  • thick;dense
  • 密,与“稀”相对:~密。~人广众。

  • 浓:~粥。



  • 调味汁太稠了,再加点奶 。

    This sauce is too thick -- add some milk.

  • 粥很稠。

    The porridge is very thick.


(稠密) dense:

  • 地窄人稠

    small in area but densely populated


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 稠雕

    Chou Diao

  1. 涂料太稠就会破坏效果。

    The effect will be ruined if the paint is too thick .

  2. 油漆如果太稠就涂不均匀。

    If the paint is too thick , it will not spread evenly .

  3. 把牛奶搅进去,直到酱汁变稠为止。

    Stir in the milk until the sauce thickens .

  4. 把蛋白打得起稠尖儿。

    Whip the egg whites up into stiff peaks .

  5. 把蛋清打成稠的。

    Whisk the egg whites until stiff .

  6. 不停地搅拌沙司,直到搅稠为止。

    Stir until the sauce has thickened .

  7. 把蛋白搅打稠。

    Whisk the egg whites until stiff .

  8. 将苹果和黑莓炖成稠浆。

    Stew the apple and blackberries to make a thick pulp .

  9. 把鸡蛋和白糖混在一起搅打至开始变稠。

    Beat the eggs and sugar until they start to thicken .

  10. 用水把涂料稀释到牛奶般的稠度。

    Dilute the paint with water until it is the consistency of milk

  11. 酸辣酱应该是浓稠的软糊状。

    The chutney should be a thick , pulpy consistency .

  12. 他把红酒熬稠后再用。

    He boils down red wine and uses what 's left

  13. 大部分增稠剂来源于植物。

    Most of the thickeners are of plant origin .

  14. 我加了一点儿牛奶,好让面团稠度适中。

    I added a little milk to mix the dough to the right consistency .

  15. 加上燕麦让混合料变稠,然后搅拌成奶油状。

    Add the oats to thicken the mixture and stir until it is nice and creamy

  16. 不停地搅,一直搅到调味汁变稠。

    Keep stirring until the sauce thickens .

  17. 加玉米面使汤变稠。

    Thicken the broth with the cornflour

  18. 用多少增稠剂?

    How much thickener is used ?

  19. 他狼吞虎咽地吃下了一大块牛排、很多色拉和浸着浓稠酱汁的花耶菜,还喝了半升红酒。

    He polished off a large steak , salad , broccoli swimming in thick sauce , and half a litre of wine .

  20. 油漆似乎太稠了。

    The paint seems too thick .

  21. 调味汁太稠了,再加点奶。

    This sauce is too thick -- add some milk .

  22. 请把面粉和牛奶调到适当的稠度。

    Mix flour and milk to the right consistency .

  23. 粥很稠。

    The porridge is very thick .

  24. 在稠环和桥环化合物中,两个碳原子是两个环公用的。

    In fused-ring and bridged-ring compounds two carbons are common to the two rings .

  25. 加了面粉肉汁会变稠。

    The addition of flour will thicken gravy .

  26. 墨太稠了。

    The ink is too thick .

  27. 稠的液体倒出来比稀的慢。

    Thick liquid pours much more slowly than thin liquid .

  28. 特别适合用做纺织印染工业中人造合成纤维的印染增稠剂。

    It is a universally applicable thickener for printing on the synthetics .

  29. 泥浆太稠,你们得让所有的搅拌机都开着。

    The mud is too viscous.You must have all the agitators run .

  30. (将黄油搅拌到面粉和鸡蛋里,搅成浓稠的面糊。)

    Whisk the butter into the flour and eggs to create a thick batter .