首页 / 词典 / good

  • study carefully;go into;investigate
  • actually;really;after all
  • 推求,追查:研~。推~。讲~。追~。深~。有案必~。

  • 极,到底:~竟(a.到底,如“~~想干什么?”b.结果,如“大家都想知道个~~”)。终~。


(仔细推求; 追查) study carefully; go into; investigate:

  • 查究

    investigate and ascertain (cause, responsibility, etc.);

  • 研究

    study; research;

  • 深究

    go deeply into a matter; get to the bottom of a matter;

  • 究其根源

    trace sth. to its source


[书] (到底; 究竟) actually; really; after all:

  • 究系何因, 尚待深查。

    The actual cause awaits further investigation.

  • 究应如何办理?

    How should this really be dealt with?

  1. 究其起源,大致可追溯到原始人类的时代,而非正式群体这一概念却是现代管理学界相对应于正式群体提出来的。

    Study carefully its origin , can roughly trace back to primitive human era . But the concept of informal group is put forward by modern management educational circles correspondent to formal group .

  2. 究其原因,绝大多数的QQ用户都表示QQ使用频率很高,对QQ形成了使用习惯。

    Investigate its reason , the overwhelming majority of users said that high use frequency of QQ resulted in use habit .

  3. 一个大国的崛起究其实质包括经济和军事两个方面。

    The rise of a major power is both economic and military in nature .

  4. 归根究底,就是有坏人存在,必须有人去对付他们。

    What it comes down to is , there are bad people out there , and somebody has to deal with them .

  5. 究应如何办理?

    How should this really be dealt with ?

  6. 究系何因,尚待深查。

    The actual cause awaits further investigation .

  7. 非法侵入严究不贷。

    Trespassers will be prosecuted .

  8. 九州生气恃风雷,万马齐喑究可哀。(龚自珍《己亥杂诗》)

    Only in wind and thunder can the country show its vitality , | alas , the ten thousand horses all muted !

  9. 研究人员硏究了四种严重的身体疾病的发生对婚姻的影响。

    The researchers examined how the onset of four serious physical illnesses affected marriages .

  10. 他们发现,总的来说,31%的婚姻在硏究期间以离婚告终。

    They found that , overall , 31 % of marriages ended in divorce over the period studied .

  11. 英国硏究人员发现,不同于升职、加薪那样只会让人们得到短期的激励,搬到绿色空间居住会给人们带来持续的积极影响。

    UK researchers found moving to a green space had a sustained positive effect , unlike pay rises or promotions , which only provided a short-term boost .

  12. 这项硏究的合著者之一,伦敦帝国理工学院的詹姆斯·边沁认为全球身高增长趋势可能主要是由于营养和医疗保健的改善。

    James Bentham , a co-author of the research from Imperial College , London , says the global trend is likely to be due primarily to improvements in nutrition and healthcare .

  13. 硏究人员艾米丽·凯克说:‘被诊断岀严重健康问题的已婚妇女也许会发现她们需要在经历离婚的压力的同时与疾病的影响做斗争。”

    " Married women diagnosed with a serious health condition may find themselves struggling with the impact of their disease while also experiencing the stress of divorce , " said researcher Amelia Karraker .

  14. 该硏究并没有考察这个错误是否具有深刻的心理意义,心理学家大卫·瑞斌说:“但是这个研究的确告诉我们谁在这个组,谁不在这个组。”

    The study did not examine the possibility of deep psychological significance to the mistake , says psychologist David Rubin , " but it does tell us who 's in and who 's out of the group . "

  15. 主―耶和华啊,你若究察罪孽,谁能站得住呢

    If thou , Lord shouldest mark iniquities , O Lord , who shall stand ? 3

  16. 本文正是以此为契机,从对Audit的误译入手,追本溯源,探因究理,以期对审计定位和发展趋势进行一种崭新的理论探索。

    The essay just takes this chance , begins with misinterpretation of Audit and expects carrying out a theoretic research of audit orientation and developing trend .

