
  • 网络Mobile Networks;GPRS;gsm;Mobile Web;Mobile
  1. 全IP移动网络中基于信令预测优先级排队的动态资源预留排序

    Dynamic Resource Reservation Ordering Based on Signal Prediction Priority Queuing in All-IP Mobile Networks

  2. 按需式adhoc移动网络路由协议的研究进展

    A Survey of On-demand Routing Protocols for Ad hoc Mobile Networks

  3. 作为回应,政府表示,为弱势儿童和年轻人购买的100万台笔记本电脑中,有一半以上已经交付。同时,政府正与移动网络运营商合作,为在家学习的儿童提供免费数据流量。

    In response , the government says more than half of the one million laptops bought for disadvantaged children and young people have already been delivered and it 's working with the mobile network operators to provide free data at home .

  4. 然而,现有的通信网络,如无线移动网络和IP网络都是易发生差错的网络。

    However , wireless mobile channel and IP network are highly prone to error .

  5. 一般的移动网络中并没有专门的机制保证QoS,只提供尽力而为或不可靠的服务。

    Normal mobile networks have no special mechanism to ensure QoS .

  6. 在GPRS和WCDMA移动网络中实现IPV6服务

    Mobile IPv6 as a Services in GPRS and WCDMA Mobile Networks

  7. 3G移动网络中的组播与广播

    Broadcast and Multicast Service in 3G Mobile Networks

  8. 在基于IP的3G移动网络中,SIP将是主要的信令协议。

    SIP will be the dominant signaling protocol in the third mobile network which is IP_based .

  9. 空间数据的压缩对于空间数据无线移动网络以及提高整个移动GIS系统的效率来说是一项很重要的工作。

    Spatial data compression is an important task for spatial transmission on wireless mobile network and improving mobile GIS system efficiency .

  10. 目前的移动网络蜘蛛往往采用递归爬行的方法,该方法会造成系统资源开销大、爬行速度慢,而且可能会因为被搜索Web页面本身结构的原因造成死循环。

    Mobile Spider always uses the Recursive-Climb method , which expends more system resource and climbs slowly and may cause endless loop due to the reason of web page itself .

  11. 作为一种新型的无线移动网络,移动自组网(mobileAdhocnetwork,MANET)的安全是现在主要的研究方向。

    Mobile ad-hoc network ( MANET ) is a new kind of wireless mobile . The security of MANET is a hot research field .

  12. 在提出上述框架的基础上,本文还概括了3G移动网络中的音频流业务的提供。

    Supported by this proposed framework , provision of audio streaming services on 3G mobile networks is also outlined .

  13. adhoc网络作为一种动态的无线移动网络,相对常规网络而言,其网络管理有它自身的特点和要求。

    Ad Hoc network management has its own characteristic and requirement compared to traditional network because the network is wireless , dynamic in topology .

  14. 但无论在IP网络还是在无线移动网络信道中,误码的产生、数据的丢失总是难以避免。

    Whether in IP network or in the channel of wireless mobile network , error code or noise of signal and loss of data are always appear unavoidably .

  15. RSVP在无线移动网络中的扩展研究

    Research of RSVP Extensions in Wireless Mobile Network

  16. 考虑到空间移动网络通信时延大的特点,将现有拓扑算法进行比较,选取拓扑信息收集过程中通信次数较少的SNMP协议作为空间移动网络的拓扑发现算法中的主体技术。

    Considering the large delay in space mobile network communication , comparing the existing topology discovery algorithms , this thesis select the topology discovery algorithm based on SNMP protocol .

  17. 移动网络(NEMO)的提出对于人们以一种更灵活的方式接入因特网,尤其是各种高速交通系统下的接入有着重大的意义。

    Network mobility ( NEMO ) provides people a flexible access to internet , especially for high-speed transportation system .

  18. adhoc网络作为一种不需要基础设施支持的移动网络,已成为无线通信领域的一个研究热点,具有广阔的应用前景。

    Ad Hoc network is a kind of mobile network which do not need the infrastructure support , and has become a hot research field for wireless communication , so it has a broad application prospect .

  19. 文中通过介绍网络仿真软件NS体系结构及安装过程,并结合具体仿真实例,着重讨论了其在移动网络仿真过程中的应用。

    The paper firstly introduces the hierarchical architecture , and how to install NS , then discusses its application in the process of mobile network simulation with a simulation example .

  20. 文章首先讨论了PUSH服务的特点,然后提出了一个可以跨越移动网络和SIP网络的PUSH服务模型,此模型包括服务提供域和网络运营域两个网络。

    To begin with discussing some properties of PUSH service , there is crossing-networks PUSH service model which has been established in this paper . It comprises two networks domains called " PUSH application domain " and " Networks operating domain " .

  21. IP多媒体子系统的引进为各种网络的业务融合提供了一个通用平台,它采用开放接口模式,促进了业务的多样化、综合化和个性化发展,开启了移动网络与因特网业务融合的时代。

    IP Multimedia Subsystem ( IMS ) with open interface architecture can provide a universal platform for the services convergence of all kind of networks , promote the diversification , comprehensivization and individualization of services and open up new era of the convergence of Internet and cellular services .

  22. 随着通信网络的发展与演进,融合不可避免,固网和移动网络的融合(FMC)更是迫切需要解决的问题。

    With the development and evolution of communications networks , integration is inevitable , fixed and mobile networks ( FMC ) is an urgent need to address the problem .

  23. 移动网络的规划和建设中需要解决时分同步码分多址(TD-SCDMA)系统与个人手持机系统(PHS)之间的干扰问题。

    It is necessary to solve the interference problem between Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access ( TD-SCDMA ) and Personal Handy-phone System ( PHS ) during the process of planning and building a mobile network .

  24. 讨论了网络层使用anycast技术的特点,分析了它在移动网络中的优势,提出了一种适用于adhoc网络中的按需anycast路由算法。

    The characteristics of anycast routing techniques at the network layer are discussed , and the advantages of anycast are analyzed on mobile network . An anycast routing algorithm based on on-demand idea for Ad Hoc network is proposed .

  25. 通过本论文的相关技术的研究,使我们对影响WCDMA移动网络的传输网络故障有了更为清楚的认识,相关传输网络维护工作质量将得到有效的提升。

    By analyzing the related technology in this paper , it can help us to have a clear understanding of the effects of transmission network faults on the WCDMA Mobile network , the quality of related transmission network maintenance work will be promoted effectively .

  26. 为了提高一线检疫人员正确快速鉴定有害生物和及时作出决策的能力,开发了基于Wap移动网络技术的进出境检疫性昆虫信息平台W-QPM。

    A mobile platform based on Wap named W-QPM was developed to improve quarantine officers ' professional ability for identification and decision-making on quarantine pests . W-QPM consists of 5 functional modules , including basic information for quarantine pests ; online query and identification ;

  27. SCDMA网络拥有用户一千多万户,但是随着用户数量的增加,用户对这种仅仅是本地无线接入的网络提出了更高的要求,即要求提供具有漫游功能的多局组网移动网络。

    However , with the increasing number of subscribers , subscribers put forward more requirements on this local wireless access network , i.e. a mobile network which consists of multiple local networks with roaming function .

  28. 蜂窝移动网络中重拨模型及其性能分析

    Analysis of retrials model and its performance in cellular mobile networks

  29. 基站是移动网络中最基础的单元。

    Base stations is the most basic unit in Mobile network .

  30. 专家系统在移动网络优化分析中的应用研究

    Application Research of Expert System in Optimizing Analysis of Mobile Network