
qiè zéi
  • thief;burglar;pilferer
窃贼 [qiè zéi]
  • [thief] 偷东西的人;犯偷盗或非法侵占罪的人

窃贼[qiè zéi]
  1. 她追了窃贼100码远。

    She chased the thief for 100 yards

  2. 一名窃贼昨天持械抢劫一家加油站后带着数百英镑逃跑了。

    A thief ran off with hundreds of pounds yesterday after holding up a petrol station .

  3. 他打开门和窃贼打了个照面。

    He opened the door and came face-to-face with a burglar .

  4. 窃贼把门卫的双脚捆在了一起。

    The thieves had roped the guard 's feet together .

  5. 门窗被窃贼作为入室的目标容易得手。

    Doors and windows are an easy target for burglars .

  6. 侦探正在追踪昨天盗窃仓库的窃贼。

    Detectives are hunting for thieves who broke into a warehouse yesterday .

  7. 窃贼很快混入人群逃跑了。

    The thieves soon blended in with the crowd and got away .

  8. 窃贼破坏报警器后便得以进入大楼。

    The burglars gained entry to the building after disabling the alarm .

  9. 门窗不牢靠方便了窃贼。

    Insecure doors and windows make life easy for burglars .

  10. 这些窃贼肯定有内应。

    The thieves must have had someone on the inside helping them .

  11. 警察正在追踪窃贼。

    Police are on the track of the thieves .

  12. 窃贼盗走了三件贵重的首饰。

    The thieves took three pieces of valuable jewellery .

  13. 高档自行车对窃贼是个诱惑。

    An expensive bicycle is a temptation to thieves .

  14. 我们回家早,无意中发现一个窃贼正要入室行窃。

    We arrived home early and surprised a burglar trying to break in .

  15. 窃贼偷走了价值1万多英镑的珠宝。

    Thieves stole jewellery worth over £ 10 000 .

  16. 警方出其不意地逮捕了入室窃贼。

    The police took the burglars by surprise .

  17. 一个决计要下手的窃贼会不惜破窗而入。

    A determined burglar will not shirk from breaking a window to gain entry .

  18. 入室窃贼偷走了贵重的东西没有?

    Did the burglars take anything valuable ?

  19. 他追赶那些窃贼。

    He went after the burglars .

  20. 窃贼洗劫了办公室,拿走了一口袋散币。

    Thieves ransacked the office , taking a sack of loose change

  21. 窃贼们盗走了所有拿得动的东西。

    The burglars took just about anything they could carry .

  22. 现在让我把入室窃贼送交警方,我可能会有所顾虑。

    I might today hesitate to turn in a burglar .

  23. 对有经验的入室窃贼来说,人们惯常藏钱的那些地方最容易得手。

    Traditional hiding places are easy pickings for experienced burglars

  24. 不知名的窃贼破门闯入了公寓。

    Unknown thieves had forced their way into the apartment

  25. 窃贼偷走了相机。

    The thieves snatched the camera .

  26. 窃贼闯进了他们家。

    Burglars broke into their home .

  27. 我敢肯定,窃贼们一定是等着我领到了保险赔偿金,然后回来再次把我洗劫一空。

    I 'm sure the burglars waited until my insurance claim was through and came back to clean me out again

  28. 通常来说,窃贼对从房屋的正面或侧面潜入会比较谨慎。

    As a general rule , burglars are wary about gaining entry from the front or side of a building .

  29. 窃贼是从厨房的窗户潜入这所房子的。

    The burglar got into the house through the kitchen window .

  30. 窃贼落入了法网。

    The thief was caught in the toils of the law .