
Esophageal cancer patients serum OPN decrease statistically significant ( P0.05 ), but still higher than normal . 3 .
When older people can no longer remember names at a cocktail party , they tend to think that their brainpower is declining .
One of the top regrets of seniors is following others ' expectations for their life rather than their own dreams and preferences .
Older generations normally dress cool and casual and in general you won 't feel out of place if you do as well .
It is a familiar complaint from those of a certain age : today 's pop music is louder and all the songs sound the same .
They found that men whose ring fingers are the same length or shorter than their index fingers are at far greater risk of a premature heart attack in their thirties and forties .
I interrogated everyone even slightly involved .
Every kind of pride must revolt from the connection .
Many older people in China never developed a talent for playing the piano .
scrupulous A less scrupulous man wouldn 't give the money back to its owner .
A weaker man , they concluded , would have died the minute he was shot .
There are a lot of young people -- and some not-so-young people -- out there ,
Thus , the OECD classification included companies that people with even basic knowledge of China would recognise as quintessentially state-owned .
Today , almost everyone who knows a little bit of internet , will definitely hear about the word " hackers " .
You could adjust the form of dance you 're doing for the person who is mildly limited because of heart disease .
As anyone with even a passing interest in finance will know , this was how the seeds of the financial crisis were sown .
Obviously no half-foolish person can be completely persuaded either by such flying banners in the streets or by such ads on the TV .
In the past , Charles has been portrayed by various commentators as a dull , slightly loopy eccentric with a habit of talking to his plants .
Fact is , the way the Yankees have framed up that Amnesty oath , Ca n 't nobody who was somebody before the war vote at all .
Its mechanism called interocular blur suppression . The binocular visual acuity is usually slightly reduced , but the brain will gradually adapt this condition , and improve binocular vision finally .
Nobody who pays the slightest attention to Washington needs the S & P update to tell them that US politicians cannot agree on how to put the public finances on a sound footing .
But the Japanese attack on the wind slowed down , Hangzhou people went back to Hangzhou , not waiting for the rest to start and to see the West Lake , while enjoying the beauty of West Lake while drinking tea .
This time Yahoo is saying outright that all affected user passwords were stored in a manner that makes your average cyber security bod go nuts at the madness of the world . Security ! experts ! slam ! Yahoo ! management ! for !
A little less than half of the patients received blood that had been stored for14 days or less , and a little more than half got blood that was older .