
  • 网络SEALANT;Pit and fissure sealant;pit and fissure sealing
  1. 窝沟封闭;满意度调查;综合指数;儿童;

    Pit and fissure sealing ; Satisfaction research ; Composite index ; Children ;

  2. 因此,实现龋病预防三早,重视第二恒磨牙开展窝沟封闭具有实际意义。

    Therefore pit and fissure sealing on second molar can be used on the prevention of permanent dental caries .

  3. 目的:探讨Er,Cr:YSGG激光照射作为窝沟封闭前釉质预处理方式的可能性。

    Objective : To study the possibility of using Er , Cr : YSGG laser irradiation as a preparing method before placing pit and fissure sealant .

  4. 背景:窝沟封闭术(PFS)是国内外学者公认的一项预防牙齿窝沟点隙龋最有效的方法,而此项技术的成败与窝沟封闭剂的材料性能密切相关。

    Background : Pit and fissure sealant ( PFS ) is recognized as the most effective way to prevent pit and fissure caries , and the success or failure of the technology is closely related to the performance of sealant .

  5. 窝沟封闭继发类龋损体外实验模型的研究

    An in vitro study of secondary caries-like lesions at fissure sealings

  6. 做窝沟封闭能保证儿童没有蛀牙吗?

    Do sealants guarantee my child will not get any cavities ?

  7. 玻璃离子用于窝沟封闭的临床疗效观察

    Clinical Effect of Glass Ionomers Used as Pit and Fissure Sealant

  8. 儿童窝沟封闭的临床疗效观察

    Observation of Clinical Effect of Pit and Fissure Sealant on Children

  9. 光固化流体树脂在窝沟封闭术中的应用

    Application of Light-cure Flowable Resin on the Pit-and-fissure Sealant Technique

  10. 使用粘接剂提高窝沟封闭防龋效果的实验研究

    Improving caries-preventive effect of fissure sealants by using bonding agent

  11. 窝沟封闭的临床应用研究

    Study on the clinical application of pit and fissure sealant

  12. 第一恒磨牙龋病流行病学调查和窝沟封闭预处理技术评价

    First Molar Pit and Fissure Caries Epidemiological Investigation and Evaluation of Pre-treatment Technology

  13. 窝沟封闭术护理参与的效果观察

    Contrast of clinical effect between pit and fissure sealant with and without nurse

  14. 窝沟封闭技术在儿童预防窝沟龋的临床观察

    Clinical application of pit and fissure sealant technique to prevente juvenile dental caries

  15. 学龄前儿童窝沟封闭术的行为诱导分析

    Analysis of Behavior Inducing Therapy on the Pit and Fissure Sealant of Preschool Children

  16. 比较树脂型和高粉液比玻璃离子封闭剂窝沟封闭对第一恒磨牙的防龋效果。

    Objective-To compare the caries prevention effect of resin and glass ionomer cement sealant .

  17. 窝沟封闭对六龄齿的防龋效果观察

    Investigation on the effect of fissure sealing on prevention of dental caries in six-year-teeth

  18. 窝沟封闭技术在预防儿童龋病中的临床应用

    Clinical Effect of Pit and Fissure Sealant on Children for preventing pit and fissure caries

  19. 激光照射加窝沟封闭治疗中老年人早期根面龋的临床观察

    Observation of clinical effects on early root-surface caries with sealed after irradiation with pulsed laser

  20. 掌握:窝沟封闭的定义、适应症、操作步骤。

    Master : the definition , indication , treatment procedure of Pit and Fissure Sealant .

  21. 结论:窝沟封闭能有效预防窝沟龋的发生。

    Conclusion : The pit and fissure sealant have significant preventive effect on carious teeth .

  22. 为什么儿童要做窝沟封闭?

    Why seal a child 's teeth ?

  23. 哪些牙齿需要做窝沟封闭?

    Which teeth should be sealed ?

  24. 目的观察应用釉质成形术结合窝沟封闭术预防窝沟龋的效果。

    Objective Angioplasty observe the enamel pit and fissure caries with sealant to prevent the effects of .

  25. 结论玻璃离子材料比较适合6~9岁儿童窝沟封闭治疗。

    Conclusion Glass ionomer cement be chosen to used on pit and fissure sealants in 6-9 children .

  26. 窝沟封闭材料防治老年根龋1年临床效果

    A 1-year clinical results of pit and fissure sealants in prevention and treatment of root surface caries

  27. 目的观察儿童窝沟封闭的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe clinical curative effect of pit and fissure sealant on the primary molars of children .

  28. 窝沟封闭术与银合金粉充填术预防成人窝沟龋的临床效果比较

    Comparison of Clinical Effect of Pit and Fissure Sealant and Amalgam for Preventing Adult Pit and Fissure Caries

  29. 对窝沟封闭干预防龋方法进行临床技术及管理的评价。

    Evaluate the methods of Pit and fissure sealant intervene to prevent dental caries with clinical skills and management .

  30. 四手操作技术在儿童恒磨牙窝沟封闭术中的效绩分析

    An Analysis of the Performance of the Four-handed Procedure Technique of Pit and Fissure Sealant in Permanent Molars of Children