
  1. 秦汉建筑是秦汉艺术的重要组成部分,也是中国古代建筑发展史上的重要阶段。

    The architecture in Qin and Han dynasty is not only the integral part of the Qin Han Art , but also the major phase of the Chinese history of ancient architecture .

  2. 第二部分构件美,首先从秦汉建筑斗拱的产生与发展,到唐宋时期斗拱,最后论述元明清时期斗拱的发展与成熟。

    The second component of the Beauty , first of all , from the formation of the Qin and Han architectural brackets and development , and to the Tang and Song Dynasties brackets , Yuan , Ming and Qing period last brackets on the development and maturity .

  3. 秦汉时期木构建筑日趋成熟,建筑宏伟壮观,装饰丰富,舒展优美,出现了阿房宫等庞大的建筑组群。

    In Qin and Han , wooden building tended to be mature gradually . Complex buildings , like Epang Palace , were constructed .

  4. 官式建筑的产生和秦汉以来高等级建筑采用井干式与多层木楼阁有关,并受到穿斗式的影响。

    The beginning of public structures was related to the well framed construction method of the high class multi-storied wood structures after the Qin-Han era and influenced by the through-jointed frame method .

  5. 但考古也发现有内部木构架、三边夯土墙(带有壁柱)的结构,说明秦汉时期的单层建筑结构形式是多种多样的。

    On the other hand , the structure which three sides were cob walls were also discovered in archaeological excavations , which manifested the one layer constructions at that time had various forms .