
yí dònɡ diàn yuán
  • portable power source
  1. 直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)是直接以甲醇为燃料的电化学能量转化装置,具有系统简单、比能量高、污染小、燃料便于储运等优点,DMFC是未来理想的移动电源系统之一。

    Direct methanol fuel cell ( DMFC ) is an electrochemical energy-conversion device which directly uses methanol as fuel . DMFC has the advantages of simple in system , high energy density , and convenient fuel storage and transportation . It is an ideal portable power source in the future .

  2. 基于ANSYS的军用移动电源空载电压仿真研究

    Simulation Study on No-load Voltage of Military Portable Generator Based on ANSYS

  3. 便携式PEMFC移动电源系统的设计与研究

    Design and research of portable PEMFC movable power system

  4. 详细说明了利用ANSYS有限元分析软件分析军用移动电源的空载磁场,仿真其空载电压的理论基础和实现方法。

    In this paper , ANSYS software is introduced and is used for the analysis of no-load magnetic field of the synchronous generator .

  5. 质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)以其能量密度高并且环保的优点,特别适用于移动电源。

    Proton exchange membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC ) is a high energy density and environmental protection , especially suitable for mobile power .

  6. iBag2还内置一枚无线射频识别(RFID)跟踪器,确保手袋不会远离主人,以及USB接口和移动电源,当你提着它外出时可以为智能手机或平板电脑充电。

    There 's also an RFID tracker to make sure your bag doesn 't go walkabout without you , and a USB connection with a battery pack to charge your smartphone or tablet as you tote them around .

  7. 直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)由于理论能量密度高、结构简单、燃料存储携带方便等特点在移动电源方面具有广阔的应用前景。

    Direct Methanol Fuel Cell ( DMFC ) has promising applications as portable power sources due to its high energy density , simplicity in the system structure and easiness in fuel storage and supply .

  8. 直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)由于具有结构简单、燃料便于携带、方便储存、理论比能量高等优点,在小型可移动电源和微型电源方面具有广阔的应用前景。

    Direct methanol fuel cell ( DMFC ) is viewed as a promising power source for various portable devices due to its simplicity in structure , convenience in storage and higher energy density of the system .

  9. 介绍了一种在修试或更换配电变压器及10kV配网分段负荷开关时可以保证不间断用户供电的移动电源装备,有效提高了10kV配电系统变压器供电可靠率。

    This paper introduces a mobile power supply device which can continually supply power when the transformer is repaired or changed . It improves effectively the relability of 10 kV distribution network .

  10. 直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)以甲醇为燃料,具有比能量密度高、结构简单、使用方便灵活等特点,在手机、笔记本电脑等可移动电源领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    Direct methanol fuel cell ( DMFC ) using liquid methanol as fuel , is promising for portable application such as cell phone , laptop computer and other electronics because of its high energy density , simplicity of structure ( no additional equipment such as fuel reformer ) and maintenance .

  11. 一种新的移动电源系统接地转换方案

    A new system earthing conversion scheme of movable power station

  12. 锂离子电池技术在很多方面都是移动电源的主力军。

    Lithium-ion battery technology is in many ways the workhorse of portable power .

  13. 手机、商务通、移动电源一个都不能少!

    Cellular phone , business , move power supply 1 cannot be little !

  14. 带好移动电源和你的耐心。

    Pack a portable charger and your patience .

  15. 专业设计、制造移动电源管理系统、蓝牙产品的公司。

    Design and produce Bluetooth products , portable power management systems with professional technology .

  16. 军用移动电源电气控制设备网络化数据采集系统的设计

    Designing a network data acquisition system of electric control devices of military removal electrical source

  17. 它较常规反应器体积小一个数量级以上,安全性好,适用于汽车或移动电源;

    Its volume is one magnitude less than other reactors , and it has much better safety .

  18. 而现代的智能机往往就只能待机大概24小时,正因如此,我们越来越离不开移动电源。

    Modern smartphones typically last for about 24 hours , which is why power banks are essential nowadays .

  19. 对于非接触式移动电源的能量传输装置,提出了一种新型的基于松耦合变压器构成的结构。

    A new structure based on loosely coupled transformer was obtained for power transmission equipment of contactless mobile power .

  20. 随着电子工业的发展,移动电源智能化管理问题受到越来越多地重视。

    Along with the electronic industries ' development , the smart management of mobile power supplies been recognized rapidly .

  21. 微通道反应器因可用于移动电源和一些特殊领域而成为一个重要的研究方向。

    Playing an important role in portable power and other special industries , microchannel-reactor is becoming an important research topic .

  22. 整体结构简单、紧凑,广泛应用于移动电源的电缆收放作业。

    The new-style capstan is so well designed with simple and compact structure that it is widely used in mobile power vehicle .

  23. 是一家专业从事移动电源、平板电脑配件等相关产品的研发、生产、销售于一体的高科技企业。

    Is a professional mobile power , Tablet PC accessories and other related product development , production and sales of high-tech enterprises .

  24. 例如小米手环和我们的各系列移动电源已经在全球几乎所有市场上线。

    The Mi Band and our range of Power Banks , for example , are available in almost all our global markets .

  25. 采用异步电机的起动/发电双功能电源系统将是战机、战车和汽车等移动电源系统的一个有竞争力的发展方向。

    The induction starter / generator dual function power system is a competitive and alternative scheme for modern fighter , combat vehicles and automobiles .

  26. 介绍了便携式计算机移动电源的发展趋势,从国家、产业、消费者的角度阐述了建立我国移动电源标准的必要性、急迫性和可行性以及建立该标准的意义。

    This paper introduced the developing trend of portable computer power , and the necessary and feasibility of preparing China portable computer power standard .

  27. 数码发电机又称作便携式移动电源,以其灵活、方便、稳定的特点被广泛地作为备用、应急的交流电源使用。

    The digital generator is called mobile power , since it is flexible , convenient and stable , it is widely used as the emergency AC power .

  28. 柴油发电机作为移动电源、备用电源广泛地应用于野外等无电网的场合及重要部门中。

    Diesel generator are widely used in important departments and occasions without electrical nets such as open country , acted as standby power supply or movable power supply .

  29. 锂离子电池是一种理想的可移动电源,具有体积小,重量轻,放电电压高,比能量大等优点。

    Lithium ion secondary batteries have become attractive for portable devices due to their higher energy density and discharge-voltage , compactness and lightness compared to the other systems .

  30. 在一个移动电源和太阳能电源已成为主流的时代,一款能让你随时随处充电的设备听起来并没有什么特别的。

    In a time where power-banks and solar-power devices have become mainstream , a device that lets you charge gadgets on the go doesn 't sound very special .