  17. 考虑到国内的行业现状,存在着很多的信息孤岛,这与开放与合作的呼声恰恰背道而驰。究其根本,就在于GIS互操作的问题。

    Regarding to the actuality of our GIS industry , there are many " information islands " which are opposite to the appeal of open and cooperation .

  18. 究其缘由是早期算法的卷积滤波函数是同态Gauss滤波器。

    Investigating its reason , we find it is the convolution algorithm is homomorphic filter function Gauss filter .

  19. 究其原因,首先,在接收到的GPS卫星发送的信号过程中,有很多误差源影响接收信号的质量,从而影响了测量的准确性。

    The main reason of such problem is that , first , there are many error sources which reduce the signal quality during the signal-transmission and then reduce the positioning accuracy .

  20. 究其原因,许多学者将其归结到区域人力资本的积累上,认为人力资本存量及投资对于有效利用FDI具有重要意义。

    Many scholars attributed the reason to the regional human capital accumulation , considering that the human capital stock and investment is important for the effective use of FDI .

  21. 究其原因:一方面是由于我国正在引入国际投资机构(如QFII等),它们带来了西方成熟的投资理念;

    For one thing , China is introducing international investment organization such as QFII , which bring mature investment ideas .

  22. 究提示性激素水平变化可作为判断女性POP肾虚三型的客观指标。

    The study suggest : the changes of the sexual hormones levels may be taken as objective diagnosis basis to determine the three types of kidney deficiency in female patients POP .

  23. 究其原因是由于JM公司的薪酬管理缺乏科学性、合理性以及激励性。

    The reason is due to the lack of scientific enterprise compensation management , rational , and incentive .

  24. 本文简要地介绍系统科学研究中心1987年究制成功的规划支持系统(PlanningSupportSystem,简称PSS),包括PSS的特点,设计思想和关键技术。

    Planning Support System ( PSS ) is an advanced Software for Computer-aided regional development planning constructed by Systems Science center in 1987 , In this paper pss is briefly described , including its design methodology and advanced technology .

  25. 究其原因是因为两种水煤浆矿物质在炉内热力环境下的行为不同,其中Fe的存在形式、炉内行为对灰渣熔融特性有很大影响。

    The results show coal 's characteristics in nature is the root factor deciding mineral behavior inside furnace , and the chief difference of the coal fired in two boilers is the ferric mode of occurrence .

  26. 临床观察结果亦显示能改善病患痴呆症状,明显提高益气复智颗粒治疗血管性痴呆的训究vD患者的HDS、MMSE评定分值。

    Clinical observation also showed that it can improve the symptoms of dementia and markedly increase the grading of HDS and MMSE of patients with vascular dementia .

  27. 可见,本虚为COPD主要表现,急性发作期挟实,以本虚标实为主,究其本,多为肺胃虚损,并传变及其它脏腑。

    Clearly , the virtual COPD mainly for the performance of acute stage is relying on to the virtual subscript is mainly that of the present , to do more to lung and stomach wasting , and other viscera and-change .

  28. 究其原因为加入稀土元素Y后,熔体中生成了与镁基体共格的强化相MgY和弥散的析出相改变了断口形貌。

    It is suggested that with yttrium addition strengthening MgY phase coherent with magnesium matrix and newly precipitated Al_2Y in the melt , which changes the fracture morphology .

  29. 原6D型注水泵效率低,耗电高、寿命短,难以满足油田注水需要。究其原因是泵设计不合理,对主要部件的材质和工艺要求过低而造成。

    Because 6D type flooding pump was low in efficiency , high in consumption of electricity , and short in life , it could not meet the demands of oil-field flooding water .

  30. ASR存在情况下混凝土氯离子结合能力很小,究其原因主要是剩余C3A含量少、孔溶液pH值高、暴露环境温度高。

    As far as this experiment is concerned , the low capacity of concrete in binding chloride ion is presumed to be in relation to low residual C3A contents , high pH value of pore solution and high exposure temperature .
