
  • 网络abies chensiensis;Abies chensiensis Van tiegh;A.chensiensis
  1. 濒危植物秦岭冷杉的种实特性和幼苗适应性

    Fruit Characteristics and Seedling Adaptation of Endangered Species Abies Chensiensis

  2. 一棵幼苗从土中长出来。濒危植物秦岭冷杉的种实特性和幼苗适应性

    A young plant springs forth from the soil . Fruit Characteristics and Seedling Adaptation of Endangered Species Abies Chensiensis

  3. 秦岭冷杉种子含空粒比例高达31%;

    Fourthly , the percentage of empty seeds reached 31 % .

  4. 濒危植物秦岭冷杉地理分布和生物生态学特性研究

    Distribution and bio-ecological characteristics of Abies chensiensis , an endangered plant

  5. 濒危植物秦岭冷杉种群空间分布格局及动态

    Pattern and Dynamics of the Spatial Population Distribution of Endangered Abies chensiensis

  6. 秦岭冷杉和巴山冷杉树脂道分布与结构特征的研究

    Resin Ducts Distribution and Its Structural Features of Qinling and Farges Firs

  7. 表明在其垂直分布范围内,低海拔地段更适合秦岭冷杉的生长和发育。造纸企业管理提升经验谈

    Chensiensis in low elevation . On the management elevation of papermaking enterprise

  8. 秦岭冷杉球果与种子的形态变异

    Morphological variation in cones and seeds in Abies chensiensis

  9. 濒危植物秦岭冷杉种群动态研究

    Study on Population Dynamics of Endangered Plant Abies Chensiensis

  10. 几种理化处理对秦岭冷杉种子萌发特性的影响

    Effects of Some Physical and Chemical Treatments on Seed Germination of Abies chensiensis

  11. 秦岭冷杉和巴山冷杉种群年龄结构及动态的比较分析

    Comparisons of Age Structure and Population Dynamics of Abies chensiensis and Abies fargesii

  12. 秦岭冷杉化学成分及其生物活性研究

    Chemical Constituents and Bioactivity of Abies Chensiensis

  13. 饱满的种子中具有生活力者占45%,反映出秦岭冷杉种子有较高的败育率;

    The TTC results showed that the vital seed percentage reached 45 % , implying the higher ratio of seed abortion .

  14. 通过一年的观测发现,秦岭冷杉野外种子出苗率平均只有16.9%,一年后幼苗死亡率高于50%。

    It was found that the mean seedling emergence was only 16.9 percent , and mean seedling mortality was 57.6 percent after one year .

  15. 秦岭冷杉结实量、成龄母树结实个体的比率随海拔升高而减少,低海拔的秦岭冷杉生殖生长好于高海拔处。

    With the increase of elevation , the ratio of fruiting trees to adult trees and the number of cones per tree were reduced , which indicated better reproduction for A. chensiensis at low elevations .

  16. 时间序列分析表明,在未来20、40和80年中,不同秦岭冷杉种群均会呈现老龄级株数先增后减的趋势,种群稳定性长期维持困难。

    The number difference among populations reflected the population habitat . Time sequence prediction indicated the numbers of old individuals would be increased at the beginning , and decreased finally in 20,40 , and 80 years .

  17. 在同样贮藏条件下,播种环境对种子的发芽率影响显著,质地疏松、透气性好的苗圃地有利于秦岭冷杉种子的萌发,其种子萌发率可达54%。

    Under the same storage conditions , seeding environments showed great effects on the germination ratio , and loosen , aerated or baked soil also promoted the germination of seeds , with the germinated ratio of above 54 % .

  18. 秦岭冷杉种群空间分布格局随海拔上升,聚集强度降低;聚集强度在海拔1300~1700m较小,在海拔1700~2100m地区较大;

    Abies chensiensis presented a spatial population distribution whose aggregating intensity declined with decreased altitude above sea level , low within 1 300 ~ 1 700 m above sea level and high within 1 700 ~ 2 100 m above sea level ;

  19. 核心区种子萌发率(38.1%)显著高于边缘区(13.8%),质量好于边缘区,表明核心区秦岭冷杉具有较优良的繁殖生物学特性。

    Germination rates of seeds from the core region ( 38.1 % ) were significantly better than those from the border area ( 13.8 % ) , which indicated that A. chensiensis in the core region had superior reproductive traits . 6 .

  20. 秦岭冷杉群落包含种子植物40科63属102种,可划分成11个地理区系成分,其中温带分布型属占84.21%,热带分布型属占15.79%,温带分布是群落的基本特性。

    In the A. chensiensis communities in the Qinling Mountains , we recorded 102 plant species , belonging to 63 genera and 40 families . Among them , the temperate geographical elements comprise 84.21 % , and the tropical geographical elements 15.79 % .

  21. 结果表明,与冷杉属其它树种相比,秦岭冷杉球果和种子较大、单果种子数较多,但空粒多、饱满度低。

    Through field investigations , laboratorial experiments and comparisons with other Abies , it was found that the cones and seeds of Abies chensiensis were bigger than other Abies species and had more seeds per cone but fewer full developed seeds per cone .