
  • 网络procedural justice;due process;due process of law
  1. 论WTO协议体现的程序正义原则对我国司法的影响

    Influence of WTO Agreements ' Procedural Justice Principle on China 's Justice

  2. 随着我国刑事诉讼理论研究的深入和刑事审判实践的发展,程序正义(proceduraljustice)日益受到重视并取得了与实体正义同等重要的法律地位。

    With the development of our criminal theory and criminal justice practice , procedural justice ( procedural justice ) is paid more and more attention and has the equal legal status of important and substantive justice .

  3. 第二章民事诉讼程序正义的基本标准。

    Chapter Two talks about essential standards of civil procedure justice .

  4. 刑事法视野中的实体正义与程序正义

    Entity Justice and Procedural Justice : in View of Criminal Law

  5. 这同时也是程序正义的要求。

    Also this is the demand for justice of the procedure .

  6. 现代司法理念的重塑&回归程序正义

    Return to Procedural Justice : The Remoulding of Modern Judicial Concept

  7. 程序正义独立于实体正义之外;

    The procedural justice is independent on the substantive justice ;

  8. 法律正义一般表现为实体正义和程序正义。

    Legal justice generally reflects substantial justice and procedural justice .

  9. 程序正义在司法实践中是一项十分重要的价值原则。

    Procedure justice is of great value to judicatory practice .

  10. 程序正义&依法行政的核心

    Just Procedure : the Core of Administrating According to Law

  11. 罗尔斯的程序正义理论是一种纯粹的程序正义。

    Rawls ' theory of procedure justice is a pure procedure justice .

  12. 公共政策的正义性离不开程序正义。

    The rightness of public policy depends on procedural justice .

  13. 论我国政策过程中的程序正义

    On the Procedural Justice in Policy Process of Our Country

  14. 刑事司法程序正义论。

    Theory about the justice of criminal judicial process ii .

  15. 刑事法律中实体正义与程序正义的博弈

    Game Between Substantial Justice and Procedural Justice in Criminal Legislation

  16. 城市规划运行过程中的控权论和程序正义

    The control and procedure in the process of the urban planning implementation

  17. 程序正义与中国&从传统的视角观察

    Process Justice and China & Observed from Traditional Angle

  18. 程序正义是程序的内在性价值。

    The justice of the procedure is the inherent value of the procedure .

  19. 刑事侦查的正义价值分为实质正义和程序正义两种。

    Just value is devided into essential just value and procedural just value .

  20. 实体正义与程序正义应该都是我国法治实践所追求的目标。

    So entity justice and procedure justice is our aim in judicial practice .

  21. 论实体正义与程序正义的关系

    On the Relations between Substantive Justice and Procedural Justice

  22. 试论中国传统无讼思想与现今程序正义的联系

    On Association of the No Litigation Thought and the Current Process of Justice

  23. 程序正义发展和细化了正义理论,是通过法律实现社会正义。

    Law realizes procedure justice and detailed justice theory .

  24. 程序正义及其价值分析

    On the Justice of the Procedure and Its Value

  25. 程序正义理念与诉讼制度改革

    The concept of procedure justice and lawsuit system reforming

  26. 程序正义&正当程序价值探究

    Procedural Justice & Value of Due Process of Law

  27. 这种正义既表现为实体正义也表现为程序正义。

    The justice includes substantial justice and procedural justice .

  28. 论程序正义的人性标准

    On the Human Nature Standard of the Procedure Justice

  29. 司法正义包括程序正义和实体正义,在实践中我们根据程序来判断正义。

    The judiciary justice concludes the justice of procedure and the justice of entity .

  30. 略论程序正义的权利内涵

    On the connotation of right in procedural justice