
  • 网络MOODY;Moody's;Moody's Investors Service;Mco
  1. 上周四,穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody'sInvestorsService)将菲亚特列入了可能下调其短期和长期债务评级的观察名单。

    Last Thursday , Moody 's Investors Service placed Fiat under observation for a possible downgrade on short-and long-term debt .

  2. 据穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody'sInvestorsServiceInc。)称,2009年的钢铁需求很可能保持疲软;

    ' Steel demand will likely remain weak in2009 , 'according to Moody 's Investors Service .

  3. 穆迪公司改变方法几周之后,世界另一个大型评估机构标准普尔(StandardPoor's)也改变了自己的方法。

    A week after Moody 's , the world 's other large rating agency , Standard Poor 's , changed its methodology , too .

  4. 雷迪金融集团(ReadyFinancial)是我的投资组合中的一家公司,其CEO威尔•图穆迪便是一位退役的海豹突击队员(服役期1990–1995)。

    One of my portfolio company CEOs , will Tumulty of ready financial , is a former seal ( 1990-1995 ) .

  5. 但《财富》杂志(Fortune)经回顾发现,标普和穆迪其实经常在主权信用评级上产生分歧。

    But a review by fortune shows that the two agencies regularly disagree over sovereign credit ratings .

  6. 上周,评级机构穆迪(Moody's)将迪拜控股集团(DubaiHolding'sCommercialOperationsGroup)的评级调降至仅比垃圾级高两个级别。

    Dubai Holding 's Commercial Operations Group was downgraded by Moody 's , the rating agency , to two notches above junk last week .

  7. 穆迪投资者服务(Moody'sInvestorsService)在报告发布的前一年曾称,中国西部水泥是少数几家可能存在公司治理或会计风险的中资公司之一。

    A year earlier , Moody 's Investors Service had said West China Cement was among a handful of Chinese companies with ' possible governance or accounting risks ' .

  8. 2月20日,在中新集团尽管一度推迟但仍在30天的宽限期内支付了利息后,穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody'sInvestorsService)上调了中新集团高级无担保债券的评级。

    On Feb.20 , Moody 's Investors Service upgraded Neo-China 's senior unsecured bonds after the company made an interest payment that had been delayed but was still within a30-day grace period .

  9. 本周,穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody'sInvestorsService)将日本国债信用评级从Aa2下调一档至Aa3。

    This week , Moody 's Investors Service lowered its credit rating for Japanese government debt .

  10. 不管你相不相信,穆迪和惠誉仍然对西班牙维持AAA评级。

    And believe it or not , Moody 's and Fitch still have them as AAAs .

  11. 据穆迪(Moody’s)报告,过去5年电池的成本下降了50%。

    Moody 's notes battery costs have fallen 50 per cent in the past five years .

  12. 穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody'sInvestorsServiceInc.)在周四发布的评论中警告称,由于日本国内经济低迷、市场滑坡,日资银行现在已经被完全拖入了全球信贷危机。

    In a comment published Thursday , Moody 's Investor 's Service warned that Japan 's banks had'now been drawn fully into the global credit crunch'amid the domestic economic downturn and market slump .

  13. 这对债权人来说显然是一个负面趋势,穆迪的报告作者之一YvonneZhang表示。

    This is clearly a negative trend for creditors , said Yvonne Zhang , one of the authors of the report .

  14. 全球仅有7家机构仍然保有穆迪(Moody's)AAA信用级别,其中就有两家加拿大银行加拿大皇家银行(RoyalBankofCanada)和多伦多道明银行(Toronto-Dominion)。

    Two Canadian banks Royal Bank of Canada and Toronto-Dominion are among only seven institutions worldwide that still retain a Moody 's triple-A credit rating .

  15. “鲍伊债券”最初被信誉评级机构穆迪(Moody's)评为A3级,后来降为Baa3级,仅高于垃圾级。

    Originally rated A3 by Moody 's Investors Service , Bowie bonds were later downgraded to Baa3 , just above junk status .

  16. 据穆迪分析(Moody’sAnalytics)估计,去年房地产的建造、销售和配套占到中国国内生产总值(GDP)的23%。

    Moody 's Analytics estimates the building , sale and outfitting of apartments accounted for 23 per cent of Chinese gross domestic product last year .

