
kōnɡ zhōnɡ fā shè
  • air-launch;air launch;air start
  1. 拜私人创新者所赐,空中发射技术已卷土重来。

    Air-launch technologies have been making a comeback thanks to private innovators .

  2. 空中发射可以有效地降低航天运输费用,同时具有较高的自主性和机动性。

    Air-launch can effectively reduce the space transportation cost , as the same time , it has high autonomy and mobility .

  3. 空中发射的巡航导弹将不会攻击移动目标。

    Air Launched Cruise Missiles will no longer engage moving targets .

  4. 拖缆的弹簧柔性体模型在拖曳式空中发射系统中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Towline Model in Towed Air-Launch System

  5. 空中发射运载火箭发射轨道设计

    Trajectory design for air launch vehicle

  6. 根据拖曳式空中发射系统的特点,进行了系统的概念设计。

    The concept design of the towed air-launched system was studied in detail according to the system characteristics .

  7. 讨论了空中发射运载火箭的基本特点、飞行方案、发射轨道设计和优化分析方法。

    The essential characteristics , flight sequence , trajectory design and optimal analysis for air launch vehicle are discussed .

  8. 水平空中发射固体有翼运载火箭总体/动力/气动/轨道一体化设计与优化

    Integration design and optimization of system / solid rocket motor / aerodynamics / trajectory for horizontally air-launched vehicle with wings

  9. 飞马座火箭是美国第1种机载空中发射型固体运载火箭,主要用于将小型卫星送入近地轨道。

    Pegasus is the first air launched solid rocket in America , which is used to place small satellites into low earth orbit .

  10. 空中发射在执行发射任务时,平流层发射飞机可在双机身中间、机翼中心位置搭载多达3枚火箭。

    On launch missions , Stratolaunch will carry as many as three rockets attached to the center of the wing between the two fuselages .

  11. 测试了系统分析软件,应用基于方向的遗传算法优选了某水平空中发射固体有翼运载火箭28个设计参数。

    The system analysis software was tested and 28 design parameters for an horizontally air-launched vehicle were optimized by means of an improved genetic algorithm .

  12. 通过下面向空中发射激光,他们分析的数据范围呈现出一个顶点在涡轮底部的锥形。

    By shining the lasers into the air from below they were analysing a cone that had its point at the base of the turbine .

  13. 拖曳式空中发射系统模型的复杂程度很大程度上取决于拖缆模型描述的复杂程度。

    The complexity of the model of a towed air-launch system mostly depends on the complexity of the model of the towline in this system .

  14. 在传统的固定翼飞机情况下,一旦无人机在空中发射,飞行控制权主要转移到无人机的自动驾驶仪上。

    In the case of conventional fixed wing aircraft , once an UAV is launched in the sky , flight authority is mainly shifted to an autopilot onboard .

  15. 这看起来很奇怪的鸟在这里看到的是美属维尔京母舰夏娃,这架飞机将携带一进入轨道的旅客空中发射维珍银河的太空船火箭升空。

    The odd-looking bird seen here is the Virgin Mothership Eve , the aircraft that will carry Virgin Galactic 's SpaceShipTwo rocket aloft for a midair launch of tourists into orbit .

  16. 在连续133小小时向空中发射密集激光束从而在空中制造出硝酸粒子后,空气中的水分子凝聚在一起形成了小水滴。

    Following 133 hours of firing a beam of intense laser light which created nitric acid particles in the air it resulted in binding the water molecules together to create droplets .

  17. 例如,太空飞船二号是由飞机携载和火箭空中发射,使用的设计也在1960年代发布的一个实验性的前身航天飞机原形。

    SpaceShipTwo , for example , is carried by airplane and released mid-air to fire its rocket , a design also used by the experimental X-15 space plane in the 1960s .

  18. 空中发射火箭使用小型火箭而不用类似有地面发射台的,不需要启动昂贵的发射台发射站点,因为飞机可以从商业跑道起飞。

    Air-launching uses smaller rockets than those needed for similar ground-based flights , eliminates the need for expensive launch pads and opens options for launch sites , since the planes can take off from commercial runways .

  19. 如果真的发生了这种情况,这个过程可能包括向空中发射飞机,使其释放二氧化硫等化合物的粒子,这种化合物能将一些阳光反射回太空,并能暂时让地球降温。

    If it ever happens , the process might involve sending planes into the sky to release particles of a compound like sulfur dioxide that can reflect some sunlight back into space and could temporarily cool the planet .

  20. 小卫星空中机动发射火箭最少发射条件测试分析

    Analysis on Minimum Launching Condition of Fast Testing of Carrier Rocket in Moonlet Flexible Launch

  21. 经真空中退火该发射峰增强;而在氧气中退火该发射峰强度减弱。

    The green emission intensity decreases quickly with increasing oxygen pressure during film deposition and it increases markedly by thermal annealing in vacuum .

  22. 基于通信指令的空中目标定位技术,是利用空中目标发射的通信指令来获取目标的距离和角度信息,完成对目标的精确定位跟踪。

    The technology locating air target based on communication instruction acquires the information of angle and range and realizes precise locating and tracking through the communication instruction transmitted by the air target .