
kōnɡ jūn jī dì
  • air base;base of the air force
  1. 大约会有1,200人留守看管这个空军基地。

    About 1,200 personnel will remain behind to take care of the air base .

  2. 到昨天清晨为止,叛乱者已经控制了该国的主要空军基地。

    By early yesterday , the insurgents had taken control of the country 's main military air base .

  3. 他被带到美国空军基地汇报执行使命情况。

    He was taken to a US airbase to be debriefed on the mission .

  4. 虽然这超出了他的能力范围,他还是说他会重建空军基地。

    Although it is not in his power to do so , he said he would rebuild the Air Base

  5. 配置两个营的兵力进攻空军基地。

    Two battalions were disposed for an attack on the air base .

  6. 外国空军基地应立即撤除。

    Foreign air bases should be removed immediately .

  7. 当我们在空军基地降落时,托尼的几个士兵朋友出来迎接他。

    When we landed at Air Force Base , several of Tony 's fellow privates came out to greet him .

  8. 要知道,我们所在的基地和大多数空军基地一样,都是很旧的。

    You see , the base we were at was an older one as most Air Force bases usually are .

  9. CodeOne杂志的编辑埃里克·赫斯于尼尔森完成其第八次F-22飞行的那一周在爱德华兹空军基地采访了尼尔森。

    Code One editor Eric Hehs visited Nelson at Edwards the week after Nelson piloted the F-22 for his eighth time .

  10. CNN新闻,宝拉·汉考克斯韩国群山空军基地报道。

    Paula Hancock , CNN , at Kunsan Air Base in South Korea .

  11. 1967年,一个UFO事件引起了蒙大拿州空军基地导弹失效。

    UFO incident in1967 caused a missile disruption at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana .

  12. 与越战期间不同,美国国防部(pentagon)不允许对抵达美国多佛空军基地(doverairforcebase)的棺材进行拍摄,总统不参加军事葬礼,电视台也很少播放美国阵亡士兵的画面。

    Unlike during Vietnam , the Pentagon does not permit photographs of coffins arriving at Dover Air Force base , the president avoids attending military funerals and the television networks seldom show dead US soldiers .

  13. 该卫星携带的德尔塔IV火箭发射已定于星期五,但在最后一分钟时,由于天气卡纳维拉尔角空军基地的条件在美国佛罗里达州擦洗。

    The launch of the Delta IV rocket carrying the satellite had been scheduled for Friday , but was scrubbed at the last minute due to weather conditions at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida .

  14. 当时,我曾在南达科他州的Ellsworth空军基地的一个乐队工作。

    I was in the band at Ellsworth Air Force Base , South Dakota .

  15. “猎户座”的外形与阿波罗(Apollo)锥形太空舱相近,但是体积更大,它已经搭载在了佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角空军基地的德尔塔IV重型火箭上。

    Orion , which looks like a larger version of the cone-shaped Apollo capsule , is sitting atop a Delta IV Heavy rocket at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida .

  16. TAE的总部设在澳大利亚昆士兰州的安伯丽,靠近一个大型的澳大利亚空军基地,TAE在布里斯班、纽卡斯尔、里奇蒙德和库塔曼德拉都设有分理处。

    It is based at Amberley in Queensland , near a big Royal Australian Air Force base , with business units located at Brisbane Airport , Newcastle , Richmond and now Cootamundra .

  17. 去年,一架B-52轰炸机误带核武器从美国的一个空军基地飞往另一个空军基地。

    Last year , a B-52 bomber mistakenly carried nuclear weapons from one US air force base to another .

  18. 乘着这架C-1运载机,美军正前往刚刚攻克的伊拉克东南部的一处空军基地。

    On this C-1 cargo plane , US troops are on their way to a recently-secured air base in southeastern Iraq .

  19. 位于河北沧州空军基地的PLAAF飞行测试&训练中心的一架JJ-7战斗-教练机。

    A JJ-7 fighter-trainer that in service with the PLAAF Flight Test & Training Centre based in Cangzhou AFB , Hebei .

  20. 马来西亚总理纳吉布(NajibRazak)计划周三参观珀斯的一个空军基地以示支持。

    Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak plans to visit an air force base in Perth Wednesday in a show of support .

  21. 1981年在新墨西哥州的霍罗门空军基地,他是第一个以中尉身份被任命为F-15飞行员的人。

    He was first assigned to fly F-15s as a first lieutenant at Holloman AFB , New Mexico , in1981 .

  22. 美国方面表示,乌兹别克斯坦再次允许美军在有限的基础上使用铁尔梅兹空军基地(termezairbase)。

    America said its troops were being allowed to use the Termez airbase in Uzbekistan again on a limited basis .

  23. 美国进入伊拉克四分之三的空中运输要通过土耳其因斯里克(Incirlik)空军基地。

    Three-quarters of the air cargo heading into Iraq passes through Incirlik air base there .

  24. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)表示,周日上午,在从佛罗里达州的卡纳维拉尔角空军基地发射数分钟后,一艘前往国际空间站的无人驾驶货运飞船发生了爆炸。这对该机构及其合作伙伴将如何为空间站提供补给提出了疑问。

    An unmanned cargo ship destined for the International Space Station blew up minutes after launching from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on Sunday morning , NASA said , raising questions about how the agency and its partners will continue keeping the station supplied .

  25. 他说,大部分病例出现在寒冷的北部地区,例如Herat,Mazar,Baghram,首都喀布尔和Baghram空军基地。

    He says most of the cases are in the colder northern parts of the country , such as Herat , Mazar , the capital Kabul and Baghram airbase .

  26. 首先飞往巴格拉姆(Bagram)空军基地逗留四个多小时的时间,慰问在阿富汗执行政府战略的军人。

    flying into Bagram Air Base for a little more than four hours to the men and women who are carrying out the administration 's stepped-up strategy in Afghanistan .

  27. 伊拉克加紧备战,在巴格达街道两侧布置了许多战位和散兵坑,另一方面,五角大楼将数架b-2隐身轰炸机从密苏里州的怀特曼空军基地派往接近伊拉克的基地。

    Iraq braced for war , lining the streets of Baghdad with fighting positions and foxholes , while the Pentagon moved B-2 stealth bombers from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri to bases close to Iraq .

  28. Stirm是空军基地迎接他的家人在特拉维斯在费尔菲尔德,加利福尼亚州,他返回家里,从越南战争。

    Stirm is greeted by his family at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield , Calif. , as he returns home from the Vietnam War .

  29. 譬如,普天间的直升飞机可以移往庞大的冲绳嘉手纳(Kadena)空军基地,或者日本四主岛之一的九州岛。

    Futenma 's helicopters could , for example , be moved to the huge Kadena air force base on Okinawa , or to Kyushu , one of Japan 's main islands .

  30. 照片是在梅兰妮在安德鲁空军基地登机的时候拍到的,衣服上的字虽然没有拍全,但是很显然和现正在和Zara官网上的价值39美元的外套一模一样。

    Photos taken as she boarded the plane at Andrews airbase didn 't capture the jacket 's full text , but it seems to be the same as the one that costs $ 39 and is available from the Zara website .