  17. 穆迪(Moody's)是一家评级机构&沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)的投资公司在其中拥有17%的股份,无疑势头强劲。

    Moody 's , a rating agency in which Warren Buffett 's investment company owns a17 % stake , is certainly in fine fettle .

  18. 在本杰明·穆迪(BenjaminMoody)15岁那年,父亲为了帮助儿子学数学给他买了台计算器,穆迪一下子就迷上了它。

    Benjamin Moody got hooked on calculators the moment his father bought him one to help with his math homework when he was15 .

  19. 然而,穆迪却将这些产品的AAA评级一直保持到2008年。在市场总体下滑的情况下,这些产品也被降级。

    However , Moody 's maintained the top-notch ratings on these products until 2008 , when they were downgraded amid general market declines .

  20. 今天,ADP与穆迪公司公布的私人薪资报告显示,九月份就业增长低于预期,就业人数增加16.6万人。

    The Moody 's ADP private payroll report out today shows slower-than-expected jobs growth in the month of September -- around 166000 .

  21. 这就是为什么摩根大通可以宣称超高风险是如此安全,这也是为什么穆迪把那么多此类证券评定为AAA级。

    That was why JP Morgan could declare super-senior risk so safe , and why Moody 's had rated so many of these securities triple-A.

  22. 来宝集团(NobleGroup)首席执行官质疑穆迪(Moody’s)调降这家大宗商品交易商的信用评级至垃圾级的决定,称原材料价格疲弱不会影响其盈利能力。

    The chief executive of Noble Group has questioned Moody 's decision to downgrade the commodity trader 's credit rating to junk status , saying weak raw material prices would not affect its profitability .

  23. 但实际上,没有一个真正对评级产生影响,穆迪信贷部门主管理查德•坎特(RichardCantor)称。

    But in reality , none of them actually had an impact on rating , Richard Cantor , chief credit officer of Moody 's , said .

  24. 穆迪(Moody's)称,这一比例远高于2006年的10%,也高于美国住房市场在2006年达到顶峰时所占美国GDP的比重。

    That is up steeply from 10 % in 2006 and is higher than American housing 's share of GDP reached during the height of the U.S. housing boom in 2006 , Moody 's says .

  25. 评级机构穆迪(Moody's)的中国银行业分析师颜湄之(MayYan)表示:我们预计,中国工商银行将着手进行更多收购,因为他们有很多资金,而且非常希望走向全球。

    We expect ICBC will be looking to do a lot more acquisitions because they have a lot of money and they definitely want to go global , said May Yan , China banking analyst at Moody 's rating agency .

  26. 根据穆迪分析公司(Moody’sAnalytics)的统计,在今后五年中,亚利桑那州的就业增长速度预计将达到每年3%。

    Arizona is expected to have the fastest job growth at 3 % annually over the next five years , according to Moody 's Analytics .

  27. 正在与激进会计指控做斗争的大宗商品交易商来宝集团(NobleGroup)周二遭遇又一个打击。出于对该公司债务再融资能力的担忧,穆迪(Moody's)将其信用评级下调至垃圾级。

    Noble Group , the commodity trader fighting allegations of aggressive accounting , suffered another blow on Tuesday when its credit rating was cut to junk status by Moody 's because of concerns about the company 's ability to refinance debts .

  28. 惠誉国际及穆迪于2009年分别肯定大新银行之长期信贷评级为「A-」及「A3」级。

    Dah Sing Bank 's long term rating had been affirmed as " A - " and " A3 " by Fitch and Moody 's respectively in2009 .

  29. 尽管微软债务负担明显加重,但标普和穆迪(Moody’s)在周一都再次重申对微软的AAA级评级。

    Both S & P and Moody 's affirmed their triple-A opinions of Microsoft on Monday despite the significant increase in the company 's debt burden .

  30. 复星的股权价值高达150亿美元,其负债率高,足以被标普(S&P)和穆迪(Moody’s)等评级机构评为垃圾级。

    With an equity value of $ 15bn , Fosun is indebted enough to warrant a junk rating from rating agencies S & P and Moody 's.