
  • 网络Sinus;Sinus tract;fistula
窦道 [dòu dào]
  • [underground way] 指在地下或山洞里修筑的道路

  1. 方法先行经皮经肝穿刺引流(PTCD)建立窦道、确定诊断。

    Methods First , PTCD were made to set up sinus and confirm diagnosis .

  2. 结果:浆细胞性乳腺炎MSCT影像表现分为炎症型、脓肿型、窦道瘘管型、混合型,各型具有一定的特征表现。

    Results : The findings of MSCT of plasma cell mastitis could be divided into four types , including the inflammation type , the abscess type , the sinus and fistula type , and the mixed type , and each type had its radiographic characteristics .

  3. C组2只兔子死亡,其余8只均留有窦道。

    Rabbits died in Group C , the rest 8 wound had secretions .

  4. 大体观察:A组有14只,B组有9只兔子出现局部肿胀,并出现局部窦道、渗出。

    Gross observation : 14 rabbits In group A and 9 rabbits in group B had local swelling and partial sinus .

  5. 先天性下唇窦道是较罕见畸形,常伴有唇和/或腭裂,又称作VanderWoude综合征。

    Congenital lower sinuses are rare and are found often in association with cleft lip and / or palate , named Van der Woude syndrome .

  6. 结果:经根管治疗术一次法治疗的298例窦道型根尖周炎,265例2d后牙齿功能恢复正常,2~3周窦道消失,6个月后X线片检查可见到根尖周稀疏区消失。

    RESULTS : After the one-off root canal therapy , teeth function of 265 cases recovered after 2 days and their sinus closed after 2 ~ 3 weeks , the periapical shadows of X-ray disappeared after 6 months .

  7. 方法32例肝门部胆管癌患者先通过内镜下逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)放置可膨式金属胆道支架,ERCP不成功则通过经皮经肝胆道引流(PTCD)窦道放置。

    [ Methods ] 32 patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma were treated with metal biliary stents transpapillary endoscopically ( ERCP ) firstly , or transhepatic percutaneously ( PTCD ) after it failed .

  8. 结果32例患者中28例均成功通过ERCP置入可膨式金属支架,3例改行PTCD后再经窦道放入金属支架,成功率96.88%,1例行两种处理方法均未能成功;

    [ Results ] Of 32 patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma , 28 were placed expandable metal biliary stents via ERCP ; 3 via PTCD after it faied . The success rate was 96.88 % .

  9. 支气管胸膜瘘(bronchus-pleuralfistula,BPF)是指各级支气管与胸膜腔交通形成的窦道,是肺癌术后最严重的并发症之一。

    Bronchopleural fistula ( BPF ) is a sinus tract of all levels of the bronchus and pleural cavity . It is one of the most serious complication after lung cancer resection .

  10. 首先行引流手术,术后立即给予生长抑素(施它宁6mg/d)和完全胃肠外营养支持,以达到最大程度地减少肠液流出量,促进窦道的形成。

    Drainage operations were first performed , Somatostatin 14 ( Stilam in 6mg / day ) and total parenteral nutrition were applied postoperatively to reduce the secretion and the leak of intestinal fluid and promote the formation of fistula tract .

  11. 方法通过原引流管或窦道造影了解脓腔位置,采用介入技术置放10.2F~16F单腔或双腔引流管。

    Method Drainage catheter and sinography were employed to locate the site of the abscess , and a 10.2F ~ 16F catheter with single or double lumen was inserted into the abscess by interventional technique .

  12. A组114例术后3周拔T管,若出现有症状胆漏和/或胆汁性腹膜炎,立即用红橡皮导尿管置入窦道作引流1~6d(平均3.5d)。

    The T tubes were removed in third week postoperatively in group 1 ( 114 cases ) . If bile leakage occurred , a rubber Nelaton 's catheter was reset into the sinus tract to drain for 1 ~ 6 days ( 3.5 days , average ) .

  13. 腹部术后切口慢性窦道的整形外科治疗

    Application of plastic surgical techniques for chronic sinus of abdominal incision

  14. 那些药无助于治疗你的窦道病情。

    Those pills will do nothing to remedy your sinus conditions .

  15. 微波治疗窦道的临床研究

    The clinical study of the sinus path treatment with microwave

  16. 术后腹部脓肿经窦道的介入引流治疗

    Interventional drainage through sinus tracts for the treatment of postoperative abdominal abscess

  17. 阴囊肛缘窦道1例

    Sinus of scrotum to anus region : case report

  18. 结果100例患者切口均一期愈合,无慢性窦道形成。

    Results All patients ' incision healed without chronic infection and sinus formation .

  19. 术后胆管残留结石20例,经T管窦道取石,一次性取净率50%;

    After the operation , 20 cases were found residual bile duct stones .

  20. 经T管窦道取出残余结石和蛔虫的手术放射学

    The interventional radiology of removal of ascarides and retained gallstones through T-tube tract

  21. 扩大窦道病灶清除治疗脊柱结核回顾分析

    Retrospective analysis on treatment of vertebral tuberculosis by enlarging sinus and clearing focus

  22. 46例合并1~3个窦道。

    And 46 cases by 1-3 fistula of osteomyelitis .

  23. 慢性窦道发生率0/10.3%(P<0.005);

    Completed chronic fistula rate 0 / 10.3 % ( P < 0.005 );

  24. 经皮肝胆道镜两种窦道扩张法出血量的对比研究

    Contrastive Study on Hemorrhage with Different Distending Sinus ways During PTCS in the Swine

  25. 目的探讨前胸壁多发性慢性窦道的治疗方法与效果。

    Objective : To explore the treatment of multiple chronic sinus in prothorax wall .

  26. 难治性牙龈窦道的检查和治疗

    Medical Check and Treatment for Refractory Gingival Fistula

  27. 先天性鼻窦道的诊断和整形修复

    Diagnoses and surgical treatment of congenital nasal sinus

  28. 目的探讨双腔T管窦道造影预防拔管后胆漏的临床疗效并总结护理要点。

    Objective To study the effect of double-lumen T-tube on surgery for biliary tract .

  29. 临床药师参与腹部慢性窦道治疗1例分析

    Clinical Pharmacist 's Experience in the Treatment of One Abdominal Chronic Sinus Tract Case

  30. 应用纤维胆道镜经T形管窦道取石(附270例报道)

    Trans-T Tube Sinus Tract Lithotomy by Fiber Choledochoscope ( Report Of 270 Cases )