对化工厂立德粉转炉的实际工况,在广义最小方差理论基础上,同极点配置的方法相结合设计出了同时域指标相联系的自适应控制器。

    An adaptive controller , for the chemical process of a lithopone turning furnace , is designed on the basis of generalized minimum variance control theory and pole assignment method , and is related to the time performance of the system .