
  • 网络Move;Move Tool
  1. 绘制箭头,像那些用于移动工具。

    Draw an arrow like those used by the move tool .

  2. 了解如何在开发环境中移动工具和文档窗口。

    Learn how to move tool and document windows in the development environment .

  3. 主要的DB2UDB数据移动工具有export、import和load。

    The principal DB2 UDB data movement utilities are export , import , and load .

  4. db2move工具利用了DB2的数据移动工具(export和import或load)来移动数据库表。

    The db2move utility exploits the DB2 data movement utilities ( export and import or load ) to move the database tables .

  5. 如果db2move操作想要成功执行,所使用的用户ID必须具有底层DB2数据移动工具所需要的适当授权。

    If a db2move operation is to succeed , the requesting user ID must have the correct authorization required by the underlying DB2 data movement utilities .

  6. 和Web站点类似,比如GoogleMaps,它帮助您轻松地开始使用,还有倡导网站,比如City-Go-Round,它为您提供使利用更便捷的所需移动工具。

    Familiar Web sites , like Google Maps , make it easy to get started , and advocacy sites like City-Go-Round give you the mobile tools you need to make it convenient .

  7. 数据库移动工具(db2move)

    " Let 's get a move on !" - The database movement tool ( db2move )

  8. IBM数据集市模式针对数据集市工作负载所需的独特的I/O吞吐量进行了调节,IBM数据集市模式包含数据压缩功能和数据移动工具,所有这些功能和工具都旨在使用急需的信息帮助推动业务发展。

    Tuned for the unique I / O throughput required of data mart workloads , the IBM Data Mart Pattern includes data compression capabilities and data movement tools - all designed to help move the business forward with the information needed without delay .

  9. 其他的数据库移动工具也可能导致同样的结果。

    Other database movement utilities may also have the same effect .

  10. 亚历山大o曼可夫斯基:这些城市的未来会用到不同的移动工具——你不能说它一定是汽车。

    AM : These futures used different mobility devices . You can 't say cars .

  11. 还是在前面视图中,使用移动工具移动所选顶点少数单位为低。

    Still in the front view , use the Move tool to shift the selected vertices a few units lower .

  12. 我立即选择了自行车作为我的移动工具,而这也是我们所做的首批投资之一。

    I immediately chose the bicycle as my method of locomotion and that was one of the first investments we made .

  13. 动力设备、摩托车、慢速移动工具以及外置马达的生产商们允许在他们的生产产品中使用混合乙醇燃料。

    Manufacturers of power equipment , motorcycles , snowmobiles and outboard motor , permit the use of ethanol blends in their products .

  14. 有一个概念提到了环型城市,即不同的移动工具行驶在不同的路线上,它们行驶的时间也不一样。

    One concept was the loop city , with different mobility devices for different routes , in which you can drive different durations .

  15. 有一个概念提到了“环型城市”,即不同的移动工具行驶在不同的路线上,它们行驶的时间也不一样。

    One concept was the " loop city , " with different mobility devices for different routes , in which you can drive different durations .

  16. 数据移动工具是用来将数据从一个数据库移动到另一个数据库,或将数据从一个环境中移动到另一个环境(比如从测试环境移动到生产环境)。

    Data movement utilities are used to move data from one database to another or one environment to another , like from test to production .

  17. 在他戴上假腿之前(在开炮的时候,他失去了双腿),轮椅就是他的移动工具。

    Before he 'd put on his legs for the day ( he had lost his legs after his discharge ) , his wheelchair was his mobility .

  18. 您将使用下列工具:移动工具,克隆图章,橡皮擦,加深工具,刷子,魔术棒,钢笔工具。

    You will be using the following tools : Move Tool , Clone Stamp , Eraser , Burn Tool , Brush , Magic Wand , Pen Tool .

  19. 本文概要介绍了DB2UDB数据移动工具的锁定行为,并概述了运行这些工具时,对数据的并发访问是如何管理的。

    This article outlines the locking behavior of the DB2 UDB data movement utilities , and provides an overview of how concurrent access to data is managed while these utilities are running .

  20. 调整模式:调整模式可以让你无论是在选择工具、移动工具、旋转工具或缩放工具时使用鼠标快速的移动元件。

    Tweak mode : Tweak mode lets you quickly move components under the mouse cursor regardless of whether you are currently using the Select Tool , Move Tool , Rotate Tool or Scale Tool .

  21. 因此,本文选取的微型学习的视角是借助移动工具(手机),利用微型学习平台,呈现给高中学生语文微型学习模块,可以使得高中学生随时随地获取自己需要的知识。

    Therefore , the perspective of micro learning that this thesis selects is taking advantage of the move tools ( mobile phones ) and the micro learning platforms to unfold small language learning modules for high school students .

  22. 有关这些文件格式的更多信息,请参阅使用DB2数据移动实用工具中的文件类型修饰符。

    For more information about these file formats , see Exploit file type modifiers that are built into the DB2 data movement utilities .

  23. PDA安全管理软件是安全管理部门近年来迫切需要的一种新型的移动办公工具。

    PDA security management software is one of the new types of mobile office tools which the security management security management urgently needed in recent years .

  24. 手机作为一种移动通讯工具,已不再局限于打电话发短信,还可以作为MP3、MP4播放器,以及电子辞典、数码学习机等。

    As a tool of mobile communication , the cell phone can be used as mp3 and mp4 player , electronic dictionary , digital learning machine besides usual things such as message sending .

  25. 任何移动通讯工具都带入考场。

    You are not to bring any mobile communication means into the exam-room .

  26. 浅析移动信息工具中信息架构的设计

    Study on the Design of Information Architecture for Moving-Information-Appliance

  27. 在移动交通工具上晕的状态。

    The state of being dizzy or nauseated because of traveling in a moving vehicle .

  28. 将您的鼠标移动到工具条和工件列表之间的空隙处。

    Just move your cursor over the space between the sidebar and the list of artifacts .

  29. 移动系统工具是下载次数最多的应用,其次是游戏类应用和影音播放类应用。

    Mobile system tools were the most downloaded apps , followed by games and video - and audio-playing apps .

  30. 有人问他为什么总是在步行,赫博告诉他们,因为他不相信会移动的工具。

    People asked him why he was always walking , and Herb told them he didn 't believe in moving machines .