
lì tǐ dì tú
  • relief map
  1. 制作立体地图,当然可用以采用塑料成型的方法。

    It is of course possible to produce three-dimensional maps by plastic modelling .

  2. 包括纸质地图、电子地图、立体地图、用于各种地理信息系统的基础地理信息和各种示意图。

    They include paper maps , electronic maps , stereoscopic maps and the basic geographical information used in various geographical information systems and all kinds of sketch maps .

  3. 老师会用黏土制作立体地图,这样我就能感觉到山脊和峡谷的形态,我的手指也会触摸到河流曲折的流向。

    She made raised maps in clay , so that I could feel the mountain ridges and valleys , and follow with my fingers the devious course of rivers .

  4. 本文结合作者制作立体地图的实践,论述了制作林业立体地图的原理、方法和技术。

    Based onwriter 's practice of making stereo map , in this paper a detailed discussion about principle , method and technology of making the forestry stereo map is presented .

  5. 在对影响光栅立体地图(图像)效果与质量的原因进行深入分析的基础上,对如何提高柱镜光栅立体地图质量提出了自己的一些想法,建立了几个与之相适应的模型和方法。

    Based on analyzed the cause of affect lenticular screen stereoscopic map effect and quality , some ideas was brought forward to improve stereoscopic map quality , and several models were set up to adapt it .

  6. 嫦娥1号绕月探测卫星的科学目标包括绘制月球立体地图、探测月表物质成分、探测月壤厚度和探测地月空间环境等4项科学任务。

    Scientific objectives of Chang'E-1 Lunar Orbiter include providing stereo imaging of the lunar surface , detecting 14 elements and petrology and mineralogy of the lunar regolith , studying the thickness of lunar regolith , and detecting the earth-moon environment .

  7. 攻克了阻碍光栅立体地图质量提高的几项关键技术,主要内容如下:1.阐述了普通柱镜光栅立体图像的成像原理,以及制作流程,将其应用到了柱镜光栅立体地图的制作上来。

    Several pivotal techniques were resolved which counterwork the quality elevation of stereoscopic map , the central content as follows : 1 . The facture flow and elements of general lenticular screen stereoscopic image were expounded , and it was applied to the stereoscopic map .

  8. 互补色立体影象地图

    Hesselgren color solid anaglyphographic photomap

  9. 放眼望去,整个海底活像是一幅立体的世界地图。

    Looking ahead , like the whole seabed is a three-dimensional map of the world .

  10. 图像匹配作为计算机视觉中的一门重要技术,它在遥感图像分析、水下检查、立体视觉、自动地图、运动分析等领域都有广泛的应用。

    As an important technology of computer vision , image mosaic is widely used in the image analysis examination under the water self-motion map movement analysis etc.

  11. 本文以柱镜光栅立体显示技术为基础,结合立体影像对,对如何应用光栅技术,显示立体地图进行了深入的研究与探索。

    Based on the technology of lenticular screen stereo display , aim at how to use lenticular screen and pair of stereoscopic pictures to display stereoscopic map , the paper did an embedded research and explore .

  12. 根据普通柱镜光栅立体图像的序列图像获取方法与原则,结合三维地形特点提出了柱镜光栅立体地图的序列图像获取渠道与方法。

    Bases the obtain methods of general lenticular screen stereoscopic image list , link three dimension terrain we brought forward the obtain image list channels and methods of the lenticular screen stereoscopic map .